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Q: Is it me or what???

I went to Hooters, the restaurant, and OMG. I just have to be living in another reality. I ordered medium buffalo sauce on my wings thinking that they were going to have buffalo sauce on them. When I received my order the wings were plain and sauce-less. I told the bartender who took my order that my wings were made incorrectly. She told me that that is how the wings are suppose to be. I then tried to show her the picture on the menu and she just did not get it. She went to the back and brought me some type of thick paste that looked and smelled nothing like buffalo sauce. She finally called the manager and that didn't go anywhere either. She tries to explain buffalo sauce to me, an American who has eaten the same type of wings at this same restaurant chain in three different countries. She tells me that buffalo sauce is the name for all of the different sauces on the menu. No chick! Sauces is the name for all of the different sauces on the menu. The title of the sauce menu is Sauce. Its there, I swear, in big bold a$$ letters! WTF!


I would like everyone to stop right here and Google a Hooters menu. 


First off, I know what buffalo sauce is because I have been a fan of it since my early childhood. It is not the same as BBQ, Lemon Pepper, and/or Chipotle sauce. Buffalo, sauce is orange and it has a few levels of intensity: Hot, Medium, & Mild. But I don't even have say it, the pictures on the menu says it. This manager literally tried to tell me that BBQ sauce and buffalo sauce are the same. I think sometimes they hate to be out witted by a foreigner, especially if they are melanated, until they will do and say the most ridiculous things even when they know they are wrong. I have experienced this with my co-workers as well.


The most ridiculous part about it is that the wings had no sauce on them at all but I
 ordered medium sauce.



7 years 14 weeks ago in  General  - Shanghai

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Yes. It is you.

1. No dish has ever looked like the menu in history.
2. This is China not the good ole boy home range.

You need a serious attitude adjustment.

Hello, you are in a foreign country with a different culture.

If you've ever eaten Chinese food here in China you may have noticed that it isn't the same as your favourite sweet and sour chicken in hamburger-guo. What a surprise.

Few things are more annoying than (sorry friends, mostly Americans) incessantly whinging about how nothing is the same or as good as it is in the land of the free.

Spoiler Alert: this is a foreign country.

Why the fuck are you surprised?

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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You'll be complaining next that Starbucks in china don't do a Pumpkin Soice Latte...


or that the waitresses in Hooters in China don't fill their T-shirts,..,


You're not in AmeriKa now you know, TIC!


My favorite Starbucks drink is the White Chocolate Mocha and I was disappointed that it is not offered in China.  

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Yes. It is you.

1. No dish has ever looked like the menu in history.
2. This is China not the good ole boy home range.

You need a serious attitude adjustment.

Hello, you are in a foreign country with a different culture.

If you've ever eaten Chinese food here in China you may have noticed that it isn't the same as your favourite sweet and sour chicken in hamburger-guo. What a surprise.

Few things are more annoying than (sorry friends, mostly Americans) incessantly whinging about how nothing is the same or as good as it is in the land of the free.

Spoiler Alert: this is a foreign country.

Why the fuck are you surprised?

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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The Hooters in Pudong, Liujazui, right? (too many fakes in china, better be safe than sorry)



From a consumer's point of view you are correct. When I walk into a MacDonald and order a big Mac, I do expect it made to MacDonald's standard, because it is a franchise operation. Fortunately this is generally true with MacDonalds worldwide. I don't know what Hooter's difficulties are but here is a comment from the locals.


'Wanna guess why people go to Hooters? Because their waitresses are carefully selected, based on those three numbers (breast, waist, hip). The food there is so so. It is a place where foreigners go to flirt with girls'.


Is that a fair comment? You tell me after you have been there a few more times, should you decide to give them repeat businesses.



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7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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i like chocolate but i am poor in melatonin. Do we have a deal?

7 years 14 weeks ago
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cant afford it. Sorry, im poor

7 years 14 weeks ago
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Oh...Wow! Melatonin is very cheap. You can find it for less than 5 USD per bottle. If you cannot afford that then you definitely cannot afford what I have which is ME-LA-NIN. My MELANIN is worth almost 400 USD per gram. 

7 years 14 weeks ago
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400 per gramm and you still here talking about things no one gives a fuck? kudos 

7 years 14 weeks ago
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lol....and here we have a quarter of the world's population who want to get rid of it so they don't look like a peasant farmer. And they've never even heard of Meletard Unconscious Cult. Or the chosen lobsters who aren't Christian but quote biblical verses to refute a logical argument.....fuck i love living in China! (Sometimes)

7 years 14 weeks ago
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I want los pollos hermanos!That rocks!

