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Q: Do you find Chinese people sexually mature

 Do they have "knowledge" on certain technical aspects of sex?

Are they "capable and educated enough" to try to please their partners?What does your experience say.

Chinese are forbidden from sex till they reach a certain age.They are almost never 'educated' on this.

Quite often,sex is  a way to make a family , sometimes a coin to buy a husband ,sometimes a mechanism to produce more "citizens" to fight foreigner.


Do they ever (young people) really think of sex as something personal which is biological or casual?Do they ever try

to learn and understand ways to improve their sex lives?What  is the level of their awareness?Do they have mature understanding of their sexuality?What does your experience say?



10 years 22 weeks ago in  General  - Shanghai

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'Mind your business'!

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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I look at your question and I ask myself, what are you actually asking? Are you asking members here to lay bare their personal sex lives? Or are you telling us you are a real stud? I don't know man, it's a weird question to ask.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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Please Do Not Feed The trolls!


3 posts in a row!

10 years 22 weeks ago
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My experience says you got a vast experience in pornographic sites... I wonder if you are a teacher then GOD BLESS your students...


Thanks for your comment.Neither law nor morality forbids consensual sex between two mature adults.There are indeed technical things which can enable one to realize

and express his/her sexuality.That doesn't mean one should break any moral code or he is allowed to cheat .Sex is the tool which animates the world.Not sure,if you consider any talk on sex as dirty .Marriage,kid,law,divorce,inheritance all bricks

around human society is tied with sexual bonds/attraction/satisfaction.

Therefore,trying to understand and discuss sex should not be a dirty opinion.It may be forbidden or considered dirty

in certain societies though.Ofcourse,I don't think about sex day and night,neither do I have multiple sex partners.But,I try to understand what is sex in a broader sense and how it impacts us.I was just trying to understand a bit micro details from experience of members.That's it.There was no need to make derogatory remarks!


Apparently, I overestimated intellectual capacity of forum members or most of them

didn't read go beyond the title .



10 years 22 weeks ago
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fight foreigner and skills, technical aspects, give you away as a chinese national trying to stir up sexual stereotypes on a forum to create some discontent, if your going to be a troll and agitator please use better english.

absolutely no foreigner would ever use the above phrases in a discussion of sex.

perhaps you can use your engineering background to make a better female robot than the japanese make, given the gender imbalance and the crash of the building industry, you might need their companionship in the future.


His previous posts deny your claim in that case. He isn't Chinese. 

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Thanks for your response.I didn't ask for any graphic details of your sex life.Neither

do I expect you to reveal it in public.


My question was very simple.Perhaps,I should have written the title as "Do you find Chinese people sexually mature,what is your experience?"


@thefidu=>Thanks for your  comments.I believe the question was rather incorrectly

interpreted by most reader because of  the title.


Cool down guys!  I am just curious about opinion.Now if you not comfortable to talk

about this,nobody is forcing you to do that.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Ask your mom.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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I am getting all kind of irrelevant answers.Probably I placed an incorrect title.

I guess most people are not reading my entire post and answering only after reading the title.I was expecting some answer more academic in nature from some experienced people. I didn't ask for your private sex life.According to my experience,most Chinese are passive in and almost illiterate when it comes sex.Man are expected to have fun ,woman are expected to allow man to do it.That is what the society dictates.


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10 years 22 weeks ago
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No problem, you can edit your question even now. Make it comprehensive in the way you just explained. Title is something that attracts a reader and give a first impression of a writer... 


Thanks! But I prefer not to change it. This gives an insight  how 'deep' readers of this forum are and if they  generally go beyond the surface.I am still expecting some mature answers which I have not received so far.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Hello passive-aggressive behavioral disorder!

10 years 22 weeks ago
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@Sinobear, don't be so hard on him, c'mon! :)

10 years 22 weeks ago
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As Spaniards say..."!Estas hasta en mi sopa!". You're everywhere, including in my soup!

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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Why not ask a Chinese person?  Basically, you are asking foreigners about their sex lives with Chinese people.  That's kind of inappropriate on a public forum.  Very bad taste.  You won't get any constructive answers here.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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Not sure how it was interpreted by reader or there is sth wrong in my wordings.

I never intend to ask about your sex lives.I wanted a comparison of sexual maturity b/w

Chinese and West(expected academic answers).


