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Q: can your Chinese girl cook your american food?


Now I have no Chinese girl friend  and I do not know if I will but if I did could she cook the food I like for me I can cook all this food for myself so I could teach her. So what I really want to know is will she learn how and will she want to.

Yes I know if I can make the food myself how come I am so lazy I need her to make it for me. my thing is I like to make incredibly delicious recipes, and am quite well known for my cooking but hate how long it takes for food to cook so I hate cooking when I do not feel like it. So from what I know Chinese women know how to cook and like to cook for their men but not in a fembot way. So if she is spending a lot of time with me or living with me already, and does most of the cook can I teach her to cook the food I like.


I like Mediterranean food Latin food sea food southern food and southern food and Cajun food and cowboy food and Caribbean food.

PS I always cook my grilled food, barbecue food, Caribbean food, and my Cajun food some time southern food

12 years 26 weeks ago in  Food  - China

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PS i always cook my grilled food?Get on your dirt bike and cook some food for your 3oo year old family on your big New England boat,


it was "bout", not boat....cheeky

12 years 26 weeks ago
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yes i do ever summer. 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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So you're looking for a Chinese girlfriend because you're lazy? I can see you have so much going for you. If you're only going to be in China for 2-3 months, chances are she won't cook for you very much.


i never said i was lazy i said if i am dating a women who cooks for me is it rude to try and teach her to cook.enlightened

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i meant in the future i thought that was implied like when i go to study or do business.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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"your american food" you are as american as sushi


the U.S.A is a nation of immigrants so there is american sushi and to to Imply Otherwise is insulting to the japanese who helped build my country.


after reading all your post so far I have determined that I cannot prove if you are from where you say you are, or the color you say you are but what I do know is, that if I had to guess I would have to say that you are so white you make wayne Brady look like Dolemite









god i hope you are not from anywhere near the U.S.A .

12 years 26 weeks ago
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still doesnt change that fact that you are chinese. you cant change reality through delusion.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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you mean the japanese helped build your country as far as being the big bad wolf so mr mao could unite the people under his banner?

12 years 26 weeks ago
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You are the biggest wu mao I have ever met man all you do is make stupid post and start weird fights and call people wu maos that is the definition of a wu mao I god, you think because you say you are black people will not think that you are a wu mao. I personally know like five rappers who speak better English and I think one of them cannot read.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Wow, Jiliu, that LAST comment was quite racist!

So, all rappers are black and most cannot read?

You make David Duke look like an ACLU activist!

12 years 26 weeks ago
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only 5 rappers speak better english than me? that's becuase in china you werent exposed to the full catalog of rap music. it doesnt matter who i say i am. it matters who i actually am. the fact that you come online and try to be someone that you're not shows that you are a ken doll

12 years 26 weeks ago
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It was supposed to say cannot read not can read so 1 out of 5 not 1 in 5 and I said I think because I never once saw the man read.

Said rappers I personally know as in real people I know.

You raciest I never said what color they were so now all rappers are black.

 I was implying that some of the rappers I know use bad grammar when speaking

12 years 26 weeks ago
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what is ken doll about me and do not go for a d*** joke i think you should at least be better than that.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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To be honest crimochina, you assume anyone you dislike is a wu mao, which is a bit extreme. Considering his level of English, I just think he's a bit slow.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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the term is retarded as in a process has fallen behind or been slowed as in  my punctuation is at a retarded level.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Actually, the more PC term is mentally handicapped. I only use the term "retarded" if I think a person is just acting stupid.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i honestly think he's an alter ego of matayaya but went incredibly wrong becoz it was figured out very early on and he goes through great lengths to try to switch up the english style. 

and it is not that i think everyone i dont like is a wumao it's that i dont like wumaos. frown

12 years 26 weeks ago
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notice when he is making a lot of posts, matayaya is quiet.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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oh and by the way jilu when rappers use bad grammar it's called poetic license you would know that if you actually were an american in boston studying for your phd.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i said when speaking you would know that if you would just read my post before you pretend to be black and start a rant.


see below 

  I was implying that some of the rappers I know use bad grammar when speaking




keep saying speaking when did i say singing, god man what is wrong with you.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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What great grammar ,spelling and typing skills, Jiliu.he ! Are you sure you spelled Phd corectly? I think may be PFD

12 years 26 weeks ago
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When did I say I had a handicap retarded does not mean one has a handicap it is used as a descriptive word.

1.            the act of retarding or the state of being retarded

2.            something that retards; hindrance

3.            the rate of deceleration

4.            psychiatry  the slowing down of mental functioning and bodily movement


My education was retarded

12 years 26 weeks ago
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So, you hate the fact that you do not look "white enough", you imply that black people are illiterate rappers. 

