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Q: 981977405 you remember this troll ?

Don't worry he is around and with a new back story.
Funny how admin just deleted that 981977405 account so we can't put 2 and 2 together.

7 years 4 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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the recent 'obscenities' (if you could actually call them such), were initiated by a certain now-silent 'ngo' (allegedly) poster, and were very racist and personal in tone.

I know it ticked him off that he incorrectly directed anti-British/American racist comments against me, and i have no problem with them being left there for all to see

I sincerely hope you did not think people would take these comments lying down.


comments like these should not be harmonised but left for all to see as an example of how some posters think fit to behave - especially when they hypocritically call others 'bottom-feeders'. it was a clear case of 'pot/kettle'


just because said poster seems to have reverted back to his stalkerish 'down-thumbing' mode is no reason to remove his comments



Here, have a stalkerish upvote to balance the thumbs down that are sure to arrive any minute.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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What I wonder is... if Ted didn't destroy his nonsense story and expose him for the muppet he is, would all of those posts have been harmonized?


If he was still pretending to be the bigshot and putting people down, insulting people etc instead of just grinding his teeth and dealing the red thumb of frustrated anger would the online fights be allowed to continue?





7 years 4 weeks ago
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I'm open to suggestions. If you would point out any posts from him that you believe are offensive or vulgar, please let me know and I will double check them. I cannot always read through every single post so thoroughly. Thank you for any input you may have!

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Thumb up from me. Trump says we can be non PC now. Admin has no right to suppress freedom of speech. So let the bad words roll. Trump equals freedom. Freedom from PC and no big government. Grumpy cat is ECC big government. Why ask him to censor?

7 years 4 weeks ago
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197 posts Re: I don't condone violence from either si... (6 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: What a nasty person. But no matter ho... (4 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: Obviously it was delivered.... (2 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: If a school tells you this, it is just a... (3 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: haha, I asked this question just in the ... (2 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: I think that post just made no sense. It... (5 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I suspect the OP is on a spouse visa and... (6 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I had one a couple of years back that... (5 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I don't condone violence from either si... (6 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: Yes Mr Scots, marcos is projecting. Proj... (3 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Are ECC raincoats any good? (7 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Am I Wrong? : iWolf is done with troll-baiting a particular member. (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: In your face racism and xenophobia? (14 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Bring Back Phil and Save ECCC (14 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Further to the discussion about what could make this joint better (12 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: What really gets my goat in China? (17 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: For me it's elevator etiquitte. I work i... (3 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Bear with me please, fine people (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: SEX and The EChina Cities (7 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Am I wrong? (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › last »

7 years 4 weeks ago
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@ Phil

i still say leave the posts for all to read, and don't block access to the associated questions.

i don't mind having some sad-sack having his rants left on.

This might seem petty, but better to be up-front about what is not considered acceptable on a forum than censor and delete.


7 years 4 weeks ago
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OK, so the constant profanity will be edited out of posts. That includes all the usual suspects in terms of vulgar words, I don't think I need to be more clear than that.


Overtly racist remarks will be deleted. Period.


Absolute trashing of new users will be deleted.


Other than those few rules really everything has been more or less ok on here lately. 


Please just try to keep the swearing, new-user bashing, and racism off of here.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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I hope you do realize the very meaning of "viral" or going "viral" that ensures the success of any online endeavor. Although I don't condone swearing and other such things, you cannot be that moral stage to decide what is correct and what is not except for yourself. 


One common aspect of this expat site is that there always were bad apples that were simply removed by the good ones, only because they couldn't contaminate with their toxicity the environment as recently we have been through. It is a natural pace that this toxicity vanishes away, in the end, and no one could miss its absence at all. Thus, the harmonizing outcome it happens very naturally indeed . 


On your efforts to pretend to keep this place "Zen" you will be surprised that even those who are natural, honest, human, sensible, sensitive, real -no sort of Shakes-peare interuptus , an intellectual castration complex - might abandon the webiste.


The imposition through your adminanswer job doesn't have to be but for yourself since you proved already to have mistaken the Blondie's claims of offenses for something rather polite this much that you've required proves. 


The Shakes-speare interruptus - something this much I can come up about that guy- , the same Blondie speaks about, was a very offensive to her while she uncovered in one of her answers how Chinese colleagues sexually harassed her. That guy instead of showing respect at her at least, proved so taking advantage to further humiliate her and confused her story for a chance to vulnerable her more through humiliating assumptions. 


That guy proved to be an abuser on many tracks and so, I personally don't miss him and so I assume a few more if not many feel released to have him ousted away from this site.. 

