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Q: Have you experienced difficulties reaching Internet ?

Yesterday, Internet access was dead to me.  No matter what I did, could not get access.  Today, it has been on and off, can not stay in more than 20 minutes.


It this wide spread or just me.  I overheard China Telecom had a massive failure yesterday, still working to finiosh repairs.  Is that true ?  Any comments will be appreciated.

12 years 24 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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yesterday was offline. today haven't experienced any major outages except for slow web pages which can be expected. 

I also heard the China telecom aswell but no solid news report on that yet

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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there was sth going on with the wife of an official. turns out she is a suspect in the death of a brit business man. i did not check the date of that article so i dont know if it is recent. if it is recent the filters must be working over time. i did have trouble accessing some normal every day sites. google has been awful the past few days.


Are you having the same trouble I am having? You get to google, enter your search query and immediately get a page with "This Webpage Not Available...."?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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it been happening more often recently.

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Maybe it's easier to shut down the net than to delete all our playful threads

all Hugs fault


Hey! Our playsite was taken down!cool I wonder what set off the takedown? Must have been the dress-code Hugs and Jnus had for their servants...

12 years 24 weeks ago
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just blame it on Friday 13th

then nobody feels left out

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Cool! Friday the 13th it is!

I just KNEW we were having too much fun with that other thread...

12 years 24 weeks ago
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HEY!!!! If we're gonna be blamed for crap, then let us at least have fun with it! smiley

12 years 24 weeks ago
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One good thing about it

we now know with out a doubt why we don't get many new people 

joining in.

they are all laughing their asses off

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Maybe they do not wish for the masses to know the NK rocket launch failed........

12 years 24 weeks ago
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The rocket did not fail! In an example of The Supreme Leaders genius and vision, it turned into a submarine in mid-flight! Something not even American, Russian or Chinese rockets can do! And just in time for "Grand papa's" birthday bash!

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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They're scared of a certain group that is threatening to take down the GFW...  Trying to beef up security.



Girls friends winging?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Going Frickin Wild?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Yeah, I don't think there is any stopping them. Not with what they've already pulled off around the world.

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Greasy French Women?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Great Fire Wall

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Now even looking up things like "foreign language bookstores" on different search engins results in "Page Not Available"

Son of a B!

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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It's been REALLY slow, and Google is more censored than ever. Even casual searches like "bakery" or stuff like that get google to stop working for a few minutes. It's unbearable.

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Yeah, I noticed that my internet has been slower in general this past week. Also, the times when it is not available have increased. It's really annoying.

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Someone told me they are upgrading the great firewall of China and thats why its been glitchy lately.


So, instead of intermitent shut down we will have total shutdown?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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I'm not sure. I dont think my friend knows much either. I think its just an upgrade to the firewall. not sure how it will effect us though

12 years 24 weeks ago
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Apparently the people regulating internet said "fuck it" and randomly mashed a bunch of buttons to see what would happen.

12 years 24 weeks ago
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I think you have hit the nail on the head Sr Spoon!

Does anyone know what is the Chinese equivalent for "Fuck it"?

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77