You really ARE a racist. And that, is not good.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Hear that jnsubs? You're racy. 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Oh la la, maybe I should stop wearing the fishnets then.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i have been told i do not look like i am only white constantly.  you people just keep asking questions about how hard it is to get work if you are a person of color so i though well i should see if it will be a problem for me to work in china.

i am one of the most well know members of diversity club at my collage and have had friends of every cried race and disability so i do not need yuo saying that all rappers are black.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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The people you know were of every race and they cried?

Actually, I believe that!

12 years 26 weeks ago
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verb |riˈtärd| [ trans. ]

delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment : his progress was retarded by his limp.

noun noun |ˈrēˌtärd| |ˈritɑrd| |rəˈtɑrd| |riˈtɑrd| |ˈriːtɑːd| offensive

a mentally handicapped person (often used as a general term of abuse).



12 years 26 weeks ago
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you just proved my point my progress was retarded 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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" like to make incredibly delicious recipes-, quite well known for my cooking- so I hate cooking" ------>ANYONE that is a good cook is one because they love cooking. I cook most of the meals for my Gf and I and I'm a good cook. My cousin is a 5 star chief, he gets invited to cook for the Olympics etc.

 WHAT is " Mediterranean food Latin food sea food southern food and southern food and Cajun food and cowboy food and Caribbean food". I know what Cajun food is but I never heard of cowboy food. What part of China are you from, cause you ain't from Kansas.?

 And my Chinese GF can't cook American food because she doesn't work at MacDonalds.

Actually she does well, hasn't burnt anything and I sure have, I'm not used to a wok.



I said I hate how long it takes for food to cook I never said that I hate cooking so do not say that I do.

Second I have had plenty of uncles who were cooks and most of my families have worked in restaurants since we are in a tourist area but that proves nothing about how good a cook I am so why are you implying that your cousin make you an expert.


Third you are from Canada so shut your mouth about food, freaken Canada how the hell do you not know what Caribbean food is oh ya you are from Canada let me explain the Caribbean is where all those tropical islands  with all the black you see in the movies come from here let me help, This is a list of islands of the Caribbean region, organized by the political territory each island belongs to.

There are thousands of islands close to, and part of, all of the island-countries of the Caribbean: Anguilla has 21; Antigua-and-Barbuda has 37; Aruba (4); Bahamas (501 approximately, largest being Andros Island not Bahama); Barbados used to have 3 (but Pelican Island is now absorbed into Barbados through land reclamation, 1956–1961); British Virgin Islands (43); Cayman Islands (12); Cuba (23); Dominica (2); Dominican Republic (13); Grenada (39); Guadeloupe (38); Haiti (6); Honduras (6); Jamaica (the capital is Kingston)(26); Martinique (50); Montserrat (3); Netherlands Antilles (25, this includes half of Saint Martin); Puerto Rico (142); Saint Barthélemy (13); Saint Kitts-and-Nevis (20); Saint Lucia (17); Saint Martin (8); Saint Vincent-and-the-Grenadines (39); Trinidad-and-Tobago (21); Turks-and-Caicos Islands (58); and United States Virgin Islands (81).

Some continental countries also have islands in the Caribbean, including Colombia (which has 10 islands in the Caribbean Sea, known as San Andrés-and-Providencia), Mexico (4 islands), Nicaragua (4), Venezuela (15), Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. The United States also claims several small Caribbean islands. So yes there is Caribbean food Virginia.


there is no such thing as cowboy food that is just what dad used to call the type of food cowboys used to eat, but there is southern food the regional food that is associated with the southern united states of America, and Latin food as in the food that comes from the Latin parts of the united states of America, mexico and south America you being from Canada you would not know this term, as for Mediterranean food I do not know where to begin did you ever look at a map god man just look at a map before you post., as for sea food I mean fish mainly New England fish recipes like chowders and what have you.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Actually, the only thing he questioned was cowboy food, which isn't a known category.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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he only said he knew what Cajun  is which is funny as hell

