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Q: How do things get done? seems very slow here in China --- some double standards maybe?


In my world, transportation was a key to financial gain  ....  the best roads, bridges, trains, boats planes....whatever it takes to get goods to market as quickly as possible.............  Nowadays I suspect that financial transactions over the internet are equally as important ............  and yet, here in China, we doddle along at 2Mb/s while in developed places, such as USA, Japan, S. Korea they are making transactions at a minimum of 20Mb/s .........10 X different ..........  I tried to put the pic of my speed results on here but it won't let me ........ my comparison from here in Guangdong to my last visit to USA and Canada ................  maybe I am off track here, but it does seem to me that speed is of the essence..........  hurry up China!!!!



11 years 17 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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To have more speed you need decent infrastructures... and China is still a bit behind in that. (excluding maybe Shanghai)


China is a very big country and that kind of upgrade is something that takes a lot of time and money.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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It pains me to say

but China is way out in front when it comes to transport compared to Australia

They are talking about a high speed rail between Brisbane to Sydney to Canberra to Melbourne to Adelaide

and it will only take 50 years to build



you have to factor in the population and the amount of people who actually need to move between locations each day. I am sure you can get around Australia with decently priced domestic flights right ? 

For China it is a bottleneck to move all the people just by air. In some locations high speed rail replaces flight routes, in others the supplement them

11 years 17 weeks ago
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11 years 17 weeks ago
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I am not sure it is the speed at which you can do transactions that is the problem, it is IF you can do transactions. Sure you can buy stuff online, sure you don't always have to use cash. But the number of times you have to go somewhere to queue up for something is staggering. Here in the town, the hospitals do not have any kind of reservation systems. One can get an appointment same day by showing up when they open. The result is that each morning you have a huge turnout of people just sitting there waiting to see if they can get to wait for a doctor. 

I am pretty sure I couldn't open a mobile phone subscription without going to a phone shop, back home cable tv would be something I would click off in a browser and then a couple of days later it would magically appear, no payment until the following month. Here you get to go queue up for to talk to some retard who doesn't really know the products but still wants to assist you in choosing "a better product". 

The amount of wasted time in this society is staggering. Almost everything involves manual steps, wasted time and thus wasted resources. 


I'm not sure, I'm against it..... I needed to slow down a bit...part of why I came paced new fangled shit was getting the best of me....... . but I still keep up sith stuff back home and actually enjoy the lineups and ignorance at the end of the lineup, because i expect it.........  back home I expected nothing but first class service, prompt and courteous and intelligent......  here...  "it is what it is"  ...relax

11 years 17 weeks ago
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Moving too fast is almost as bad as moving too slow, but when you are moving fast at least you think you are getting things done. 

11 years 17 weeks ago
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11 years 17 weeks ago
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I was in USA, Canada, and Europe, and never saw speeds above 500kb/s. The only time I saw speeds of 500kb/s in the west were from Micro$oft. The rest of them would get speeds of 20-100kb/s. In China, I've seen over 1mb/s-1.5mb/s, but that is only on domestic sites. Foreign sites will download at about 50kb/s, and thats if the site loads at all. This however, can be seen as a good thing. With foreign sites loading up slow, people will be more inclined to use domestic sites instead. Also, I don't think this matters to most internet users, as they primarily use domestic sites anyway. All the major bank sites will load up quickly. Also, I don't think there will be a huge difference if a bank site loads at 20kb/s vs. 200kb/s. The only time internet speeds matter is if you're watching videos or downloading huge files over 100mb, usually movies, operating systems, or very large programs. If internet speeds matter that much to you, and you spend your entire day on the internet, then I don't know what you're doing in China in the first place. If you got first class service back home, then why don't you go home?


if you were in America and never saw above 500k/s, you were ripped off.  something was definitely wrong.  Nowadays, America is rolling out 4G networks in most cities.  That's something like 12 MB per second.  In China (mainland), I have seen 1.5 MB a few times but it is rare.  Hong Kong has the fastest internet speeds I have ever experienced. And the reason why we don't go home when we are accustomed to first class service there is something you will never understand because you don't have a choice. Since you have no choice but to stay in China, you can never understand the thrill of traveling to other countries, even if the other country is backwards.

11 years 17 weeks ago
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11 years 17 weeks ago
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There are only 2 things that move quickly in China

The speed they drive

and the time it takes to shift the Blame surprise


they don't drive that fast, it's recklessness at slow speed

11 years 16 weeks ago
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isn't this a silva comment?

11 years 15 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I had the joy of spending an hour in the notary office yesterday. What a steaming pile of inefficiency. It's a small office, they have 8 counters for people to go to, tow of which are capable of handling actual notary services, the others can only check if the papers you are bringing are correct. In a separate room there are some people sitting waiting for people to come pick up their documents after processing. It is at least 10 people doing nothing while two people work in slow motion. When you enter, you get a number, which is great because then there is no problem with the lack of ability to queue. At 12 o clock the office closes so the employees can nap (they actually turn of the lights and people sit at their desks and sleep, as seen through the windows) Once nap time is over they let "customers" into the building again, the number system starts over.


While you sit and wait, you can see the efficiency of the people who can check if you have the required documents. While people are actually being processed, you will see them running out of the office, to return 2 minutes later with freshly copied papers, some people will do this several times.


If you venture deeper into the building you can see small offices, each are equipped with 1 office worker, 1 desk, 1 computer, 1 sofa and 1 water heater. My wife had been to ask the supervisor of the operation if it was possible to have express service instead of the normal 2-3 weeks. It is, but only once you have gotten through the maze that is the front office. The supervisor has on her sofa a sheet and a pillow, nice for napping. 

At exactly 3 minutes before closing time at 1730, a bell sounds, info screens turn off AND the supervisor comes from her office and tells people who have been waiting from early morning to please leave and come back tomorrow as her staff is (and a direct quote) "tired and need to go home".
We where there for having our marriage certificate notarized. My wife is there again today, they will only accept the application in person from one of the people on the marriage papers, as I cannot speak much Chinese I am useless. So that is two days of not going to work for my wife, she has colleagues that can handle anything urgent from her desk, so not a big problem, of course she will be deducted in salary. We have been there earlier as well, we were lucky when we got married and needed a document for that, only half a day, of course we had mother in law get out of bed extra early that day to go get a number for us, my wife spent 3 days in that office, getting some paperwork done because she inherited some stuff. That office can handle 2 such cases before nap time and 2 after nap time. It is the only notary office in a city with 1.5 million people, surely there must be more than 4 inheritance cases per day. Of course they can only notarize documents for people who have a local hukou and it seems half this city is from Hunan province and the other half comes from other places too. 


That reminds me of getting some money transferred from home. It took two days of waiting at banks to get it. The first time I went they refused to do anything as my passport only has my first and last names, not my middle names! 


Then I come the second day and after a few hours of them dicking around and photocopying my passport dozens of times, using mounds of paper for me to sign and for them to stamp repeatedly with 3 different types of stamps (they do love their stamps) and having to go from one person to another and then back to the first one, then to the second again! Then go to a third, who begins the process all again only to be shunted back to the first one (a miserable cow) I finally got my money!


Why they need 3 people to do what one person could do is beyond me! They seem to make jobs for people just to give them something to do. And most of the bank staff were miserable so and sos!


11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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This is why China will never be number one nation in the world.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77