Sorry guys...if I sound rude !





did you read your own words?  you asked about capability and their knowledge of positions!  Do you really expect people to tell you what they're doing (or not doing) with their sexual partners?  If you want an intellectual, mature conversation, you should open an intellectual topic.  So far you have not done so.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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OK.I remove two words "positions" and "skilled".I hope that will make it more acceptable.Those two words probably initiated chain reaction in the minds of readers.

Again,I am not sure on this.
Thanks for your advice!

Hopefully,I can get some real answers now.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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It's still a baited question.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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It needs a complete rewrite.  You are asking about their knowledge on "certain" aspects of sex?  What particular aspects are you asking about?  You want to know about my experience on this matter?  you mean my experience with Chinese girls?  So you want to know something about my sex life?  No matter how you phrase it, you want to know something about our sexual experience with the Chinese.  It's impossible to scrape the creepy off of that.


In general Chinese people are less mature and aware of things than countries in the West.  This obviously includes being more conservative concerning sexual matters.  This you already knew and stated.  The details you are searching for are an intrusion into our bedrooms and this is not the appropriate forum for such research.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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10 years 22 weeks ago
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I'm drinking beer and came upon this stupid question from a Chinese guy wanting to know about sexual maturity of Chinese people. I gather he knows something about sex by stating a few of his theories.  I am wondering why he is asking a foreigner. I am thinking I want more points; so I repliedenlightened

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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As Xinyuren says: "The details you are searching for are an intrusion into our bedrooms and this is not the appropriate forum for such research."

This is the reason that makes me believe you are a Chinese because of the lack of sense and respect for privacy. Asking such question will unleash the no go attitude from us, the do not disturb on the door of a Westerner's privacy. Your question may not have been answered, nor it will be in the way you hoped for, but you have been served a lesson of what privacy is for us. 

You can't pretend that asking a question should also be answered. Although it's asked in English, it doesn't show the understanding of asking it, the knowledge of the meaning of privacy and how to approach it when it comes to such utmost sensitive points of anyone's life like sex and sexuality. 


Add to it that your questions look to target the Chinese people and for some hidden reasons of frustrations and need for revenge, you thought that coming on an expat forum like this one, people will very happy tell you how Chinese are. You seem to be on the pursuit of a sort of immediate satisfaction by provoking foreigners against Chinese whom somehow hurt you, whether at work if you are an adult, at the Uni, if you are a student, or by your girlfriend who seems to be a Chinese one. 


I notice a great deal of bitterness in all your asked questions. Remove it from your heart, first hand, be honest with yourself, although it may hurt you. Ask yourself this question: "Why am I asking this question?", then,  if you find the answer decide whether to publish it or not on this forum. 


However, you may have noticed that, your questions, no matter how pertinent they are have been down voted. Ask yourself why. I hope you are not on a crusade against Chinese people, taking advantage on us as foreigners whom for some reason show a great deal of criticism about Chinese's behavior. 


 I suspected you as a paid Chinese, looking to provoke foreigners against Chinese people. I also noticed that somehow, you hope to have your expected answer and look  cooperative to improve your post if needed to make yourself understood. 



Anyway, whoever you are,  as a newbie, you're are welcomed on this forum. Enjoy it!!






Thanks .

Neither West nor East has the right to "define absolute definition of privacy".The limit and boundaries privacy changes depending on age,country etc.What was acceptable yesterday, may not be acceptable today  and what is acceptable today may no longer  be acceptable tomorrow. However,I don't have any intention to disturb or shock people in this forum.


I appreciate your analysis and suggestions.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Seems quite rigid regarding your question... If you are just trying to figure out the mental or reading capibility of forum members then you may have choosen any productive topic instead of something bizarre... By the way if you want to become a general this way over this forum you will face hell lot lashes of hard words. Change your mentality and change the topic.


Thanks for your suggestions.I have no intention to become general.

I didn't ask for graphic stories from people.I just wanted to know to opinion

and observations within a decency limit.If people lack the ability to express

this without thinking of being graphic,that is not my fault.I wanted to know this

because I got some experience which makes me think about this and I was looking for some answers.I was merely interested in some kind of opinion poll to be precise.Seems the moment people read the "s" word...they started making their opinion immediately.I was not aware that any discussion on "S" word is forbidden here.


I expected simple answer



Yes my partner is mature enough,I find  nothing different in a Chinese partner.


My partner is almost like a kid when it comes to that.


