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Q: Do you exercise at all in China? Yes, lazy SOB!

Well, Summer is just around the corner and when you go the beach you usually see two types of Chinese people:


1) Porky - Not usually obese but obviously much fatter than normal Chinese people. Sometimes these guys get confused with "strong" because Chinese aren't really used to seeing muscular large men (talking like U.S.A. bodybuilding)... maybe took a little bit more than a liking to MacDonald's and KFC.


2) Sticks - These are the other side of the spectrum. Extremely thin, 100 pounds soaking wet, a strong breeze will blow them over. Favorites foods include "rice" and "more rice".


You will rarely see some full figured fit women (will not often anyway) or decently sized muscular Chinese men. I figure most Chinese don't like working out much... and when I do see them in the gym... they don't work out hard.


I go to the gym and do a good combination of weights and cardio. For the past month or so, I been going to the gym in the morning (weekdays) for about 1.5 hours and then working out in my home gym (evenings) for another 45 minutes each day. Just trying to break some previous personal records and get in shape for some trips.


So what about you? Do you exercise at all? What kind of exercise do you do? Got any goals for the Summer? Or are you just a lazy sloth bastard?



9 years 18 weeks ago in  Sports - China

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I do aerobics in my room - a friend of mine at home allows me to SKYPE into her morning class at the weekend.

It is a bit of a challenge at times.

My nearby gym was full of pot-bellied gawpers so i gave up going there.


I also occasionally exercise my wit, as i see many other posters here do surprise

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I run in the mornings before the traffic starts and to many people are up to point and stare at me



Yeah, don't worry. The same thing happens in the gym too.



9 years 18 weeks ago
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Try wearing clothes next time!

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, and do a mix of cardio and lifting. I also walk most places I go, because most places I go to on a daily basis are within walking distance and not worth trying to find a taxi or wait for a bus so I get a lot of exercise I think.


I'd like to lose my belly fat and be able to flash a six pack at the beach but it isn't going to happen with all the beer I drink.


Mostly my only goal is feeling healthy and the stress relief I get from it.






Yeah, I am trying to get abs (I got a 4-pack developing). But it is tough for me to not eat the food I like and drink beer.



9 years 18 weeks ago
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And you haven't updated your report...

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Lol... I guess I hit a nerve with someone.


Someone was like "God, I feel like crap... this mirror must be broken or something. Screw this I will look up the latest eChinacities question.. yes, that will make me feel better! WTF is this!? Screw this guy! I am not lazy!"




Haha, the down voter strikes again.


Some people resent any reminder of how grossly out of shape they are and the fact that they can't drag themselves away from the keyboard and bags of chips for an hour a day.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Eh, there is a troll with multiple accounts who has been serially diving posters here. Although, if a/he has this kind of time to sit at a computer and do that, s/he probably isn't doing to much for fitness.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I go through phases. Ill Run like crazy and be super fit. Other times like now i sit on the couch and get super fat. I think beer belly doesnt really explain what I am packing. start running again but it raining......


Haha... that's what happens to me too. This is one of those times where I feel like getting super fit because I feel like crap if I am out of shape for the hot season. Also, this time of year can get pretty stressful (the rush before summer vacation).


I hate treadmills, I prefer running outside but it doesn't work too well in China.


You know what someone should invent? A treadmill with a monitor or something that makes it feel like you are actually running through or from something. Like running through the ghetto and cops are chasing you... or running from a tiger or something... That would make me love treadmills.


The next big business idea?


9 years 18 weeks ago
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I'm waiting for video games to evolve into something like that. Run... dodge the zombie, shit, a big group of them.. sprint...ok they're gone, shit, another one... hit it with the ax... run for the car....  that would be both awesome and a great way to workout.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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@Stiggs - That would be amazing. I would absolutely LOVE a game like that. Don't just play the game... train for it!


Train for when the world is overrun with zombies lol. Somebody has to do that soon. I don't want to wait until I am 70 before a game like that comes out.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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huh?  I dunno really shit from shinola about vid games, but I coulda sworn I seen some commercial or something where the players got in front of a large screen and acted out their motions which were then represented on the vid game.  i dunno what I'm talking about, but it was like what u r describing.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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@diver - I am kind of a hybrid jock/geek so I know all about video games. You are probably talking about wii sports or something. That is just like simple tennis or badminton. There is stuff like dace/dance revolution but again it is really just jumping around. Some decent boxing ones...


