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Q: Do you get angry at stupid rules?

I do - the stuff that directly affects me.


I had a knock at the door tonight - I haven't paid my electricity bill (fast enough). NO, not the one from months ago, I'm talking November's bill. the one that would have been first sent out around the first week of December.. only 2 weeks ago!


I'm getting told that if I haven't paid it by the 28th, they'll cut it off.


But, I say... it's no problem any other month - why do you want it so damn fast this time?


Because it's December - end of year!!!



(ie, the accounts/financing department are incompetent! They don't know how to do accounting across financial years! Or maybe it's bonus time, and people need to get their end of year bonus by having all bills paid in time!)


Yeah, that sort of BS annoys me... I get angry about such crap... let's change the rules because of some stupid "No Why" bype crap!

8 years 39 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Rules I don't mind so much even if they are a bit stupid. They are what they are.


Stupidity grinds my gears.


I don't mind rules either - if they make sense, and there's a good logical reason for them. Rules with no reason, or haven't been thought out too far beyond the immediate - that gets my goat!


What I don't get is that mainlanders HATE rules, and yet will blindly accept it if someone just walks up and says '"ou must pay this".

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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In Fuk., Xinjiang school was responsible for utility bills, and.....I was without power two days on Christmas in 2012. It happened several times I stayed without power or Internet during the Contract, 'cause school didn't pay bills on time, however Christmas 'black-out' was done intentionally in 'my books'.

At my present School, I'm required to travel out of China (home), and at my return I must present air ticket for refund, which is warranted by Contract, in other words it's 'part of my salary'.

- return flight to my home goes for a bit over 10k, and I spoke to the rep at my School, that I would be happy with 7k cash refund. His reply: ''ticket' or 'stick-it''

- I don't travel home every year.

- Schools in China never asked me for the actual return ticket, but 'return flight' was always paid as a bonus after completion of the Contract.

- accountant could show Contract to the tax-man instead real ticket.

So, going to Spain this Spring Festival for 15 days vacation. This return ticket will be refund for the last year's Contract.

In June next year, I think I'll hit Funchal for another two weeks stay.

'Man must travel!'surprise


For once I'd agree with the school, "use it or lose it"!


Where you going in Spain? We're going to Andalucia, my wife's choice. Land in Malaga then 10 days driving round before flight to Amsterdam for 4 days to chill. 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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'I'm not losing it....' you bet your butT.....'


So, if you would be boss at the School, you'd rather refund 10k with ticket than 7k cash? I'd settle for 6k cash.

At Schools, it's a bit different than at yours, probably.

I demanded 'furnished kitchen, washing machine and refund of return ticket' to be added to original Contract. I missed, because I should tel rep. to add 'fixed amount of return refund'. You can't think about everything all the time.angel

Other FTs here have the same size apartments as me, but no washing machine or kitchen. I'm not sure, if they get return flight home refund. There's washing machine in the lobby, and all FTs washing their stuff there.surprise They asked me, why I never use community washing machine.

My washing machine brand is Panasonic Fuzzy, 5.2 kg,angel mind you!


I'm heading to Barcelona, London (Camden) for few days first and then South. I don't have ticket, yet.

I won't be holiday-ing much, but trip itself is holidays. However, I must travel to get refund. 

I could work here instead. Part-time mill is already concerned, I won't be here for Spring Fest.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Ticket = tax rebate ie, someone gets to use it for something else later.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Yeah, that might be too.

Apparently all Chinese teachers must do the same with tickets to get refund. However, I'm not teacher with the same benefits as Chinese. I work per Contract.

Last year, I wasn't paid for work from Jan 1st - 15th. Rep told me, none of the Chinese receive pay for that. After I called SAFEA for all described problems (one call&email), I received pay for these days. And 'no deposits' letter.

I'm their first FT, so sometimes, they just made up some rules similar to rules for Chinese teachers. 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Rules I don't mind so much even if they are a bit stupid. They are what they are.


Stupidity grinds my gears.


I don't mind rules either - if they make sense, and there's a good logical reason for them. Rules with no reason, or haven't been thought out too far beyond the immediate - that gets my goat!


What I don't get is that mainlanders HATE rules, and yet will blindly accept it if someone just walks up and says '"ou must pay this".

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Stupid rules are everywhere in China because stupid minds have nothing better to do than invent stupid rules. Sometimes they make me angry, sometimes frustrated but I often find such rules amusing.


Nothing brightens a dull day in China more than watching a self esteem challenged idiot trying to exert his/her authority by feeble attempts at upholding stupid rules.


 I always dial SAFEA .


School told me at my arrival, they can't deposit salary to any other Chinese bank, but BOC. I warned school, I'll seek help of the Gov.

I hold CMB account, which doesn't operate in our city, and it's very convenient to receive salary deposits there, because of benefits CMB offers.

After Gov. talked to the boss, they issued letter in Chinese (stamps and everything), that School won't deposit salary to any other bank but BOC in the city, Chinese translator told me.

I added online banking to the BOC account, and I move funds myself.

I'm not angry. I read, anger age you faster.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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I don't get the end result here? So what - letter with stamps...???


When I had this issue, I made the same phonecall, and got told the same thing - the company does not get to dictate into which bank you have your money paid into.


