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Q: Business threat for foreigners?

Hello everyone,

I've been lurking here for some time, but never found any pertinent questions that haven't been asked already. But this time it's different.

It's been a few months that I'm in Beijing, and so far so good. Apart for people looking at me with a hint of curiosity sometimes, I can say I've been as much incognito as a foreigner can be here. Got a nice local girlfriend, and she started to open up a few weeks ago. I didn't even have to buy an iPad for her to put up, and she quickly become "addicted" hehehe.

So last week, i went off to buy some toys to spice up the fun. Of course she agreed. I went into this shady place (as shady as those stores in Oklahoma, so it's no big deal) and bought some of the things that could be fun under the cover. Everything went well, got home, giftwrapped everything, opened a nice bottle of wine and prepared a dinner by the candlelight, everything was supposed to be perfect. Girlfriend and I ate, drank a lot, she unwrapped the package, wanted to try asap.

But things got bad. One of the silicone object had some piece of metal stucked in it. the sharp kind. We didn't realized until it was too late. She got a cut, started screaming, but she didn't want to go to the hospital, said she would lose face, it was too embarassing. I completely panicked, tried to suck the blood off, it made things worse.

The day later, i went back to the store, really mad, and asked to the clerk wtf was going on. I don't care about the refund or anything, I was mad because this is not funny and now I'm panicked about my girlfriend, if she got any disease from that.

Well the clerk didn't panic, far from that. He started threatening me, saying I was lying and if i continued he would call the cops on me for making false claims. He say he has good connections, and I would get in a shitload of problems if I continued. He told me I was just a poor boy and needed no sympathy. Added that all foreigners are easy come, easy go, and that I probably raped my girlfriend like all foreigners do.

Now I don't know what to do. I need to convince my girlfriend to get checked at the hospital, and need to find something to do about that business owner. What do?

12 years 18 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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not to bad for a troll


your just mad because your girl doesn't put up. buy her an ipad she will surely put up. even she may even put up with your friends. for an iphone she'll put up with your dad even your mom. she will put up with you and another girl . you know mange a tre

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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What were you expecting from someone who sells cheap sex-toys for a living?






I didn't know better. It's not like I went in a tourist venue to ask where I could buy the highest quality sex toys...

Lesson learned, I guess...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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There is nothing legally you can do to the merchant. As for the gf, I would'n't worry to much, I would by her some over the counter antibiotics or take her to a western clinic

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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Theres a customer hotline you can call to report bad or illegal sellers whatever, and I can find the number if you want.   But 1) I don't think it will change anything,  2) if he does have connections or even if he doesn't  do you really want the trouble that could come from it?


As the customer in China you have no rights so get used to it.   As for threats like his, they could be empty but they could just as easily be true (although I'm not sure how he would find you).   Like I say I can find the number if you want,  I rang them once and they did F all.  

I wouldn't buy anything like that from a street shop, I would try Taobao.  I know Taobao could have the same QC problems but I'd bet its better than Mr Wangs dirty shop selling stuff that "fell of the back of a truck".


Can you give me the number? It would easy my mind as I'd believe I did the right thing, even if it won't change anything...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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no i cant because your posts are stupid

12 years 18 weeks ago
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That's ok. I went to see the guy, like i said a little bit below. He made me dance the Fadango, my body's aching now...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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do you speak chinese? silly question i know since you are chinese. if you knew anything about OK you'll know to wash and inspect the toy before use. the shop owner did nothing wrong you're just a dumb local that didn't check the dildo before shoving it up your own ass.


You do realize that if I was Chinese, my grammar would be far worse than it is in my post. From what I read so far, it's easy to make the difference between a Chinese and a normal person on the internet, based on their level of english...


I is China best country dildo cheap caused pain now gf mad? is what you'd prefer to hear? Now go tickle your bottom and lick it like it is an ice cream cone

12 years 18 weeks ago
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yeah all the girls put up to you

12 years 18 weeks ago
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and your english is too good for a guy from OK

12 years 18 weeks ago
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So my English is too good to be from OK, but at the same time, it's at the level of a Chinese teenager. Riiiight, I don't know what you've been taking, but you should slow it down, read the sign so you know just where you're going. You should stop right now, thank you very much, cuz in China they don't joke about that...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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you dont get sarcasim there you go that clinches it you are chinese. now go find a girl that will put up

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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A few cans of spray paint could do woners to that shop......


Bricks also work!

12 years 18 weeks ago
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I like the way you think Jona! wink

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Just don't be too fussy about the colour, I couldn't get colours I wanted.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Loud and garish: GOOD!!!!!

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Good story , but why so detailed ? For the cost of the toy, I would have chucked it, don't expect to buy quality items of any kind here. They make cheap copies of everything.


He wanted us all to know what a stud he is...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Did I ever tell you about the time i tried to get eight girls to come to my room?

12 years 18 weeks ago
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I would exactly say it's a good story, but thanks for the compliment. I'm not a stud, just trying to spice things up for my girlfriend, who wants to open up to the world. For her, it's like discovering globalization, alhough her friends frown upon her lifestyle. They say a 19yr old shouldn't date an "old man", but love knows no boundaries.