7 years 4 weeks ago
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the comments i received from a certain faker in response to my discourse on sexual harassment in the work-place didn't bother me in the least.

i had laughed over the incidents i described many times with friends because the 'men/childs' i was describing were nothing but cowards who i put in their place - in a public setting.

it was just meant as an illustration of why i don;t accept being BSed by anyone. (censor this comment Admin), and why tact and courtesy is sometimes lost on some Chinese people when you try to 'spare their feelings'

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Should be a 3 week break till it shows up again

7 years 4 weeks ago
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"One common aspect of this expat site is that there always were bad apples that were simply removed by the good ones, only because they couldn't contaminate with their toxicity the environment as recently we have been through. It is a natural pace that this toxicity vanishes away, in the end, and no one could miss its absence at all. Thus, the harmonizing outcome it happens very naturally indeed "



I disagree...


Some bad apples came and went... and some stayed.


Some good apples came.... and went.




7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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Don't tell me his newest snowflake incarnation was the subject of a thread that was deleted overnight?


Which thread was deleted? All the harmony has left me unable to keep up.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Oh look the red thumb of denial has arrived. Lol Yes idiot we are laughing at you because we are amused that a low level life form like yourself thinks that you are important. .lol

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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Not sure if I remember that one, what was his backstory?




An American Pompous trumpet blower that was so humbled by how the Chinese held him with high esteem and gifted him with various accolades. Not to far removed from this incarnation. I would say go have a read but i tipped my hand a few weeks back so admin made it all disappear. You might also want to read the now emperors who doesn't have a name . This stuff has been going on for years

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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Phil has the old post you revived questioning Admin's inactivity been removed?

i thought i read a 4 year old post on the front page here that you re-commented on a few hours ago - and now it has been removed ????


am i seeing things or has censoring on this forum become more overt with a new Admin?


Congrats ECC - you are contributing to the demise of this site, which apparently is only good for posts that do not question what is happening either in China or this site.


I noticed yesterday quite a few old posts on the front page. They'd obviously had new comments...that had been deleted. 

7 years 4 weeks ago
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and i notice a certain poster has ceased to post.........

must have all been too much for him

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Had a cry to admin (talked to himself) then threw his toys out of the pram because no one was impressed by the adsurd backstory he created. Thr midget maradona in macau merely mused many meaningless monotonous monologues mainly as mental masturbation.Meh!!

7 years 4 weeks ago
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great alliteration iWolf 

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Iwolf is Batman ?

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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And WTF? Vicky's latest boyfriend saga got harmonised?

Where did they find this clown who's so pleased with himself that he loves the delete button? My guess, at the circus, driving a little red car with 6 of his mates.


it is the lack of consistency with the Admin's that is the most frustrating thing.

In a way i am not surprised they don't seem to last more than 3 months.


A good site Admin engages with the site users, especially with those who have reasonable ideas as to how to make the site a better place.

ignoring/censoring (reasonable) posters, especially in the random way it has been happening here, does nothing to enhance the reputation of a site.


equally the questionable quality of the articles displays an inconsistency of direction.


i would love to know who the target demographic for this site is

7 years 4 weeks ago
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I believe the desired target demographic is dwarf bondage clowns. Instead they get a bunch of cynical people. Because karma.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Looks like everything from Vicky is gone

7 years 4 weeks ago
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The forum management borders on Rainman level genius but without the card skills. Censor a member that generates a lot ot comments and visits. Let some jerks have a free reign. ***Please note that Admin harmonised this comment to ensure unicorns, snowflakes, and diminutive Argentinian ngo executives weren't offended. I should be offended that it was edited. I'm actually offended that I'm not offended by this offence but I'm just not that soft.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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It should not have been harmonized.


Try this link.


7 years 4 weeks ago
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Hey Admin, why don't you acknowledge an edit or change you make in a comment? Because, you know, a user writes a comment with something in mind and by changing it without acknowledgement you change the intent.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Hey iWolf, why don't you not use so much profanity in your comments and perhaps find a different way of expressing yourself so that I don't have to edit your comments.  I will try to remember to make a note that says "Edited for...." at the bottom of edited posts from now on.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Thanks Mr Admin.....what do you mean by profanity? I don't think i use the F word or the C word very often, if at all. By profanity, you must mean the word Marcos that you replaced with Jerk in the comment above.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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If we say something like... (insert name here) is a plucking banker, or a wuckfit, or a grunt who tells massive pork pies.....  would that be ok?


I've often wondered exactly what the rules are :)

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Since we have admins attention. about addressing the complaints or the original question would be nice.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Do you want my honest answer to that? 