12 years 26 weeks ago
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I worked in the food industry for many years when I was younger. I am a very good cook. I do not claim as you do to be known for my cooking as you do. I have travelled to many of those islands and infact I am now regretting coming to China and freezing when I could be in the Dominican and living cheaper.You seem to be implying that your family has money, I doubt that. But so what , do I. I don't work in China. I think you are a Chinese woman, posing as an American because you feel your English is good enough. Well it aint baby ~~ " and what you have" I know funny, your grammar is just sad.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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if you werent chinese you would know that canada has a large Caribbean population therefore the food is well represented in canada.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i said we own a lot of boats because we live in a coastal area as for money i have said constantly how little i have. dude i qualify for food stamps god when the hell did i say i have money why do you think i b**** about wanting to be reimbursed for airfare. do you know how hard it is to pay for collage with how little money i have i just finished writing like 20 papers for grants. anyone can own a boat everyone i have ever met have owned a boat i live in a coastal community. yes i have tons of famous ancestors but does not mean i have money E .Lee has like 800 ancestors you think they all have money. you are just getting annoying at this point. 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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well, they why not sell a boat or two? I sold my car when things got tough a few years ago.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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boats are not worth that much where i live because everyone has one, it would not be a enough.  besides i never said i owned a fancy Yacht or anything.  i said my family owned a lot of bouts meaning my grandparents and my parents. i only own  a rowboat a sail bout and 2 canoes they are nice but not worth a lot besides my laser needs a sail.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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How stupid, why come here, get a Chinese girlfriend and then make her cook you western food?? And if you are indeed already a chinese person like everyone is slating you to be, then this whole question is seriously retarded.


did you read the question i just want to know if i can ask a Chinese girl friend to cook the western types of food i like with out her getting upset

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Ok, I dont think she will be offended, but she will never cook it very well. Just like how I can cook Fajitas, or Tikka Masala but Im not very good at it. My advice would be to let her cook her own specialties and you can enjoy them, when you feel like western (or maybe a little cowboy food) then you can cook for her, or take her out to a western place, there are many around.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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finally a real answer second would she be willing to be my little kitchen helper when i cook western food.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Jiliu: "Hi girl, you wanna be my little kitchen helper?"

Girl: "Help!!!"

Jiliu: (as neighbors beat him up) "Ow! Ow! Ow! Stoppit! Ow!"

12 years 26 weeks ago
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you act like i said kitchen slave or something. i mean who do you think i am, like i need two

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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I can't believe anyone can be this stupid and moronic...oh bad.
Judging by this post and all the others, you have NEVER had a girlfriend and If you are American than I am Chinese.


now if the real dude had said this i would be pissed but from you funny as hell. dude you are not the dude.

okay now I could make a joke about you and your sex life but i bet you would make the argument that whores count god knows you love your whores so I will not.


as for you being Chinese just say that you are Chinese man don't get me involved in it. that is very undude like of you.




12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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You're right. He's the kind of guy where if he had a girlfriend, he'd mention it all the time, maybe even lie and say he had several. Ah well, at least he's being honest.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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Well, thankfully most Chinese girls come pre-trained to stay barefoot, subservient and  in the kitchen.  Mine had to be slapped around a little in order for her to remember the recipes properly.  But she made up for it by kneeling every time I entered the room without any prompting.

Though I have to admit, her washing my feet when I returned from work took a little getting used to.  But washing my feet made it easier for her to darn my socks after she dried my feet.

Just remember, that if your girl doesn't get your beer fast enough, it is her way of saying that she wants a little back handing.  Don't be afraid to bring on the force, they won't respect you otherwise.


And for the humor and brain cell challenged, this is a joke.


just in case. from what I know Chinese women know how to cook and like to cook for their men but not in a fembot way. just so people do not think that i am that Irish .

12 years 26 weeks ago
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All that dark humor, totally ignored. You know, I'd prefer a man servant, especially if he wore a butler outfit or a suit. Much snazzier than the average Chinese worker. Of course, he'd have to pay with his own sweat and blood. I'm no charity ward.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Bad news for you JnusB. The Green Hornet snapped up the last Chinese Manservant. Butler, Inventor, Coffee-maker. He is like Alfred on Steroids!

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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I normally refrain to reply to you, but you have aroused my curiosity.  i lived in Puerto Rico for 20 years, I owned an apartment at Isleta Marina, a 10 acre island on the NE corner of PR, off Fajardo City.  There, I always had a boat at my disposal, from a 47 motorsailer, a 31 foot Beltran, and maybe 3 more during all those years.  and I am certified by the Coast Guard as a boat captain and allowed to carry up to 15 passengers for hire.I fished all around PR, trolling, bottom, and underwater.  I am extremely familiar with Puerto Rico and surrounding waters, Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.  Also with the American and British Virgin Islands and their surrounding waters.

From where do you get that Puerto Rico is a nation, and also, from where you claim Puerto Rico has 142 islands.  I have gone mentally around PR coast line, and my island count does not reach 20 yet, and I even counted Old San Juan as an island. 

Did they have earthquakes there in the last couple of years that many small islands surfaced?.  Maybe Guilin Raf can refresh my memory, please.


