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i saw some unfriendly guys made fun of us chinese girls and i felt so bad. maybe some chinese girls deserve bad words but there still are many nice and friendly chinese girls. so please do not say oh you are chinese so ...normally you said it like a sarcasm. and please do not say are u a fucking idiot? if u like to say words like that just stop complaining that chinese are cold rude or something like that.
11 years 3 weeks ago in Relationships - China
So, let's have an imaginary conversation, based on my experience
You - "I don't want to have sex with him ! How can I tell him ?"
Me - "Tell him 'no, I don't have sex with you"
You - "But I don't want to upset him !"
Me - "He is an adult, he can take a 'no' as an answer. Worst case, he grows up a bit and learn something"
You - "Hiiiii, no, I can't do that !"
Me - "You don't want to upset him, or you just don't have the courage to say no ?"
You - "Hiiiiiiii, you are not helping !!!"
Me - "Errr, you can lie, like, you have someone, or more funny, tell him that you have AIDS"
You - "Haaaa ! I don't lie and you are stupid !"
Me - "Ok, so let's sum-up. He want to have sex. You don't want, but saying no is not ok, lying is not ok. You are not helping yourself, really. You can, hum, avoid him, never go where he is"
You - "hmmmm, but what if I meet him by accident, he will be upset !"
Me - "Well, you have the simple, easy, plain way : say no. But since you don't want to face this, you have to go through complex ways which all have severe drawbacks. In the end, *you* are the one who have to make a choice"
You - "You are a bad guy, you don't understand my culture, you..."
Me - "I'm living here for a while, I saw quite a few girls with the same hesitations as you. Say 'no', problem is gone. Try something else, it have chance to just get worse. It's not a culture thing, is about having some backbone, some self-respect. Your life, your choice, and you know your options. Bye"
You - "Grmblblblblblblbl"
She WANTS to have sex with either HIM or YOU. She's just being indirect about it. Chinese girls are the masters of this. They're always asking about sex questions. Except my wife. That's part of why I married here, actually.
AGAIN, she wants you to porkload her. I'd personally just take her to the nearest hotel room and lay pipe. Well, if I weren't married, that is. God, I miss laying pipe.
With the original question turned into a rant, it's a freak'in incoherent mess. A girl state loud and clear that we shall have some fun, I tell her I'm married, wrong guy. Before, hum, girls who didn't know what they want : I don't take advantage of kids, it's bad. Go play with your doll, kid, and let the adults being adults ^^
Well said Dr. Monkey!! Touche! YES, it IS due to a lack of backbone and self-respect! AND, if I hear the lame "It's due to cultural differences" excuse again I'm going to SCREAM! :0!!!!!! The South Koreans talk the same b******t! ** Okay folks, how about the Japanese,Thais,etc? ** Do they give the same nauseating excuse?
this question made no sense - even before the OP changed it - over six months ago.
I didn't understand your point of view, however, I am foreigner and I get married with a chinese girl because I love the culture and her, of course.
Isn't it about time you really stayed away from this site Vicky.
Looks like she is back again, lol. She used to edit questions a lot.
Chinese girls are generally so loving and caring, but also hey are like bids of thesame feathers. She will love you in the begining but soon listen to friends advice and kick your ass. So watch
Is this a chinese or some sad guy pretending to be chinese? The grammar and spelling mistakes have a deliberate feel about them?
It doesn't work that way. The doctor gives the diagnoses to the patient, not the other way around.
Why is it the newest craze to project one's own short-comings onto others?
Classic misdirection.
How do I think of Chinese girls?
I use my brain. Is there some other way?
I think the number of prostitues has gone up drastically due the general laziness of women here . Too many jinv no one respects women then .
Some are good and some are bad, some are beautiful and some are ugly, some are smart and some are naive, etc... just like everywhere else.
I have met girls here who are only after money, I have met other girls who couldn't give less of a damn about money.
The foremost usually end up marrying an abusive and overweight rich man who is twice their age, they are unhappy in their life and their relation, they have money but feel empty inside, they hate their life but pretend to be happy. They usually come from a poor background and don't have a high level of education, so I can't blame them for choosing money, even though it's the wrong choice at the end.
The later find a boyfriend around their age from a similar social background, they love hin with passion and have happy relationship, they are truly satisfied with their life and have authentic cheers on their face, they might not have as much money but they feel fulfilled inside and you can feel it when talking to them. These are middle and upper class girls, also some poorer but highly educated girls who understand that money is not an end in itself.
I think they're cute, if they got straight teeth, small nose etc. As oppose to facial features I like breasts and butts (no fatties allowed). In general, a friend of mine find them easy-going (if you know what I mean)
Chinese girl becoming lazy and demanding, not good.
You are mixing with the wrong girls if that is your experience. That's what you get from hanging out with prostitutes. What will your wives say....oh the humanity.