Because, if I told you that I honestly haven't the slightest idea who that user is then you wouldn't believe me anyway. So to be frank it seems like a waste of time.


But, I do not have any idea who that user is...981977405. I honestly don't and I don't know what connect to any current user it has.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Fair enough. ..just seams strange that user 981777405 just disappeared from the register after i mentioned it the other week .

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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Can someone please point out my profanity or blasphemy in this thread? I am too much of a Luddite to figure it out. (Oh no, is that racist against Luddites? If so, apologies to any Luddites on the site.)


None that I know. Besides I cannot understand why someone would re-edit a comment of a user. Such  a disappointment anyway! Where does that entitlement come from?

7 years 4 weeks ago
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The entitlement comes from this person being a new admin of the forum. The sense of entitlement is a whole different story. Should we start a sweepstake about how long this one will last? I'll put wumao on 44 days (just for luck).

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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We all know how this site works.


Grumpy cat is an American Intern. Probably has a guitar and a deck, living the dream. No risk because his maw and paw have property in Texas.


DId have.


Grumpy is a white snowflake, it has all been given to him on a plate. So let's make him suffer. He is capitalizing on the hard work of his God fearing white hard working parents.  Of course his parents are conservative. Only conservatives are rich.


How the fuck can libtards be rich?


They are all on the social. They trade food stamps for drugs.


The white wing say kids have to learn, to be taught with the rod. They should be cast adrift. Ivanka, Jared... no fucking gap year for you. But here is a few million to set up a handbag range.


Admin has to agree with us. We are the white elite. The newspaper editors are white, the managers are white, the interns are white. Snowflakes.


You see, the right wing prefer to demonise normal people rather than admit to being racist. They will shout out "NIgger lover" to a normal person, rather than admit their totally stupid and utterly stupid hatred.


The Nazis are not normal. The KKK are not normal. The racists are not normal.Normal people can't see what you racist fucks insist is there. 


They are sick nasty evil bastards.


And they seem to assume that this is a white only forum 



Ehhhh uuummmm ????????.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Nice answer Scots. Have a green thumb of hope. Just one question, what are you trying to say?

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Ohh what the hell....have a green thumb from me too. Even if i haven't got a clue what you are on about

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Hey dudes. I drink whisky.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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the recent 'obscenities' (if you could actually call them such), were initiated by a certain now-silent 'ngo' (allegedly) poster, and were very racist and personal in tone.

I know it ticked him off that he incorrectly directed anti-British/American racist comments against me, and i have no problem with them being left there for all to see

I sincerely hope you did not think people would take these comments lying down.


comments like these should not be harmonised but left for all to see as an example of how some posters think fit to behave - especially when they hypocritically call others 'bottom-feeders'. it was a clear case of 'pot/kettle'


just because said poster seems to have reverted back to his stalkerish 'down-thumbing' mode is no reason to remove his comments



Here, have a stalkerish upvote to balance the thumbs down that are sure to arrive any minute.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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What I wonder is... if Ted didn't destroy his nonsense story and expose him for the muppet he is, would all of those posts have been harmonized?


If he was still pretending to be the bigshot and putting people down, insulting people etc instead of just grinding his teeth and dealing the red thumb of frustrated anger would the online fights be allowed to continue?





7 years 4 weeks ago
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I'm open to suggestions. If you would point out any posts from him that you believe are offensive or vulgar, please let me know and I will double check them. I cannot always read through every single post so thoroughly. Thank you for any input you may have!

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Thumb up from me. Trump says we can be non PC now. Admin has no right to suppress freedom of speech. So let the bad words roll. Trump equals freedom. Freedom from PC and no big government. Grumpy cat is ECC big government. Why ask him to censor?

7 years 4 weeks ago
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197 posts Re: I don't condone violence from either si... (6 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: What a nasty person. But no matter ho... (4 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: Obviously it was delivered.... (2 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: If a school tells you this, it is just a... (3 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: haha, I asked this question just in the ... (2 answers)Aug 24, 2017Re: I think that post just made no sense. It... (5 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I suspect the OP is on a spouse visa and... (6 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I had one a couple of years back that... (5 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: I don't condone violence from either si... (6 answers)Aug 23, 2017Re: Yes Mr Scots, marcos is projecting. Proj... (3 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Are ECC raincoats any good? (7 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Am I Wrong? : iWolf is done with troll-baiting a particular member. (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: In your face racism and xenophobia? (14 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Bring Back Phil and Save ECCC (14 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Further to the discussion about what could make this joint better (12 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: What really gets my goat in China? (17 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: For me it's elevator etiquitte. I work i... (3 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Bear with me please, fine people (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: SEX and The EChina Cities (7 answers)Aug 22, 2017Re: Am I wrong? (9 answers)Aug 22, 2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › last »

7 years 4 weeks ago
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@ Phil

i still say leave the posts for all to read, and don't block access to the associated questions.

i don't mind having some sad-sack having his rants left on.