And before I close, I will add one thing I heard many times in my youth.  Sorry, it is in Spanish, since my parents both were from Spain, Spanish was spoken normally at home.  It goes like "los ninos hablan cuando las gallinas mean".  A rough translation woiuld be "kids are allowed to talk when the hens piss".  And as you may know with your vast knowledge, hens do not piss ever.


We have had a few "temblores" but not enough to raise any new islands. I am pretty sure my family and friends would have told me.

And yes, you are right. We are Amrerican. At least, that is what my "pass port" says...

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Hey Guilin Raf, now that you mentioned "temblores" (earth quakes) you remainded me. A few days ago I made "tembleque" with some coconut milk I found locally, and to me it came out great, I am having a feast. Want to come by and taste it ?. My GF claims it is too sweet even if she loves coconut. In a way I am glad, more left for me to enjoy !

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i just copied the list to show that there where Caribbean islands and i do not care if your parents where from Spain why would you answer just for the sake of a stupid comment .

12 years 26 weeks ago
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I will repeat to you, " LOS NINOS HABLAN CUANDO LAS GALLINAS MEAN" and add as a challenge to your intelectual development if any.... " A PALABRAS NECIAS, OIDOS SORDOS " which means "to stupid words, deaf ears".

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Lol! Tembleque! I would be delighted! I will even bring the coffee!

Do you by any chance live in or near Beijing?


12 years 26 weeks ago
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I do not care how this sounds but at some point I am going to have one of my family members translate what exactly you are saying. 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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More amazing English from our resident PhD student. 


Courtesy of his degree at "Lobotomy U"

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Aww, but that would give him a legitimate excuse. If he's anything like some of the kids who went to my high school, perhaps he snorted pixie sticks or crushed red hots, leaving enough sugar up there to rot the brain. It's much cheaper than alcohol...or surgery.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i am in the highest percentage for non reading English.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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More proof you're some wu mao. We don't rank people back home on their English reading and writing past grade 3.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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300 years of New England famiy and can't read English?

12 years 26 weeks ago
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He can read it, he just cannot write it.crying

12 years 26 weeks ago
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reading and righting are two different things any teacher should know that and as i have said I can write academically.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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You can "rite" but can your "write"?

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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Wrong on so many levels. 


Why the hell do you think you can lump women into one stereotype? "Can I ask my Chinese GF to cook for me?" Do you really think all Chinese women like to cook? You're immaturity is never going to allow you to find any woman with any self respect. The only girls capable of dealing with your 12-yr-old mentality are...12. And that's just statuatory. 


And what is with all the narrow-minded, racist comments against black and irish people? I'd love to introduce you to a friend of mine. SHE is black irish, and would love to kick your ignorant ass. 


Stop being an idiot. You wonder why everyone thinks you're a wumao. 


are you best friend with phil lynott???

12 years 26 weeks ago
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said if she was cooking for me as in hay honey i am going to make some dinner for us , oh sure oh wait how bout some sea food. i never said  it like i want some fembot who will make me whatever i want for dinner. in fact i said i did not just want some fembot. the whole question was about if Chinese women knew how to cook American food and if they would like me to teach them. not about some women to do all my cooking,

12 years 26 weeks ago
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and by the way i am Irish and yes i know that what i say about the Irish is messed up but i do not give a damn. now as for black people what have i said about black people. i said crime of china was not black and that people i know who happen to be rappers have bad speaking grammar.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Now you are Irish? I thought you were a 300 year old American.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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haha  i said family have lived here for more than 300 years as in my ancestors, and i guess you are right it is quite weird for there to be any Irish in New England. man i wonder how i ended up with any Irish in me.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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I think he read about the New England Patriots and decided he was from the "great state of New England."

12 years 26 weeks ago
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i say New England because i do not want you people having to much info on me.


can you say creepy 

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Having Irish in you and being Irish are two different things, professor.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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 fine i have Irish blood flowing thru my veins and it taste like whisky.

12 years 25 weeks ago
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hey guys what's goin on in this thread?


My take: everyone's feeding the troll. It's half entertaining, half tedious.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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And Jiliu's strike number 2.

12 years 26 weeks ago
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well there is no sign - DO NOT FEED THE TrOlL edit,, upper and lower case> TrOlL = troll . I think feeding is Ok, but not after midnight and don't get them wet, they are similar to gremlins

12 years 26 weeks ago
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Troil! I like it! Kind of a combination or "troll" + "toil".

12 years 26 weeks ago
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I stay off line for a couple of days and you guys have a party without me

10 against 1 is a little unfair you could have let a few other personalities even things up

but thanks for the giggles

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77