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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This is the link for the Luijazui Hooters, there are more photos and a couple of comments from western customers who apparently value the atmosphere more. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Strange name, Buffalo Sauce.  Isn't a Buffalo one of those big-ass wild cow things that used to roam around in North America?  Why the fk name a sauce after them?  Especially sauce that goes on chicken.  Buffalo is closer to a cow.  Those beasts don't make any friggin' sauce.  

And as to your question,,, so what?  haha,, U expected to get what u get in the US somewhere in GookLandia?  haha,,, ok, well, that's a good idea.  But it might be best if you just haul balls outta Asia...  but if u stay,, word of advice,,, food is food and best not to over-examine / critique it here.

wanna hear something funny about food?  They used to didn't have any!  hehe. I met this old dude who used to tell me about how back in the 60's he used to eat grass and tree-bark,,, haha,, now that shit's funny!


It's called buffalo sauce because it was originally made in a restaurant in buffalo, New York. 

7 years 14 weeks ago
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You know you can make a cheese from buffalo milk?


The milk could be considered a 'sauce' :p

7 years 14 weeks ago
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I thought the sauce was made from buffalos. Imagine how disappointed i feel after reading this.

7 years 14 weeks ago
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Yeah, it's a bit deceptive if you don't know. 


When end I was a kid, and places would offer buffalo wings...  I thought that the wings came from the buffalo. Tried to figure out where they were hiding their tiny little wings. Of course, I think I was 5 years old at that time, but still...

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Hooters compared to KTV?


Better food, less sex. and customers get to be asswipes in a more public setting.

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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For someone that claims to be a seasoned traveler and served in shit holes like Afghanistan. .GI Jane sure act's like a Nòob .


New type of troll?

7 years 14 weeks ago
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Yeah, it's hard to believe that someone could be so vacuous, racist, arrogant and condescending if they had actually been to other countries before. This one is a new type of troll.....the kind that sticks a "kick me" sign to their own back.

7 years 14 weeks ago
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Well, if you ever get out of the big city and visit a 'Western Restaurant' in some small backwater town you're going to have your mind completely blown. Especially if you order the pizza.




More than any topping, I am always shocked by the sweet crust, why do they need to add sugar to something that was perfect without it?

7 years 14 weeks ago
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It's pizza with Chinese characteristics.

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Here's where you show more than ever that you're reallly not American. Hooters is not known for their food, hence the fucking name. It's a place for lonely loser men to go and the actresses/ models make them feel like big studs but only in the confines of Hooters and only as long as they tip big.


Yeah but if yer going to pay for food at a T&A's better to get a decent sized burger and fries for 200RMB at Hooters than a tray of fruit and peanuts at a KTV joint for 800RMB

..In the end, all T&A joints are sleazy scams.

7 years 14 weeks ago
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Seems to me like Chinese girls lack something to make Hooters in China worth the price anyway.



7 years 14 weeks ago
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I subscribe to thinking of "what will she look like in 30 years...big boobed girls tend to get pretty chunky 

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Yes, it's you. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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You should know better.











haha, says it all!  pizza is the truth!  I'm spoiled for pizza though cuz I spent time in Brooklyn in the 80's

7 years 14 weeks ago
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I love Chinese, they try so hard to imitate but they always fuck it up. It's the damn "chabuduo" culture . 


So to be honest, it is your fault? No. But in China it is, because you are a foreigner. 


They simply can not be correct for any colour or creed of foreigner. PERIOD. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Um, you do know Melatonin has nothing to do with skin colour or changing/maintaining skin colour, but is a naturally occuring hormone that all people produce in varying amounts and is connected with an individuals sleep pattern.


Whereas melanin is the pigment that gives your eyes, skin and hair their colour.

Freckles are caused by concentration of melanin in the skin - something that occurs naturally in all people.


so people, we are all proud melanated gods and goddess.


I happen to also be a white goddess who would only date intelligent men who have integrity, maturity and self-confidence.

I know this has nothing to do with the OP, but hey, if others can slip this sort of irrelevant BS into Q&A, I can too 






You... personality-ist!


Stupid, childish, ignorant men are people too, you know!


It's people like you who make this world better... and I'm disgusted by it!


Maybe in the future you could try being just a little more shallow, and tolerate morons. Trump deserves love too!

7 years 14 weeks ago
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I am not personality-ist

it is a fact that women who prefer stupid ignorant childish men just have a fetish.

bible quote, bible quote, bible quote.

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 13 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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