This stuff is still pretty good but it is about equal to swatting a fly or playing hop scotch. When a video game system comes out that takes this but moves it to the next level, like running, throwing, lifting, punching, kicking etc. ... that's what we are talking about.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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They are making Virtual reality headsets now. It might only be a few years away before you get your wish. I agree a game where you exercise at the same time would be good but then again isn't that what sports are?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I think that they have something like that for Wii fit.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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@robk:   ok,, yep, now I see.  u r right,, I was talking about those more old-fashioned ones that seemed to have girls dancing or playing badminton or whatever.  well, I'm sure they will have the kind u want b4 too long...   I actually do play a video game.. on my ipad ... candy crush..  haha   wish she had never shown me it !!

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I'm a lazy sloth bastard...


Though my fat belly hasn't changed much in about 10 years, so something isn't too wrong.


(ok, occasionally hit my chin-up bar...yeah, I bought one, and it's on the door-frame!)


Haha... at least you got good intentions. Just need the motivation.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Chin-up bar? Like this one?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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You've got a chin-up bar hanging off your door frame??  I thought you lived in China.  Obviously you don't.  Unless, even with your fat guts, you don't weigh more than about 6 stone.

What's that?  About 40kg?



9 years 18 weeks ago
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Nice pic Sino   But I can't do it one-handed... (and my foot up... hahahahahaha)


No, like this one:


Rated up to about 100Kg (which is fine for me, but amusing when one of my students tried it, and it didn't hold his weight... well, slightly amusing - but more worrying and tragic. When you come down off one of those, you usually don't land on your feet, but on your butt/lower-spine :(  )

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Funny you should mention this...I just had one of those gym experiences where you have to kick a landed whale off of some equipment because he is dicking around on his WeiXin on some of the few good machinese in the place, like that will get the 150 extra lbs off of him. I never used to be a gym motto was, 'care about your own workout, it's the only one that matters.' But that was before I had to deal with these rude people who will hop on the best equipment in the gym and whip put their phones. 


I usually run 4-5 times a week (marathon training), and work out my back and arms on days that I don't run. I am famous in my gym as the woman who works out so hard that she actually breaks a sweat. Every so often I fall out of shape, if I have an injury. I don't even hate the extra weight as much as I do being out of shape and knowing that getting back to fitness will be painful.

I swear to God, it isn't even for my health. I would have killed someone ages ago if I ddn't run the aggravation out of myself.


Yeah, I know the feeling.


There is another group of females that magically went in the morning after the word got out that a few foreigners worked out in the morning. They are annoying as hell and put all their drinks and bags on the workout benches. Plus they keep making weird noises when working out... can't win them all.


I also noticed that most Chinese people are afraid of sweating while they workout. I work out pretty hard and sweat quite a bit... while they all look like they just got there.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I need to do something to get rid of the stupid dancer girls in my gym. I don't mind it if you are going to waste a few hours of your life jumping from side to side, flapping your arms, and then laying down on the gym floor like it is all legitimately exhausting. But don't blare your crap music over the squibs of reasonably loud headphones and scream yi, er, san in a stupid nasally voice. It makes me want to murder.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Yeah... that's pretty much what they do in my gym. They workout for like 30 seconds doing planks or something and then sit for 10 minutes acting like they worked their asses off.


For those 30 seconds they are screaming... yi er san... jiao you! AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh! While me and the guy I am training are working out non-stop for basically an hour and half and watching them sit around playing with their phones. Ah well, better to focus on your workout and zone them out. Stay positive and know that if you ever get into a fight over a piece of equipment, you can kick their asses lol.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Hilarious! Ever hear the guys who scream at the top of their lungs while lifting 5kg?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Those guys are obnoxious. In some defense of Chinese gym idiots--you get that particular speices of idiot in Western countries, though. You don't get the ones that just drop the weights on the floor when they are done, though. At my gym, some buffoon actually shattered the floor by throwing about 50-60 lbs of iron weights down. The stupid...I just can't with the stupid sometimes.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Usually the Chinese are shy because they foreigner out performs them again without even really trying. I used to go to the gym but it was so dirty I was afraid of getting a skin disease. Plus the Chinese women were funny with their noises and gang up on the foreigner. Luckily I never left anything in a locker there, for sure they would have stolen it.

