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Q: gaming laptop suggestion

Hi guys i want to buy gaming laptop in china, can u suggest me good brand ? or should i go to Hong Kong and buy there ?
Which brand is good ?
Thank u.

9 years 38 weeks ago in  Shopping - China

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for gaming, go to any bigger computer market and search for Alienware, with logo of "Alien". they basicly do great gaming pieces, you may even configure as your wish. Do no go for cheap assembly computer, it would not last long


Alienware is overpriced and since 2013 they switched their cases from high quality composite to cheap plastic crap, I would recommend Asus ROG or MSI GT series above ALW anytime. Also avoid Razer, overpriced and some of the worst customer service out here.

9 years 38 weeks ago
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9 years 38 weeks ago
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It's definitely worth going to HK.


Service staff in computer markets (like Wanchai) are highly proficient, and will generally install an optimised version of Windows.


In mainland China, service staff take the laziest possible approach (default settings for everything), and you will get all sorts of rubbish software and other shady processes you don't want.


International warranty is also good to have. Anywhere in HK will provide reliable warranty. In mainland China, only authorised outlets (see below) are reliable.


The little stores in mainland Chinese computer centres have absolutely no problem selling you systems with missing or cheaper parts, without telling you. Unless you're extremely savvy about computers (I'm not), you will probably get something a bit shoddier than what is written on paper. 


Meanwhile, official outlets for internationally recognised products are ludicrously overpriced (compared to HK or the US).


The only advantage of buying a computer in mainland China is that spyware/malware is pre-installed for you. You don't have to find it yourself by clicking on advertising banners and looking at a wide variety of porn.


So yeah. Go to HK.


Regarding what system you should buy: If you have lots of money ($US 2,000) I would strongly recommend Alienware 17. Alienware used to mean stupidly overpriced, stupid-looking, high-end gaming systems. Now they're just great. I'm still not a fan of the glowy plastic look, but that's just me (the new ones look tons better than the old ones). I want a computer made of ivory, but no one is cooperating these days. An Alienware 17 gaming laptop will be excellent for years to come.


If you want to spend a more sensible amount of money, you will need to read some reviews. You could go to the Wanchai computer centre, collect lots of brochures (printouts of computer specs) from various shops, then go back to your hotel and spend a night looking at reviews. I'm using a Dell XPS 17, purchased in HK two or three years ago. It's quite heavy (not unusual for a gaming laptop) but has amazing specs, and still runs everything (like Skyrim, Path of Exile, Starcraft 2) fine.


Out of curiosity, what games do you play?



"The only advantage of buying a computer in mainland China is that spyware/malware is pre-installed for you. You don't have to find it yourself by clicking on advertising banners and looking at a wide variety of porn."


I LMAO, cuz it's true. 

9 years 38 weeks ago
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i was recently also looking for one and this one is a nice one thats not too pricey.


if you have too much money and look for top notch, go for alienware 18 (19?) cost somewhat 3500$

but it is high end (at least for 1 month Smile)

actually the bigger problem is: what to play?

nowadays 99% of the games are played online... good luck with the crappy internet and on servers outside china with 300+ ms ping

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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I'm still running a Asus ROG G53sw which I got 7 years ago (1400 USD at the time). The ROGs cool wonderfully, they are silent, and I'm still running games like Skyrim and SC2 (on high settings not ultra anymore :(   ). I'm saving up for a new ROG which hopefully will last me another 4+ years.


Expect little battery life and they really do weigh like bricks

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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Alienware is a bit overpriced. I did a lot or research and came to the conclusion that Sager is the best quality/power for price out there. I spent 1800 USD and got a machine that I can use for ANYTHING and will last for 5 years or more.

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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I bought my Asus A53S in Hangzhou, at one of the computer marts. Not exactly what I was after, but it does the job.I was after a Lenovo at the time - but no-one could get me one (at the price I was willing to pay).


If you're after games like Skyrim etc, I'd say look at your HDD. After a while, I bought myself an SSD 360GB (I think...) and replaced the DVD drive (and bought an external). I also bought some extra RAM.


I was getting BS when looking around, in particular "Do you have X?", "Come with me...." ok, go, look "Does this have XYZ that I specificially said and showed you I wanted?" "No", "Then stop wasting my fkn time!!!"


i recommend using a site like - and go from there. Prices, obviously, won't be accurate, but it's a good start!


As for going to HK or not - depends on where you're leaving from! You need to factor in additional costs - flights, hotels if you need them, etc.


Ahhhh Skyrim, it runs wonderfully with more than a hundred mods and an ENB on my laptop with a GTX980m, a SSD and 16GB of ram, what a great game with a wonderful modding community.

9 years 38 weeks ago
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Unfortunately, I'm one of those who gets really bored really quickly... so, I played for a few weeks, then just gave up! Same with WoW (though that was months), LotRO (a few months), etc etc etc....


And - Skyrim Online - what a complete waste of time, effort and money (not that I spent any of the above, except to look for a box, and chat with a gamer who said it wasn't worth it... like all of us, I was hoping it was actually Skyrim... not just another class-based thing )


I'll probably get back into them again (esp Skyrim and LotRO) now that I've got my 3D projector :D :D :D :D

9 years 38 weeks ago
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9 years 38 weeks ago
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Thank u so much guys for your fact in China Alienware is too expensive. i think its worth to buy in HK...
Thano you guys

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9 years 37 weeks ago
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Dont go for a Chrome book. My friend did and regreted it.

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9 years 37 weeks ago
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HK is probably better than mainland for buying, though bringing one from the west would be even cheaper.

If you want a cheap alternative to a dedicated gaming laptop, you'll need 2.4GHz minimum clock speed quad core (many graphically demanding games have this as minimum), 4GB RAM, at least 250GB harddisk and a modern Video Card (meaning graphic tasks are not using the processor; they use the video card). Don't fill up your harddisk with too much clutter; it you have 1TB (1000GB) storage space 40% full, that would cause more slowdown (from searching) than a 75% filled 250GB harddisk.

Also get a powerful external laptop cooler for summertime. You'd do well to find a good deal with a reputable brand. Mine is a Toshiba I got 4 years ago for 650euros, and it's still almost flawless. I had to get the motherboard replaced last year: Repairs in China can be cheap; just make sure you have a friend to help find a competent repairman.

Finally, as a point of planning and data management, it helps if you have an external harddisk to store all the games, movies and TV shows you want to watch in China, without taxing your laptop's storage space. The backup is also a relief if your laptop is broken, lost or stolen. One of my HDD's can connect to TV and play certain video files directy - great entertainment in the background while you play a game.

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9 years 37 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77