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Q: how is life in xian for a south asian student? will they face racism?

I will be heading to xian from Bangladesh , but want to get some idea's about life in xian so that i can adjust there soon 

7 years 29 weeks ago in  Relationships - Xi'an

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You will definitely face racism if you look Indian (I know that some Bangladeshi look Burmese). To the Chinese, South Asians are a lower race, they are fed with negative stereotypes about Indians (the race, not the nationality) that also apply to Bangladeshi and Pakistanese. Expect to be extremely unpopular with Chinese girls and to be ridiculed by Chinese guys in public at any given opportunity.


it seems xian's people are kinda superstitious?

7 years 29 weeks ago
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7 years 29 weeks ago
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You can get a general idea of any city in china (the world for that matter) with websites like these on the internet. Videos on youtube too which you should have watched if you have done your homework.


What is missing in all of the above is --- when it comes to china 99% of what you see are untrustworthy. Why?  Daluren will do anything for money. Why are those website being created in the first place? For your money. This is the first thing you must remember. And this include government websites. Why do you think the American embassy has their own climate equipment to detect pollution level in various parts of china (which is smart)? 


Racism, daluren are trained to view foreigners as enemies. There is a local well known saying, a covered up insult which daluren keep to themselves, and I will expose them here. It is called squatting on your knees to feed the pigs.  Meaning, scraping off your dignity when it comes to money (feed pigs, sell pigs, grow rich). This is their general attitude to any foreigner IF they deem you as usable. So, you can call it racism or money worshipping. 


Coming from Bangladesh you of all people should immediately understand all of these. I don't think you will suffer any major cultural shook with china, except it is worse than where you are from.

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7 years 29 weeks ago
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Yes, haha,, u r dark skinned.  But, they are coming around surely, but slowly.  Of course it will never go away entirely.

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7 years 29 weeks ago
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Are you concerned that people may think you are indian? Because, you know, all white people come from American [sic] and eat 22 hamburgers each day, all black people come from the mysterious country called Africa and are dangerous criminals, and all brown people are from india are the only peoplr in the world who eat with their hands....ewwwww, so dirty.

Are you starting to get the idea?

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7 years 29 weeks ago
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You will definitely face racism if you look Indian (I know that some Bangladeshi look Burmese). To the Chinese, South Asians are a lower race, they are fed with negative stereotypes about Indians (the race, not the nationality) that also apply to Bangladeshi and Pakistanese. Expect to be extremely unpopular with Chinese girls and to be ridiculed by Chinese guys in public at any given opportunity.


it seems xian's people are kinda superstitious?

7 years 29 weeks ago
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7 years 29 weeks ago
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Thanks everyone for your answers Laughing out loud Its really helpful for me 


You will be subjected to all imaginable tests in prc. A gift for you, from Bob Dylan.


Forever Young


May God bless you and keep you always

May your wishes all come true

May you always do for others

And let others do for you

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung

And may you stay forever young

May you grow up to be righteous

May you grow up to be true

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you

May you always be courageous

Stand upright and be strong

And may you stay forever young

May your hands always be busy

May your feet always be swift

May you have a strong foundation

When the winds of changes shift

May your heart always be joyful

May your song always be sung

And may you stay forever young

7 years 29 weeks ago
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7 years 29 weeks ago
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very similar to "old irish blessing"

7 years 29 weeks ago
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Sharp mind.  There is a definite Irish hymnal quality to this song. Dylan commented that he was thinking about one of his boys when he wrote it. I am pretty sure he was inspired by traditional Irish blessing. Considering the motive and wisdom infused in the lyric, I give him some slacks here.


This piece is meaningful on another level for this student. Dylan was among the guests in Harrison's (George, the Beattles) Concert for Bangladesh, others include Eric Clapton, Billy Preston and the band Badfinger. That 1971 NY concert (Madison Square Garden) raised the awareness of the situation in Bangladesh overnight, it being the first ever concert of such a magnitude done for benefits, raising a quarter of million usd for the people there.


This is something I don't think daluren would EVER come close to USA. They simply do not have that kind of genes, never had and I daresay never will. Don't believe it? Go read their 5000+ years messed up history.

7 years 28 weeks ago
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7 years 29 weeks ago
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A: Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see
A:Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see titles against China so often.It was amazing (LOL) to see how Chinese respect traffic rules and all ... seeing it live from around 2010 on ... Now, cops hand regulating the traffic in the main crossings, that is something else ... Picture this: "All females, 165 - 175 cm tall, skinny, dressed in all leather, black outfit. ... Dalian, 2010, outside temp. -25*C ... short-hair w/ beret, wind&all proof leather jacket&trousers, military style black boots", two at the time ... like at doubles in tennis ... except colder...LOL..When I inquire about 'all movie-star seating in traffic crossings', Chinese told me, that it is a gov. job and only the best shape counts ...
I was only walking around China, but in Liaoning, I was imagining I would be driving ..., i.e. who to watch: traffic or woman ...I would say, they must have a tonne of skirmishes and accidents, but they don't ... everything is c&d with woman dressed in black leather in the middle.I'm telling you, Chinese are different ...O.K., one more: plowing the snow, cleaning up the roads at snow fall ... Chinese carry the snow away ... it's not like at us, when they push the snow to the banks 'nd voila ... Chinese plow snow with the digger and brazzilion trucks, waiting for the snow load in a beautiful line, queue line, that's it. Truck approaches the digger, gets load of snow and drove it away to some predestine place. Many different actors, but in China it is very organized.... digger, and some 50 trucks approaching the digger for some 2' stop ... conveyer belt thingy. It's a beautiful site to see it at large, ... from distance. -- icnif77
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