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Q: How long did it take for food to stop making you sick?

I'm talking about travelers' diarrhea. How long did it take for it to go away completely? How long into your stay in China were you able to eat the food without worrying if it would make you sick? 

10 years 37 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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it doesnt stop... welcome to china!


in the words of kat williams... "not neva!"

10 years 37 weeks ago
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It's not that you suddenly become immune to it, it's that you start figuring out where and what you can eat without the adverse effects.  Even after more than 3 years, I still get the odd case of laduzi....and it usually coincides with trying some new place to eat.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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7 years and counting ...

You just know after years here, that you have to avoid some places, some foods and you will be relatively safe. although, even KFC make me sick sometimes ...


seriously, everytime i eat KFC in china i get sick...

10 years 37 weeks ago
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'I'm talking about travelers' diarrhea.' 


He used to post here. Some said, he moderate this board, too. We could call him only Mr. T, because always when we would say :'Traveler', post would get 'harmonized'.


He's from Vanuatu originally, but he claimed he's from Ozz. Everybody comes from his/her mom, so what's the difference?

I'm not really sure, if 'diarrhoea' even went away. Last time, he was back with Belle handle.


Yeah, I never had Traveler's diarrhea. Only my own. cool

10 years 37 weeks ago
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i have not had solid bowel movements in almost 4 years here, dont think i ever will.

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This is why I'm only eating rice and soy sauce,that I prepare myself, while in China. My stomach is unfortunately already pretty sensitive, so I can't afford to add mystery meat and questionable water to my diet. Bright side, minus the air shipments of Trader Joe's hauls I plan to have my friends send me, I should be in pretty good physical shape by the time I leave Smile


my friends used to send my stuff from supermarkets back home... man it gets expensive!  and that just means more gifts you have to send or bring home for the holidays!

10 years 37 weeks ago
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all the way up until i bought my own pots, pans, dishes, and pressure cooker.   If you eat oily and unhygienic Chinese food, you will be sentencing yourself to a life of having the shits.


just ordered a croc pot... cant wait to use it

10 years 37 weeks ago
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After 10 years, sometimes still getting sick. Being sick twice in the last month. And I'm quite careful on what I eat. I eat home almost every meal.

Food here is poisonous!

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I never had problems with food that I ate in China that way. I like BBQ meat on a stick, I had a meat stick from a muslim, tasted bitter, don't know why I didn't toss it, gave me  stomach ache which is unusual,  lasted for weeks and drinking cold beer made it worse.

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I've never had a problem. I eat anything/everything. From street food to noodle shops. 

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Go vegetarian ^^ Other vegetarian also never had food sickness problems ? Or it's just me ?

Seriously, meat is an health hazard in China : no refrigeration at the butcher shop, even if it's 40c. No one seems to feel bad about  the meat stinking 30 meters from the shop. Meat quality, by the look, is sub-par. I can't imagine what "management with Chinese characteristics" looks like in farm-factories. Ho yeah, thousands of dead pigs in the Huang Pu river.


Pig swimming competition in HuangPu is old chinese tradition, you don't know ? It has been around 5 or 6 thousands years .. angel

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Laduzi is just one on the list of things that will steal you time in China. Today I've spent 2x30 mins waiting for things that would never be needed outside of China. It doesn't really matter if I am stuck in line in a bank or sitting at home on the can. Both things prevent me from doing something useful. 


Avoiding gutter oil is a good start of avoiding dying in China

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As I write this I can feel rumblings......erm...... gotta go.... feels like a follow through..



10 years 37 weeks ago
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I get it real bad sometimes. I can go for months with no problem then whoosh.....


It's not so bad now that I am here full time tho. When I was doing business trips to here a few years back I could easily lose a couple of days by not being able to get more than 20 feet from a toilet.


I can hold it a lot better now, but for some reason my body seems to know when it is within sniffing distance of a WC and the pressure builds up to a very uncomfortable level.  It's almost as if the bug knows it is close to it's palls and want's to be let out to visit them down the sewer.


Sorry, but the OP did ask laugh

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Due to the amount of dirt, bacteria, toxic chemicals, recycled waste and substances unknown to science in Chinese food, you will occasionally get diarrhea.


I eat street food almost every day, and rarely get sick. The occasional adverse reaction is a small price to pay for cheap, tasty jiaozi, baozi, zongzi and tanghulu.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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I swear to God I will never ever again eat those barbecued chicken sold by Xinjiang people. At 10rmb for 3 sticks, my stomach went crazy for 4 straight days! 


I regularly eat Xinjiang barbecue and don't think it's ever made me sick.  But I don't choose chicken.  Eating chicken is China just isn't a good idea.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Yes, I found that out the hard way. After that incident, I only eat at KFC or I BBQ it myself at home.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I eat chicken all the time and I rarely get sick.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Yeah it's not the best idea to eat them chicken bbq sticks, best off with lamb.

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I'm still getting sick after three and a half years. I tend to stay away from Chinese foods these days.

A friend advised me to eat lot's of yoghurt as it lines your stomach with healthy bacteria apparently. Making it more difficult for the Chinese food bacteria to harm you.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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I only got sick from food once, and that was when I had some cheap sushi at SuGuo. Though, I tend to be careful about food cleanliness. I'll check out the kitchen and how the food is prepared before eating at a place. It can't guarantee everything is up to code, but I can at least avoid places where baskets of vegetables are placed on the same sidewalk that is used as a spittoon, trash can, and toilette. 

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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i have only been sick once: bad rice in summer, cooked at lunch and reheated in the evening.

Eat more garlic, a good natural preventative for so many common illnesses.

Avoid uncooked vegetables and food from questionable sources.


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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Never got sick in China from any food and I experienced some quite exotic foods, even drank water from faucet. However, upon returning to the US my first week back is usually filled with much 'trouble'. LOL.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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the first time I went to China I was accompanied by a coworker and it took both of us almost 3 weeks to be "right".  Oddly enough we both were "cured" on the same day.  After that I never had a problem.  Even after returning to the US for 6 months and then returning to China I didnt have any problems... it was only my first trip for about 2 1/2 weeks.

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Seems like you're new to China or something. The runs are inevitable. I strongly suggest weathering the storm, and possibly just buying a slice of bread to eat with each meal. Since your body is adapting to a new style of food, bread will seriously help prevent the runs.


Buy a loaf of bread. Eat one slice with every meal. No more bad poopies! Happy Power Pooping, mate.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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In depends where you live. For example, Kunming: pretty much have them all the time. Beijing - very rarely. 


Just keep eating bananas and get over it. There are also benefits, it is so common here that it provides a very good excuse to get out of things you don't want to do. 


I just used the tennis on tv to get out of something.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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find an import market and buy your food there

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I eat chicken - some at KFC - and sticky rice and only have problems after I eat at the mandatory dinners. I don't eat Chinese style often but when I do it rarely bothers me. Except that one time ...

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77