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Q: How to get to Suzhou from Shanghai?

I will be taking a bus from Zhejiang province to Shangahi. Once I get there how do I get to the train station that will take me to Suzhou?

10 years 13 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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You can buy a fast train ticket at either Shanghai Main Station (the ticket office is next to the station, not inside the station), or Shanghai Hong Qiao Station. The train takes 30 minutes. You can stop at Suzhou Main Station, then take the brand new subway to go to the old center, Mudu or Jinli Lake. You can stop at Suzhou Industrial Area, smaller, tidier station, and take bus 115 to reach the subway and Jinli Lake.

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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What I am asking is once I get off at the Shanghai south long distance bus station, how do I get to the train station that will take me to Suzhou? For example what subway line will take me there and what stop do I get off?


To go to Shanghai Main Station : Line 1, colored in red.
To go to Hong Qiao Train Station (which double as an airport, it's huge) : Line 2, colored in bright, light green

10 years 13 weeks ago
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From Shanghai South station, follow the signs to the metro (subway).  You can take line 1 to People's Square, then transfer to line 2 which will take you to Shanghai Hongqiao Rail station. (I've done this)  Alternatively, you can take line 3 to Zhongshan Park, then transfer to line 2 to get to Shanghai Hongqiao (this route looks shorter on the map, but I have no idea about the transfer from line 3 to line 2, as I've never done it before).  It's not hard, there are signs every few meters telling you which way to go.

10 years 13 weeks ago
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10 years 13 weeks ago
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What I am asking is once I get off at the Shanghai south long distance bus station, how do I get to the train station that will take me to Suzhou? For example what subway line will take me there and what stop do I get off?

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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What I am asking is once I get off at the Shanghai south long distance bus station, how do I get to the train station that will take me to Suzhou? For example what subway line will take me there and what stop do I get off?

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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If you are going to be at the South bus station, why not simply change buses at the bus station and take a bus to Suzhou.

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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dude,  look at the subway map in the station.  It tells you how to get anywhere in Shanghai.

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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Thank you everyone. It is all helpful.

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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Thank you everyone. It is all helpful.

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10 years 13 weeks ago
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this question page alone has made you earn 17 points...

are you so obsessed with points?

give me ur id and password I got a lot of questions in my mind. let me ask them from your id...



I am not sure why sometimes I push submit once and it post what I wrote many times. I write on here to get answers and to help others. I am not in it for the points.

10 years 13 weeks ago
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Well.. I am dumbstruck at how cool you sound even after reading my comments..

hats off to you...I was expecting @$@$@^&$^@*@^@$%*&%*@$& type of reply

And comments are all just for laughs, nothing serious...

10 years 13 weeks ago
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But if you have enough Internet points, you can eventually reach the final boss !

10 years 13 weeks ago
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Now this is what I call " hunny797 trolling".. guys don't allow this hunny797 to piss you off, look through his replies, he's just playing a mind game. Read his other replies and study it, just a guy who's feeding off negative attention and probably a guy with some ADHD issues

10 years 13 weeks ago
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you're the first person who has wasted so much of his time reading and trying to know about me...

And probably you will be the last.. 

10 years 13 weeks ago
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10 years 13 weeks ago
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