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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Do Chinese university grades reflect the truth?
I've heard so many rumors of Chinese universities, even the top ones (Beida and Qinghua), awarding an obscene amount of A grades to their students, I just have to ask: do they honestly reflect the reality?
You go in the top universities in Great Britain, Canada or the US, and a top grade is hard to get. Here, not getting an A seems to be the exception.
13 years 9 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - China
Well it's like this, it's very difficult to get into university in Asia but easy to pass it. In the West it's fairly easy to get in (comparatively) but difficult to pass.
I went to university in HK for one semester but I heard that almost no-one will fail even one class while there because it causes a lot of mafan for the professors who have to do the paperwork so they will just grade with a low score.
i guess u did some exchange in HK. exchange students indeed almost never fail, i think that would be bad for the relation between the 2 institutions, but if you are a normal degree student it is defenitely different and a lot of work...
will from my experiences (2 yrs hohhot) many students got low scores they even failed PE if they could make a certain number of shots in basketball, they cared nothing about their form which is the most important aspect of teaching sports. but i must say i grade very liberally because i am lazy. and i heard rumors at my school that some students were allowed to pay to have their scores changed. and twice i was asked to "forgive" students who cheated and were going to fail as a result(because their parents worked for the school). but i do have some integrity i said no both times which is why i left.
Absolutely their grades reflect the truth!!!
The truth that money is god, and a failed student means that the university won't receive any tuition fees for the next few years if they aren't there - so the students are passed to keep the money going.. no matter how badly the student is.
It also reflects the truth that money will buy you almost anything here.... (oh, wait - did I just say 'almost'??)
I would think it would depend on the university. Besides money can buy you anything anywhere. Everything material has a price, the question is can you meet the demand?
The Chinese professor female, now an American, wants to inflate female grades to get them to Study STEM subjects. I wonder how she got this great idea.
The women get more time than the men to finish the test. Excuse me, can I have a side of sexism for an appetizer, affirmative action for the main course, and for dessert a negative 20 grade score because I had the audacity to be born with a penis.
Liberals today are dumb shits which is why the Democratic party is impotent