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Q: Any virgin expats in China?

A white man told me that there is no virgin expats in the city of where I live. This guy sometimes got random girls talking to her in the public places and ask him for sex. So he told me it is impossible to have virgin expats here.


Also, I got a white friend who has never had a girlfriend before. But he has already lost his virginity in China because there was a girl just wanted to get laid and he did not resist, so that happened.


I do wanna know if there are virgin expats in China.

Or do you know any foreigners here can still hold back from sex until marriage?


(If you are this precious rare species, please do not hesitate to drop me a line on here!)






11 years 44 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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I doubt there are any virgin expat males in China. Men that come to China have enough life experience to travel, they are not little boys. If you want to meet a virgin ask matty, he has to read the directions on a condom box.


Condom boxes have directions?

Learn something new every day...

11 years 44 weeks ago
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acording to matty , read:

11 years 44 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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I would say this would be rarer than a four leaf clover.

The only exception would be a nerd fresh off the plane...just finished college and got a job here.  But I promise you this will not last long and once they found a girl to do the deed they will change and turn into a very different person with their new found confidence.

The real question is why are you looking for a virgin foreigner?


Yeah, I always thought some guys like that were pathetic. No need to be an asshole to some naive young woman just because suddenly you've discovered what sex is like. Course when they go home they never get laid again. 

11 years 44 weeks ago
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yeah  virgin can only exist in kindergartan

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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I dont know about other countries, but in america the average age people lose their virginity is somewhere around 17. Those late bloomers that lose it later is usually during college years. So finding virgin in the US post-college age is a rarity.


Since the youngest age (in most cases) that people move to china to live is post college age, the likelihood of finding a foreign virgin is pretty low


Those that do wait til marriage usually are doing it for religious reasons, and for the most part, they arent the type to move to china. If they are the type to move to china is probably also for religious reasons, but those types often come with their spouse.



I would suggest that almost 100% of 17 year old boys will claim to have had sex with at least one or even 100 different girls. 

All 20 year old college students will claim this. 


I would suggest that it's much more common to find a young western man (25 and under) who is still a 'virgin' (if men can be called that).


Religious people. It could be said almost all westerners who travel to China are 'somewhat religious' or have a 'religious tradition' if only by family heritage and not practice.

        Some are more dedicated adherents putting some effort into practicing their religion and WILL TRAVEL AND WORK IN CHINA LIKE ANYONE ELSE WOULD.

In 'Secular jobs'.


Honestly are you high?

11 years 44 weeks ago
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yeah, right...Mormon do....

11 years 23 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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Obviously, the OP is a virgin and looking for a virgin mate.  Judging by her name, she must be religious.  Why not check some churches?  Thats your best bet.  Without religious reasons, there is very little incentive for a foreigner to stay a virgin in China.  There are just too many girls seeking the attention of foreigners here.   I don't think you will find any.  You are better off looking for Chinese boys.

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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Honestly, Lili, I don't think your odds are very good, on this one.


There are plenty of guys who wait - and do remember that 'foreigner' as you'cve used it is a word which describes people from hundreds of countries - but I'd say they are unlikely to be trawling this website looking for a partner.


Nonetheless, good luck. 

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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Apart from religious grounds I cannot see the attraction for a man or a woman, of having a virginal partner.


If you're a man, surely, you want a partner who knows how to have fun (in the bedroom) and that you are mutually sexually compatible, even more so if you're a virgin yourself. If you're a woman well the same applies but even more so if you're a virgin as by all accounts that first time can be traumatic if not handled carefully. 

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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I don't know anybody who has even finished high school without losing their virginity. Most my friends lost it in Junior High(guys and gals).

So the chances are slim I think, but possible.

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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What about reborn virgin?  I am a reborn virgin.

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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I'm a virgin, but I'm also a girl. Good luck on finding a nice guy. I didn't even get a boyfriend while I was in China.


A Western Virgin girl enlightened

11 years 44 weeks ago
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I'm also a girl.

Can we be friends? haha

11 years 44 weeks ago
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Can I be the pizza guy?

11 years 44 weeks ago
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I would like to friends with the both of you's, i'm a virgin male haha.

11 years 44 weeks ago
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I knew I would get a lot of weird comments. no

11 years 44 weeks ago
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Jnusb416, how many dollars u want?

11 years 44 weeks ago
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@LAOBAO,  virginity is priceless, only free for the right guy 

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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i'm a virgin  . we can deflower each otherlaugh


Yes, I am also a.. virgin.. why not do the reasonable thing and... 3p? It is a memory to share for a life time. frown

11 years 44 weeks ago
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2 girls and me. never 2 guys and a girl

11 years 43 weeks ago
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2 girls 1 crimochina?

11 years 43 weeks ago
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it's not as much fun as it sounds, just costs twice as much.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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ted it was for me but not something i would do again (unless i was back in santo domingo)

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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well crimo already admitted that he was and his best friend ted d bayer probably is too. That's what endless hours trying to get laid does to you you end up like them. 


you probably have been locked up your entire life, haven't you?

