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Q: Is 7000 rmb a good salary to live in capital city of jiangxi province working from monday to friday

11 years 30 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - Guangzhou

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OK, I did not know that


LMAO Yes, a very informative 'question'

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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What are doing form Mon-Fri?



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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Yes it is I hope that answered your question!

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11 years 30 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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guangzhou is the capital of jiangxi?


what? ur kidding

11 years 29 weeks ago
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maggie dearest he posted this question in the guangzhou section.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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This is like Jeopardy - right? And we have to provide the question....ummmm....


How about - What's a typical salary for a sucky city like Nanchang?

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Could pay the rent, but have to eat off others


???? Nanchang is a cheap city.... 7000 will go a fair way, even after rent.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I live in Nanchang recently, the life cost is different from person to another, but general speaking, if you are going to be here alone 7000 is quite good, if you lived in other Chinese cities the cost here is similar, the apartment rent charges is lower, so that will help you to live in good place for low cost


For more information pls. feel free to contact with me

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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Ok lets be sure you understand what that is 7000 rmb thats about  $1125. UDS now if you are from China and can eat noodles all the time. I love noodles by the way then you may be alright. But if you try and buy western foods and party and all that then you may be close. If you have a family its not going to be enough to support 3-more people comfortablely in a western way. If this is 7000 after taxes which run around 20%. If you have to pay rent then that a big expense. A good scooter runs 3500 (500 usd) and can get you around nicely. Taxi run 12 rmb for local and up from there. So I dont need a car and the trians and subways a great. So if its just you and your looking for adventure then you might be alright on 7000. When and if you rent a place make sure the lease has a clause that if you lose your job that you can be released from the lease. Sound crazy but you can get in trouble if you have a problem. Hope this helps and best of luck.


It looks you are not living in Nanchang, in Nanchang the taxi open at 7 RMB not 12, and there is no subway here ;)

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 29 weeks ago
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In my opinion... it really depends on the job and the increments that go with it.
I was teaching as a native speaker in Nanning City and got 12000per month and an 2 bedroomed appartment TV Internet furniture and a bus pass.
Air fare home 2 times a year and some food was included in so far as I was able to attend many social functions with my friends and my boss, who loked to show off his English Professor of language.
Many Uni's offer a good package but yours may be ok for a single man remembering that a rented appartment when I first went to China's Green City, was 540 rmb per month inc bills>

Good luck!

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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