   I already had an exercise bike so I found a total gym used online and do cardio three times a week and total gym four times a week. It beats all the dirt, moans and groans when they're lifting only ten kilos.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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"I also noticed that most Chinese people are afraid of sweating while they workout. I work out pretty hard and sweat quite a bit... while they all look like they just got there." -Robk   

Same here, took the words out of my mouth.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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No you croc-skin primitive Hulk... I envy you have got one and a half hour in the morning for excercises...

I usually play badminton in the evening for couple of hours and it keeps me away from gym. I feel like my shoulders aren't balanced anymore. Thinking of joining gym instead.


Perks of being your own boss... you can work whenever you want. I go in the morning cause Chinese don't lol.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I used to bike all over Bao'an, then Longang, then later Luohu, 'til I broke my leg.  boo hoo

  seriously-  cherish your ability to walk/run/bike/exercise

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I go to the gym 2-5 times per week depending how busy I am. I usually do about an hour and half, roughly an hour of lifting and 20-30 minutes of cardio and a few minutes of stretching. I go swimming maybe once or twice a month as well and really would go more if I had the time. I also walk a fair bit, probably average 1-2 km per day which may or may not be healthy because that involves breathing the air outside. Overall, my health has improved significantly since I started working out again about a year and a half ago and I feel great physically and mentally.From my experience, a regular exercise regimen is one of the most positive things a person can do to improve quality of life, self-confidence and maintain a healthy outlook on life. 


Yeah, I strongly agree. Health is truly the most important thing. I think, in China especially, working out shouldn't just be a recreational activity... it is a damn necessity.


Working helps remedy a lot of things while in China. Stress, builds confidence for all those stares and whispers, stronger body to take on the pollution, poor food quality... and the ladies!

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Well, there's RobK:

And there's Mike:

And, there's real people who never compare themselves to others:

There's me:

There's Vicky:



Since when, after kindergarten, is it important to compare anything to anything else?

If you didn't have external things (car, apartment, money), what do you have to show who and what you are? Talent? Culture? Sophistication? Intelligence? Charm?

Jocks in high school have always been the "babe-magnet" but success is the "babe-magnet" afterwards.

You know that if you don't keep up your routine that you'll regress and be worse off afterwards. So, what's the point in bragging about what you're doing here and now? What does it matter what others do or don't do? Does your identity really revolve around whether your are conceptually "better" than others? 

Do you need a hug? Can you not accept yourself as you are, or are you that vain and gullible that you need a marketer to tell you what you should look like and believe?

Like charity, if you're going to do something, do it for the sake of the feeling it gives you and not for the adulation and accolades.

So, what's with the need to constantly compare your life and situation with others? (There's a psychological term for it, but I'll keep that safely zipped in my pants in anticipation of whether or not you can figure it out: hint: Hummer)


I agree with you on 'comparing'. I find it moronic to exaggerate or lie on anon board. 

When I tell lie, I like to see the reaction of people 'swallowing' the thing.

Here I'm usually just describing what I do or what I did. I'm aware I'm a bit different than usual people, so I was accused 'straight of lying' or asked to post the 'pic of the beast'.

When I challenged poster to tell when I lied, no reply. And Royceh as gent as he is, he got the pic my beast.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Lol... Nobody was bragging... since when is keeping fit bragging?


How is it "bragging" to ask others if they go to the gym or exercise?


We must live in an extremely lazy world now if just going to the gym gives you bragging rights...


Btw - Nice pictures, haha.


9 years 18 weeks ago
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You reminded me of my favourite poster:

Why study?!? That's why. #school

9 years 18 weeks ago
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How about this: going to the gym can also become an addiction (warning! Big words coming up! Big words hurt! Hurt!!). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) will tell you that. What gets me is that gym-addicts are just like pot-heads - they can't STFU about it.

The protein shakes, the carbs, the disappearing penis...if you can't accept yourself for who and what you are, but have to seek outside approval, you've got a neurosis (see big word book above).