I got it sent to my bank shortly after that phonecall...


Remember - people lie!

8 years 39 weeks ago
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School issued big letter in Chinese, that they'll use only city's BOC for salary deposits. Apparently they have right to choose the Bank, by SAFEA. I'm thinking, SAFEA tried to reason with school, and then ''school gave me official letter of 'no''.

I had same thingy in Fuk.: school deposited salary to ICBC in the city, but nobody spoke English there, so for anything at the Bank teller, I had to bring Chinese with me. Call to Urumqi SAFEA, and then school stalled some two months till the end of the Contract. I didn't get it. I even offered them to cover any extra fees for CMB deposits, and CMB told me School doesn't need to pay any fee for deposits.

School's accountant get some kick-backs for deposit monies to the city Bank, I think.

As soon as I came to Kaifeng, rep. told me off the bat, School will only use city's BOC. I've never asked for anything.

That's how I know, SAFEA most likely hold record on FT.angel

8 years 39 weeks ago
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I would suggest - find the relevant labour laws relating to employees and banks.


And, yes, it's always about a kick-back! Which is the issue I had!

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Too much work for this! CMB told me one of the requirements for Gold account is 'salary must be deposited....', so I bothered every school I worked for.

Now, CMB is OK if I just transfer it online or if I bring cash to the Bank in person. So, I don't bother anymore.

Chinese Labor law? I 'study' the Contract, and just play stupid at SAFEA. It's shorter, and they can always tell me, if I'm wrong.

At Gov., I usually ask for 'help, explanation and advice', despite I'm sure I'm right. 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Like being told not to let my front wheel cross the line at the traffic lights by a policeman who has just ignored three people riding down the wrong side of the road? No, not in the least.

Actually, on a loosely related note, I'm studying for my driving test at the moment and came across this little 'true or false' gem the other day:

It is illegal for a motorcycle to pull another motorcycle but it is legal for a motorcycle to be pulled by another motorcycle. Answer: Correct/Incorrect

It's a thinker, isn't it?


They missed at translation to English, I think.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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I wonder if there's any intentionality in that... It wouldn't surprise me if doing one was legal, but the other not... so your stuffed either way :p


As for the wording of the Q - typical!

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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No so much angry, more like frustrated, disgusted or incredulous. Like the stupid rule where foreigners can only change $500 per day in a bank but Chinese have no limit.


What does make me angry sometimes is when idiots can't follow simple common sense rules, red lights for example, or no smoking signs.


If you're change it often, get yourself Gold debit account at China Merchants Bank with 1000 Rmb initial deposit.

It comes with ATM Visa/Mc logo, and all exchanges at the bank (limit US$50k/year) or purchases abroad are deducted from Rmb holdings on the account, 'spot' exchange rate applies. No fee. 

You'll need RP and FEC (two docs) and phone number.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Thanks Icnif but I really don't change money enough to make it worth the hassle.


This is kind of a good example of stupid rules in action though. People need to go jumping through hoops to open other accounts and find ways around the rule when they shouldn't have to.


That's China though.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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While CMB Visa ATM is good, if you're purchasing abroad vs. exchanging Rmb to foreign money in China.

It's around 5% cheaper buying goods in UK with card vs. arriving in UK with cash UK Pound. 

CMB is the best Chinese bank for foreigners.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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This is maybe not so much a rule as a policy, or way of doing things that really does piss me off and make me think the people behind it are genuinely simple minded.


Every month or so a guy will knock on my door with a water bill. That in itself is fine, but you never know when to expect the guy. It's never on the same date and it's always during the day at random times when people are at work so usually I  - and I assume everyone else who works - miss him. Then they shut your water off. No notice, just no water when you get home.


I've had my water shut off about 6 times this year because I'm usually not at home when he comes around collecting money, there is never a note or something on the door to let me know I owe money so I don't know if it's because I didn't pay the water or if it's just because a water pipe or something broke again and they're repairing it, which happens all the time.


Getting it turned back on is a pain in the ass procedure involving having someone call the building management to find out why there's no water, then calling the water guy to meet you in the building at a certain time, rushing home from work when you can find the time, waiting for the guy who is never there when he said he would be, paying him and rushing back to work.


Every time this happens I ask someone to explain that I work during the day and if there was some sort of notice telling me the water bill is due I'd obviously take care of it. And nothing ever changes !


This needlessly stupid way of doing things, which must inconvenience everyone in the building is 'the rule' and can't be changed because it's 'the rule' and as everyone knows you must abide by 'the rule'.






You could go to the Water dept., and pay in advance. I did that in Fuk., after I get tired of no water.

I refuse to attend classes, if I'm unable to shower and shave. Was 10 days without water, once. That boiled me off, and I just gave some 200 Rmb to the Water dept., and that was enough for more than a year. Single occupant. 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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I was prepaying for a time there but then the money I had prepaid was lost in the system somewhere with supposedly no record of it.


The water place is not close to where I live  and if I was to go there I'm sure I'd get a blank look and be told to talk to the water guy ( a friend did try calling them for me, no luck) then he would say go to the water company and...  I don't care that much.


Not worth the hassle of going there to me, I'd rather just put up with it and save some sanity.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77