This might seem petty, but better to be up-front about what is not considered acceptable on a forum than censor and delete.


7 years 4 weeks ago
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OK, so the constant profanity will be edited out of posts. That includes all the usual suspects in terms of vulgar words, I don't think I need to be more clear than that.


Overtly racist remarks will be deleted. Period.


Absolute trashing of new users will be deleted.


Other than those few rules really everything has been more or less ok on here lately. 


Please just try to keep the swearing, new-user bashing, and racism off of here.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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I hope you do realize the very meaning of "viral" or going "viral" that ensures the success of any online endeavor. Although I don't condone swearing and other such things, you cannot be that moral stage to decide what is correct and what is not except for yourself. 


One common aspect of this expat site is that there always were bad apples that were simply removed by the good ones, only because they couldn't contaminate with their toxicity the environment as recently we have been through. It is a natural pace that this toxicity vanishes away, in the end, and no one could miss its absence at all. Thus, the harmonizing outcome it happens very naturally indeed . 


On your efforts to pretend to keep this place "Zen" you will be surprised that even those who are natural, honest, human, sensible, sensitive, real -no sort of Shakes-peare interuptus , an intellectual castration complex - might abandon the webiste.


The imposition through your adminanswer job doesn't have to be but for yourself since you proved already to have mistaken the Blondie's claims of offenses for something rather polite this much that you've required proves. 


The Shakes-speare interruptus - something this much I can come up about that guy- , the same Blondie speaks about, was a very offensive to her while she uncovered in one of her answers how Chinese colleagues sexually harassed her. That guy instead of showing respect at her at least, proved so taking advantage to further humiliate her and confused her story for a chance to vulnerable her more through humiliating assumptions. 


That guy proved to be an abuser on many tracks and so, I personally don't miss him and so I assume a few more if not many feel released to have him ousted away from this site.. 

7 years 4 weeks ago
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the comments i received from a certain faker in response to my discourse on sexual harassment in the work-place didn't bother me in the least.

i had laughed over the incidents i described many times with friends because the 'men/childs' i was describing were nothing but cowards who i put in their place - in a public setting.

it was just meant as an illustration of why i don;t accept being BSed by anyone. (censor this comment Admin), and why tact and courtesy is sometimes lost on some Chinese people when you try to 'spare their feelings'

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Should be a 3 week break till it shows up again

7 years 4 weeks ago
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"One common aspect of this expat site is that there always were bad apples that were simply removed by the good ones, only because they couldn't contaminate with their toxicity the environment as recently we have been through. It is a natural pace that this toxicity vanishes away, in the end, and no one could miss its absence at all. Thus, the harmonizing outcome it happens very naturally indeed "



I disagree...


Some bad apples came and went... and some stayed.


Some good apples came.... and went.




7 years 4 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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do not remove the so-called 'obscenities' or 'vulgarities' - otherwise this site will be no better than a country that blocks sites because of 'hurt feelings'.


let such posters be visible for all to see, so the comments can be there for future reference - some alias's have been 'outed' as being fake, and this can only be done by having previous comments available.


personally my feelings were not hurt because the said poster was so pathetic and his insults were so predictable (my own grandmother could have done a better job)


this is a site of sharing experiences, wumao's and all - posters on here are very capable of rooting out the fake.




This gets back to what the site is for, and who is expected & wanted to be its members.


While highlighting the crap and making it visible, it also would put off some people who would see it as condoning that sort of language, and those attitudes.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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I agree and disagree Blondie.


When I had the ability to unpublish,  the policy of the grumpy cat of the time was no. Nothing was to be unpublished without his say so. Because every post counted towards his quota.


Then I got a pm from a young dude who had posted a negative post about a school. He said he was in a complex situation, and he had made the post in the heat of the moment. He wanted his release letter.


Grumpy of the time said no. Do not unpublish.


I unpublished. And resigned my usermod status the next day. I am still a WeChat friend with that young dude by the way, he is doing great. Just got married. And is still in china.


He had tried to use ECC against his old school.I removed the thread. He got his release letter.


Censorship no, but sensible moderation yes.

7 years 4 weeks ago
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Thanks for confirming what we all suspected that admin has a click quota . No wonder that admin last year asked where we all went. I don't think this admin will achieve anymore than their predecessors have

7 years 3 weeks ago
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7 years 4 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77