Then I was thinking...maybe China is where all of the failed jocks have to come because they couldn't hack not being the center of attention in the grown-up world like they were in high school. Hear me out before the 'roid rage starts...

1) Do you need and seek out other people's approval of your physical state?

2) Do you take pictures and videos of yourself working out?

3) Do you have other outlets for aggression/frustration but go to the gym looking for a fight?

4) Do you constantly compare yourselves to others (locker-room sneak-peek)?

5) Do you need material possessions to feel like you "fit in"?

6) Do your regular eating habits revolve around some numbers that you have to meet (Type 1 Diabetes aside)?

7) Do you find yourself physically reacting to tense situations (fight-or-flight) or do you stop to mentally evaluate a situation?

8) Do you want to challenge me, right here, right now, to some sort of physical contest?


All in the DSM.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Up for ur last .... gym posture.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Yes.  Well articulated there.  I've never been to a gym.  I've lived a life full of competitive sport.  I don't take pictures of myself.


9 years 18 weeks ago
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1) Do you need and seek out other people's approval of your physical state? No

2) Do you take pictures and videos of yourself working out? Never

3) Do you have other outlets for aggression/frustration but go to the gym looking for a fight? I go to the gym for fitness, and possibly talk to females for a future date.

4) Do you constantly compare yourselves to others (locker-room sneak-peek)? Only mentally based on age, weight, and lifts (be it how many times and/or how much)

5) Do you need material possessions to feel like you "fit in"? not really, but I do wear attire for success.

6) Do your regular eating habits revolve around some numbers that you have to meet (Type 1 Diabetes aside)? No, but as I age my metabolism continues to slow down. So, I need to be more keen on what I eat.

7) Do you find yourself physically reacting to tense situations (fight-or-flight) or do you stop to mentally evaluate a situation? usually stop and evaluate.

8) Do you want to challenge me, right here, right now, to some sort of physical contest? Not really.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Continued by popular demand:

There's RoyceH:


That's James B-lean. Royceh doesn't smoke. 'Face&swally' 

9 years 18 weeks ago
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It's true, he doesn't smoke.  But he can be smug.

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<p>Continued by popular demand:</p>



Is it hand-assembled? Like my wheels?

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Sorrel sober:

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Sorrel not sober:


It looks, like you also have 'photographic memory'. Emphasis on 'also'angel

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Wait a sec......shit.  I've had her.  Pretty sure it was outside and elevator on the 18th floor at The Rio in Las Vegas.  Yep.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Icnif77 according to his Internet persona:


I'm 175 cm, 68 kg, have weekly haircut, Bolle shades at sunny, and always travel with 'goose feather pillow' in my suitcase.


Now, edit ! Fast!

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Bullshit icnif.  That's you man.  Just admit It!

Cruising down the main on your beast and letting it all out for the populace.  Hahaha! 

Rage on cobber!


9 years 18 weeks ago
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Icnif77 according to those that know him:


L one is a bit 'skinnier'surprise, and he's cheating.

IMHO, if any of this two sit on my 7kilo bike, it wouldn't be too long 'sitting'.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I am  a seasonal sloth, I suppose.

Hide inside all winter, exercise like crazy in the summer.


Another sloth?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I am much less hairy than that...


Also, what's with the bra?

Edit: I am 68 KG, so maybe "sloth" isn't the right word. Exercise in the winter greatly bothers my joints / replacement parts

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Sorry. I'm trying out my new 'predictive' program. Is this better?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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...Wrong gender.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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I am  a seasonal sloth, I suppose.

Hide inside all winter, exercise like crazy in the summer.

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I am  a seasonal sloth, I suppose.

Hide inside all winter, exercise like crazy in the summer.

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I lost 100+ lbs in China. Differences in diet, lifestyle (no vehicle in China; had to walk to the bus station, walk forever, etc), and sexual activity.


Sometimes I'd have sex for 9 hours straight. It's easy to lose a lot of weight that way. Nonstop sex sessions... I just... I can't help myself.


And now you're not in China you have to continue this habit.   Alone.

Go get your eyes checked man.


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is this my ex? in Canada to Japan to China......  ah ..they all look the same


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RachelDiD (in New York)


I knew that.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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That's what happens when I see a tour group of nongs being rude in my own country.....

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so far so good ....hope you got more


I didn't know you were Japanese:

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77