Ted, did you 9some ended well?

12 years 18 weeks ago
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yes, happy endings all around

12 years 18 weeks ago
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19 y/o yes this is a chinese troll trying to perpetuate a stereotype. and he is using the story of when he bought a toy and his ass hole is his gfs p-hole.  how else did he communicate so well with the store owner. too many holes in your story. no pun intended

12 years 18 weeks ago
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ted it's detailed becoz it's bogus. 

12 years 18 weeks ago
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my point without saying so,, also I think an old man shouldn't date a 19 year old, your just using her if yr 4 real cause it aint going no where

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Crimo, you do realize no Chinese can attain my level of literacy, right? Why, as a Chinese teenager, would I want to say that there are shady places in China selling unsafe sex toys with blades attached to them? We're not in Japan, and even there, the blades are advertised.

Is there anything wrong with an man being in love with a woman? Age doesn't matter, it's all about love. Nothing you can say but you can learn to play the game, crimo. It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made, nothing you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but learn to be you in time. It's easy. All you need is love.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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age doesn't matter ??, you should be old enough to know that in the long run it does, maybe for a weekend it doesn't.. love ? who'd love you? maybe for 10 minutes after getting an ipad

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Thank you all for your replies, even if some aren't very encouraging. To give an update, the girlfriend is taking some OTC medication, but can't put up with the slight pain. So we found a way around the issue, for the time being.


SLIGHT PAIN?? Are you fucking kidding me?? Lets put a slice and dice on your penis and see if you dont cry like a starving infant. You were a virgin before you met her, werent you! Idiot.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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further proof this was his ass and not a girls V spot. this guy has probably never seen one he didn't pay for or except his mamas. i'm sure his mama put up with him

12 years 18 weeks ago
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any you guys heard of anal fissures, you'll wish for death

12 years 18 weeks ago
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You think I have no remorse? You think I don't feel guilty? Let the world know that I've done wrong, when i've known this all along. Yes she screamed in pain, but i didn't want to put t this way. Who has to know the way she feels inside? Those thoughts I can't deny, it's tearing me apart. I guess it'll become my dirty little secret...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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I have a vajayjay. I would have killed you while you watched. Calling it slight pain is belittling it even if you dont want to be a man and admit her pain. And if you are trying to have sex with her while this is healing... even if she says she wants to... she is only doing it to please you. If you allow it.... you deserve to die a slow and very painful pubic hair by pubic hair yanking,  anal penetration with a samurai sword, force fed your own testicles after cutting them off yourself with a butter knife, kind of death.


Or something.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Man Im in a twisted and evil mood tonight. More so than usual. Careful ;)

12 years 18 weeks ago
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hint Panda, it's more painful if ya crush the walnuts first and we’d rather die than loose those parts or have them touch our lips, just trying to help since you're in a good mood

12 years 17 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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First, if you're going to slide anything in any person's orifice... you clean it and you make sure there are no rough edges or things that can cut you up  inside. Thats just plain etiquette. I think you're lucky you weren't suckin the blood off your own testicles. You NEVER do anything to hurt the vajayjay. Ever!

Use all toys responsibly!


Second.. I call TROLL and if you aren't you better start pricing iPads and saving your pennies.


I second the motion 

not the best work of his but was one of his more entertaining posts

as soon as they start to mention western places for no reason

and try to relate to a foreign issue you know it is that local guy Sum C@$#


12 years 18 weeks ago
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I know I should have known better. Whoa, oh, I never realized what wrong it could be. This could only happen to me :(

So I should have realized a lot of things about China before. I should have known better, I know. Lesson learned, I guess...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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0 WTF are you thinking not checking the toys and cleaning them first?

You are in China...not Jersey.

My gf would disown me if I let something like this happen....or worse.

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12 years 18 weeks ago
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Start by going away.



So I went back to confront the shady guy. Got the courage to tell him what i felt like, because I was really mad. He told me to carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters. So I punched him. Sent a shiver down my spine, and now my body's aching all the time. When I walked away, I turned my head and saw a silouhetto of a man. He was up and running into me!

He attacked me with a giant dildo, hit me like a thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening! I was down, and he started yelling "So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye?" I thought all he wanted to do is leave me to die.

At that point, I couldn't stop thinking about my girlfriend. It was all her fault for being all slutty and wanting to learn all about the Westerners' way. So I thought Oh baby, can't do this to me baby, just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here...

I think I got lucky, because the owner stopped punching me, got up, left and said never to come back at his store. I got up, with some bruises on my face, and walked back home, much to the indifference of the people looking at me.

But nothing really matters, anyone can see... Nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me...

Bismilah! China is a sick place...

12 years 18 weeks ago
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ha ha if this is true, never hit someone and let them get up,, FOOL,, I love that you got beat up with a dildo,, what a wimp,, and quit picking on 19 yr olds, lots of older ones around,, hey little girl want some candy,,, and you hit like a girl

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Solid 80's references tho.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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Did you kill the man? Put a gun against his head, pull the trigger? Now he's dead?


Ya. Now we have lyricist troll. Loverly.

12 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 18 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77