My partner tries his/her best  and he/she is educated on this.


Why on earth I will be interested on your graphic stories.Anyways,as I mentioned,I shall  respect limit and boundaries of this forum i.e. "S" word is forbidden.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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'S' is a letter dear... best of luck with WHATEVER you are upto....

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Xinyuren said it best, "The details you are searching for are an intrusion into our bedrooms and this is not the appropriate forum for such research."


I'll just parrot him.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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Welcome to Earth. Where did you come from? Is there an invasion coming? Do you like anal probing?  cool

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Thanks guys !

I appreciate your feedback.This helps me understand limit and boundaries of this forum and I shall respect that in future.

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Thanks guys !

I appreciate your feedback.This helps me understand limit and boundaries of this forum and I shall respect that in future.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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this is the story of a guy who lives an a blue world where everybody inside and is blue like him.  I think everywhere in the world there are people of different sexual maturity.  Why generalize?  Next time you ask a question, think if you could replace the word Chinese with Catholic, or American, or whatever.   

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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You're asking all of us to tell you what role men and women should play in the bedroom?  Wow, maybe you should try some new things with your partner.  If you're frustrated or out of ideas, then there is a huge porn industry that caters to people just like you.  I would say there's something for every one.  If you're angry that your partner doesn't give you enough gratification or isn't a willing participant, then I would argue that you haven't unlocked the secret door to their desires.  In the meantime, grab a box of tissues and excuse yourself to a private place.


But porn is banned here.....


No X hamsters to be found.


Chicken everywhere, but no photos allowed.


No money, no joy.

10 years 22 weeks ago
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Interesting question. As a specialist of alternative education and alternative teaching approaches (pedagogy), I have to say, sexual education is a central question.

From My experience I noticed many chinese guys asked me some question about some sex skills or how to do that.

I talked also with many chinese women about sexual question and I could say many of them are not really flourished in their sexual life. They don't really explore their sexuality and still many of them don't think it's a really important point.


All societies where sex is taboo, it creates more issues than in societies where it's an open topic.

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10 years 22 weeks ago
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Finally, got some scholarly response.Finally, a member who has the intellectual capacity to go beyond the surface.Yes ,this is the kind of response I was expecting.

To take this topic further-


1950s, 60s,70s=> Chinese didn't even have the freedom to choose their spouse.People were told to produce as many babies as possible as that is only way China can offset technology gap in War.Often younger females were "instructed" to marry a certain person because it was the way to reward a soldier or a big guy.To me,this a violation of sexual freedom.If you ask people older generation you will know this.


1970s=>War was no longer that frequent.But sexual freedom of every Chinese was

at the mercy of country/society/family i.e. we will decide who you should marry.

(Chinese were not allowed to marry foreigners till 1980s)


1980s=>Population already went out of control ,so sex was again suppressed in the form of "One Child Policy".(given the situation,they didn't have any other choice)

of "one China policy".Essentially,society is setting the ceiling all the time.Over a period

of time,people lost the ability to think they are individuals.


1980=>large population produced during "Chinese Baby boom" were  now useful in

factories.Again sex is used (indirectly)to benefit state which is not bad.


1990s-Present=>Sex has become a commodity .You  give me sex/baby,I give you car,money,house etc.Let's get married.


But my point is,where is "sex as an expression of love"..I can't see it so much in Chinese society.How many Chinese woman will mary a man without house/car/money.

How many wealthy Chinese man will marry a woman who is not beautiful enough.


It seems like people see sex either as commodity/coin/price or a mechanism to start a family.They simply lack the ability to understand sex as an expression of love and affection or experience.As a result their ignorance on "sex" is astonishing.Sex is also an expression of freedom.Perhaps that is why people here are/were never allowed to educate themselves on this.People still feel ashamed to talk on this topic(some of

foreigners also got impacted by this culture after staying in I can see from those answers).


I have talked to people here .I found how some people were born "accidentally".

Some were forced to get married.Some have done abortion to get a "son".It is just a a tool to carry on family names,to trade  "money for youthful beauty".

But if you want to talk about sex itself  to a Chinese ,you are a dirty guy !!!!!!


In spite of being a sexually agile country,they deliberately keep themselves away from

understanding technicalities of this subject.It is forbidden ....why?




"Again sex is used (indirectly)to benefit state which is not bad."? WTF is a sexually agile country?

10 years 21 weeks ago
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10 years 22 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77