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Q: i need guangdong police department
I need e mail contact to Guangzhou (Houjiezhen) Police department.
5 years 24 weeks ago in Money & Banking - Guangzhou
Can you search over Yahoo-gle? No?
OK, I'll do it for you:
Clueless as usual Icnif. I avoid this site for a long time & you’re still giving wrong answers.
Houjie Zhen is part of Dong Guan so OP needs Dongguan police, not a link to Guangzhou government website.
All I can find is the Dongguan government website bu obviously it’s in Chinese.
All you can find?
Isn't that clueless or ... maybe I was also 'all I could find ...'?
No, you are not clueless, my mom judged ...
By the way, how's 'Viki'? he he
My website was also in Chinese, buTT ... I translated to Gaelic for all of you and fir Hot ...: Sláinte! he he ..
The Responsibilities of Guangdong public security organs include: the prevention, suppression and investigation of criminal activities; maintenance of social security and order; fight against behaviors jeopardizing social order; monitor and maintain traffic safety and order, handle traffic accidents; organization and control over fire, supervision fire prevention; administration of arms and ammunitions, control over dangerous objects such as cutting tool, inflammable and explosive materials, toxic and radioactive materials; administration of special trades stipulated by laws and regulations; protection of state assigned persons, venues and facilities; administration of household registration, nationality, entry-&exit and stay, travel of foreigners in Guangdong; maintenance of border security; executing penalties on criminals under surveillance, detained, deprived of political rights and serving sentence outside jail; surveillance on probationer and parolee; security inspection of computer information system; supervision and instruction of security work in state organs, societal associations, enterprise and important construction sites; instruction of crime prevention work of community security commissions; and stipulation of regulations and rules.
with 'Contact Us' on the weblink ...
Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department (GDPSD)
Address: No.97 Huanghua Road, Guangzhou
Telephone: 86-20-83832980
Icnif, it is quite apparent that English is not your forte and you make pathetic attempts to hide the fact with weak puns that no one finds amusing. It's all a bit sad when coupled with an obsession to be the first to answer and still provide either useless information or make an attempt to ridicule a new user. Heads up, the PSB is not the police. Even for someone as clueless about English as yourself, you might have noticed that the words don't even look the same, and they perform different jobs..
*Edit to respond to the senseless edit by icnif* Correct, it is. There is no point in contacting the PSB when you need help with a police matter. By the way, who helped you write the first grammatically correct sentence in your life? You say you teach IELTS? I call bullshit. You have, at best a rudimentary grasp of English. I want to see your qualifications and proof of this. The whole forum wants to see.