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Q: Anyone got a yogurt maker?

Best yogurt I ever had was thick and creamy (sweet and savory). Two places come to mind: Norway and Greece.  For the sweet-tooth, add nuts, berries, other fruit, dried cereal to the stuff and it makes a great breakfast or snack.

Or keep the sugar out, add some garlic, salt, cucumber, dill and sour cream, and you've got a good tzatziki sauce for lamb or other meats or fresh green salads.

Now to my question.

Anyone here on the board got a yogurt maker? I'm thinking of buying one to make the kind of yogurt that I've described above. Thick and creamy. (Really dislike the thin yogurt drinks that are popular in this country.)

Any maker brand recommendations? Thanks.

10 years 48 weeks ago in  Food  - China

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Yeah I bought mine on this site is easy to use, just sign up for a Bank of China account and apply for online banking and get your keychain pin code tool from the bank and start ordering. The bank can help you learn how to use taobao

Your yogurt maker is here:


Does it work well? Is the machine easy to use? Do you get thick and creamy yogurt? Really don't care for the thin, watery stuff that passes for yogurt here...

Thanks, man.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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It works great, it's not thin or too hick, its perfect, it best to choose the most popular one on taobao. Ask a chinese friend to help you with how to click "most popular" yogurt maker.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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10 years 48 weeks ago
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I am making yogurt with mixing cow's milk and few spoons of Carrefour Chinese yogurt. After few days in warm spot, mix is very similar to Carrefour's yogurt. Next time I will get the most expensive (the thickest, I hope!) Chinese yogurt for mix.


the one filled with more starch than yogurt ? 

10 years 48 weeks ago
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Yea, I just dissolve some...I know! I heard, that spoon of vinegar will also turn milk into yogurt.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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Who 'thumbs downs' good advice ???

10 years 48 weeks ago
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Who thumbs down good advice? Dickheads and wumao. I just thumbed up all two of my responses. Thanks, boys.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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You will not make true yogurt using vinegar. Yogurt is a culture.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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Yeah, it is a beginning of new, milk culture, as soon as you add vinegar. I've never tried.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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10 years 48 weeks ago
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I have to try it ... Heat the fresh milk ( long-life milk not work! ) to about 40*C and mix in the yogurt. let it cool down slowly and tight close leave for overnight. maybe 2 days will be better. 


I buy fresh milk in the plastic bags on the open market. My first taste of Xinjiang milk, I thought it is sheep's. This milk is low in fat I guess, because 'green pastures' are rare here in N. Xinjiang.


So, I cook milk to the boiling point, and then let it cool. Few hours later, I add few spoons of yogurt, and leave it outside fridge for two days (it's better). It is not thick yogurt (because of low fat milk). Fridge it, and use it.


Butt.....'how to pour milk from ordinary plastic bag to a dish for boiling without spilling it!'......That's my next 'goal' in yogurt making process

10 years 48 weeks ago
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Good luck with your next point :-)))


 I was buying fresh milk from shops, in paper or plastic can. it last 5 days as max. But sometiems the taste was very weird, strong taste, like if you just powder medicine pills in milk and mix it. So when there is a offer, I get SUKI brand milk. is not fresh, but at least safer. For yogurt myself, I am buying some, don't know what brand. it comes in white can with black letters, and under the plastic lid is a spoon , and , small bag of honey. cost is around 7-8rmb... In yiwu i could buy everyday fresh yogurt from xinjiang shops, but in  SH is hard to discover anything like this :(

10 years 48 weeks ago
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Good to know about Xinjiang yogurt in Yiwu. My cowgirls come to the market every day after 5pm. They carry milk in steel (tin) containers. Once, they are in 'touch down' on the market, they use 'shovels' to put milk into the plastic bags. 1 bag = 1 l (I guess!) for 6 Rmb. They tie bag with the knot on the top. 

I am holding knot part of the bag w/ milk over the dish. With another hand, I cut one of the corners on the bottom of the bag, and milk leak into the dish. Spilling will always happened, if you don't cut corner on the plastic bag in the right anglesurprise

10 years 48 weeks ago
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@Ness. The milk in small plastic bags easily takes taste from the other stuff in the fridge. We've had a bad event with durian being in our fridge. Imagine how sad I have been getting up in the morning wanting a glass of fresh cold milk. Now the wife is only allowed to eat during if I am in a coma or she eats it in the balcony. 

10 years 47 weeks ago
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Most of the food in the fridge should be covered. If you put sliced onion in the fridge uncovered overnight, everything else uncovered in the fridge will have 'onion smell/taste'! Even the ice in the freezer.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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10 years 48 weeks ago
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We have one. As Ness & Icnf write you can achieve the same without a dedicated machine for it, but the yogurt maker is less likely to fail and you get a repeatable process. I've tried with both UHT milk and fresh milk, there is no big difference in the result. Fat contents of the milk seems to be more important, can't tell you if lower or higher fat is better, it's a matter of personal preference. 


You need to remember to get some "culture" for your yogurt. 


When you have your home made yogurt, adding some fruit juice can make it more interesting to eat. 


or dates and dried apricots. ...and other 'wild' fruit from Xin apply too.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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10 years 48 weeks ago
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Make it yourself, I do and have for many years. Try this. get milk as much as you would like for yogurt. put it in a glass container and put it in the microwave or cooker and bring it to 170 F-77c. let cool to 100F-38C and keep i there for about five hours. If you have an gas oven with pilot flame or an electric oven with with a bulb. I use a 25watt bulb. If you have any of the above check the temperature in your oven with a pilot flame or electric oven with a bulb. Check with a thermometer if either are a little to hot open the door a little. until you get close to 100F. Experiment, it is fun.

Forgot, when the milk is at 100F put two table spoons of cultured yogurt in the milk and mix wall. Keep a little of the batch so you can use it in the next batch.

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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I make Yoghurt; in my house, 3 to 4 times a week.

All kinds of Milk;' fresh or Long Time are OK.

Just heat milk for some time; and put one spoon of yoghurt and keep it in for about 6 hours; yogurt is ready.

If weather is cold; wrap your utensil with some warm cloth

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10 years 42 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77