11 years 44 weeks ago
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says the boy who has to read instructions on condoms every time he self entertains.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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I was a virgin when I came to China (at the age of 15).

I was far from being one when I left.


I just realized this sounds a bit wrong:

I don't mean this in a demeaning way towards Chinese women. I truly respect them.

What I mean is that I'm awesome as hell. But you already knew that.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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You received your real education in china 

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 44 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago

Be reasonable, but if you can't be reasonable be gone.

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I know 2 foreign guys in China that are virgins.  I can honestly say that even though girls chase them all the time, they have never even thought of sex.


Of course, they are only 4 years old, but Dang, they are cute!  :)

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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there are two types of men in the world: ones who are not virgins, and ones who can't get laid.  

there are two types of women in the world:  girls who are not virgins, and girls who have been tricked by society and that it is better to wait until marriage.  Many paranoid men try to trick women into keeping it until they get married because they are afraid they will be compared to the other men the women have been with. Some how the more male dominated a society it the more women are convinced they need to be virgins even though it is fine for men to go to prostitutes.   I think it is better for everyone if everyone just gets laid.  Oh but make sure you use protection.  


There is a flaw in your thinking. Some people choose to not have sex, despite knowing how to practice safe sex. I know all the risks, physically and emotionally, and have chosen to abstain for the time being. That may change if I meet the right person.

11 years 43 weeks ago
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Jnusb416, you must be the second type

11 years 10 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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there are two types of men in the world: ones who are not virgins, and ones who can't get laid.  

there are two types of women in the world:  girls who are not virgins, and girls who have been tricked by society and that it is better to wait until marriage.  Many paranoid men try to trick women into keeping it until they get married because they are afraid they will be compared to the other men the women have been with. Some how the more male dominated a society it the more women are convinced they need to be virgins even though it is fine for men to go to prostitutes.   I think it is better for everyone if everyone just gets laid.  Oh but make sure you use protection.  

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I imagine some of those Mormons and other missionaries who get sent here on recruiting assignments make a habit of holding out.


Aside from them, it takes a fairly adventurous person to choose China for their overseas travel. This type of person is pretty likely to have already indulged in most of life's basic pleasures by that point.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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There are alot of devout Muslims studying and working in China.


As a Catholic I wish I could say the same for us... lol.


Are you saying you live in nunnery?


Or with alot of liberal Muslims?



11 years 43 weeks ago
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11 years 43 weeks ago
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You best be trolling, yo.


But seriously, check out some church groups. Doesn't necessarily dictate that everyone you chat to will actually be what you're looking for but might be a start.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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I was a virgin until I came to China 18 months ago.  A self-proclaimed "Traditional Chinese girl" suggested we drink some schliu wine and then damn near raped me!

Despite being shocked, I enjoyed every minute of it and over the next two weeks she could not get enough. Then she announced that I was being used as her "sexual trainer" and she only wanted to marry me if I bought a 7 million home for her in Chaoyang Park.  Chinese girls are very clever at hiding their real intentions and motives.

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11 years 43 weeks ago
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hmm,in china ? the person who never got a chance .may be virgin ,everyone try his best

and 97 percent expate have sex in china,it can be through a love story or get a prostitute,lol

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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i am virginnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,broken heartheart

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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This question is really another difference between east and west. I know in America you are expected to have sex when you are younger. At about 16 years old you have peer pressure to get a girlfriend and have sex with her, just like Chinese girls who are 30 and not married have pressure to get married. Having said that, do not let all of this discourage you from dating a foreign man, we are good people.


The question  is equal to "are there any aliens on the planet".

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 26 weeks ago
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Post this in the dating section not the questions section for god's sake, please.  


If you only want to date virgins (good luck with that btw) then you'll have to find either a religious guy, or someone really ugly.  

You're problem is you want a western guy buy you don't want his western culture.  Unless they're religious they're probably going to have had sex.  If he's religious enough to not have sex before marriage then he's probably only going to marry someone who believes what he believes.  So unless you're willing to join the church , wake up and stop being a so naive.   

You shouldn't date foreigners! I don't care who thumbs this down, but you're not mentally suitable to date foreigners.  You still think sex is bad and all foreigners just want sex.  While that may be true for a lot of expats here, you can't say all are like that.  The fact that you're not religious (correct me if I'm wrong) and don't want sex before marriage proves you're not mentally suitable to date foreigners because, surprise surprise, westerns are more open that you are.  

 The only foreigners I know (in the world, not China, and not your little city) who haven't had sex, are religious, and they only marry inside their church.   So grow up and deal with the fact that foreigners have sex.   In fact, most Chinese have sex now!!!!  Go look in the countryside for a traditional Chinese guy. 





relax, 17 weeks ago...she is probably not here now lol I login for your answer to this question, nice one!

11 years 26 weeks ago
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WTF?  Who keeps digging up old questions??? Idiots

11 years 26 weeks ago
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I'm a 22 y/o virgin, not for religious purposes. I'm afraid to tell anyone this in China, since I've found upsetting the American stereotype does me nothing but harm.

11 years 26 weeks ago
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11 years 26 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77