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Q: Do you know Kung Fu? Want to learn?

I am a martial arts buff and I find there are two martial art variations worth learning in China. 


1) Wing Cheng - Or the martial art made famous by Bruce Lee and his master Ip Man. 


2) Sanda or Sanshou - A kind of variation of Muay Thai, Judo and Wu Shu. It is taught to the PLA and all police forces (worth training) in China.




I was thinking of going to one of those schools to study for a month or two, anyone here ever do that? If so, how was it? 


Are you planning on going at some point? Maybe we can group up and beat each other senseless! 

10 years 37 weeks ago in  Sports - China

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  Never studied it here but i've had not one but two martial arts teachers invite me to fight with them in their schools. You'd have thought that reaching such a level worthy of putting yourself in the position of teacher would lend a little humility to a person, but nope, these were arrogant arseholes eager to beat up a foreigner. I said no to the first invitation as it was made under friendly circumstances (even if it was pretty passive aggressive), but the second fella I accepted just out of sheer pride and annoyance, and 'cause I was drunk. Fortunately for me he let me off the hook. He bowed in a really f***ing patronizing way and said "Is ok, xiexie" and left. Wanker. So my advice is be careful in choosing your teacher or you might find one who's afraid you have a bigger nob than him and wants to kick you in it, then make you pay for the privilege.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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'Uechi Ryu' practitioner, here. Last time active some 20Y ago. Can count till 10 in Jap.angel. I'm in the 'don't move too much' mood. Cold weather!

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman