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Q: I'm contemplating buying a tablet - but not too expensive - any advice?

iPad might be getting a bit pricey (even an older one), considering I only want it for quick and easy storage and access to docs.


Is there an ok Chinese rip-off??


Btw, heading to I might be able to pick something up there if the advice is good...

11 years 30 weeks ago in  Shopping - China

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Personally I've got an Ipad2 but I think I read or saw an advert for a Lenovo smart pad or something of that nature, looked pretty handy.  It could fold up or fold out with a built in flip out keyboard. 

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I wanna buy one too...but it won't be a Chinese one or Apple.

Looks like it's gonna be a Google Nexus 10

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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You have to consider if you want it to be able to go on the internet via mobile data or just via WiFi


Asus FonePad looks interesting for something that can do mobile data, not sure when it will be on the market

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.  I like it better than an iPad because it has an external storage slot.  Just buy an SD card (I have 64GB) to import pictures, music, docs or whatever.  Can't do that with the iPad.  With the iPad, you can only consume media purchased at the Apple Store unless you jailbreak it.   Paid less than 3000 yuan.


The wife has a Galaxy tab. I've been considering a Tab 2, but I'm holding out for a higher-resolution android tablet. Down with Apple.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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You can import your own media files into iTunes without jailbreaking.  I have mp3's on my iPhone and iPod dating back to my college days (long before the advent of the iTunes store )

11 years 30 weeks ago
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umm.  the topic is tablet.  There is no iPad dating back before iTunes.  There is no easy way to play outside media on an iPad.  Only iTunes media. Edit - ok, after thinking about it, I got your point. You can play your old media. Still, I think the Apple way sucks.(

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I bought Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 for 1800 HKD in Hong Kong. 

Now I regretted buying it, cause I don't use it often - I managed to repair my old laptop... So I still use my laptop. Anyway if you don't want to overpay, I think it's a good price for that and you can just buy another SD card if you need more memory

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Actually, now looking at a Toshiba Excite 7.7..... got good ratings on some comparison website (and iPad was rated lower...).


i'm going to give you my 2 cents. do not even consider apple. all my ipad is good for is for playing games and music. for some dumb reason apple does not allow you to use an app to browse the disk drive. you have to load the files onto to the specific app, and it can not be accessed by any other app. ios 6 does not allow you to use google maps (i do not know if they changed it)

so your choice should be between a win8 device or android, but do not buy any android device in china, it does not come with google play app (without it, your device is useless).

i have an ipad and a cheap android device i bought in the states for 150$ it has 3g so i can use it anywhere. the only draw back is it is not very good when playing some videos (it is cheap) bought it is great for simple games , music, internet, and working on the go. invest in a high end samsung (you could connect it to your hdtv and watch movies.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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Crimo: you can download google maps from the iTunes store.  It's been out for a while now.  I'm pretty sure I got it on the first day it was available.  iOS 6's default mapping service = garbage!!

11 years 30 weeks ago
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and you can sideload most apps into a non-Google store Android device.   It's not useless if bought in China.  In fact, there are many alternate app stores you can browse and download the same apps.  Or you can download the files independently and install them yourself.  Android is NOT IOS!

11 years 30 weeks ago
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xinyu : can you please explain how to side load google maps and google translate ? and what other apps are alternatives to google play?

11 years 30 weeks ago
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To sideload an app, google search it and download the apk either on your pc or your tablet.  Transfer it to your android device and install. I installed both Google translate and Google Maps this way.   Among the many appstore alternatives are Aptoid and Getapk Market.  I am using these two at the moment.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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thanks, i will will give it a go, i really want to ditch my iphone for a samsung


11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I got my partner a Galaxy and it's a wonderful little machine.


I looked closely at the iPad as well, and I really can't see anything that would justify paying more for the iPad over the Galaxy.

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Down with Apple indeed. I have just returned form the Philippines. While there, I purchased, online, from their version of Taobao, a tablet /iPad for 4500PHP = 750RMB. It's a beauty. iView cyberpad 9" tablet. IView 900TPC II

Hundreds of Apps available and it will take a dongle for telephone calls if required. I also put in a 32Gb SD card. You can go to and check out a few others.

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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For your requirements, you definitely don't want an iPad.  I think just about any generic android based tablet will suffice.  What about Amazon's Kindle, or maybe even spring for the Kindle Fire HD?  Those seem to get good reviews, and aren't too expensive either.  Not sure about availability in China or HK.


I need/want to edit on the tablet, hence why Kindle (original) isn't an option.


I'd also like to be able to do other things as well, so the Fire might be an option... maybe.....

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Galaxies I hear are great, though I personally have a Google Nexus 7. Does everything Ipads and Galaxies can do at a much cheaper price! Though it's app store software "Google Play" doesn't work in China, but I just download stuff from different sources. I've downloaded a Kindle app onto it and just get all my music/vids etc from torrents.


Nexus 7 is the best tab in my opinion except for the fact it doesn't have external expansion.   No SD card slot?  Not acceptable.  I can't deal with only 16 or 32GB.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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We just got appleTV​ and my wife has all the apple products (no surprize there). Anyways, the iPad is very cool when it comes to manipulating the apple TV. Other than that, I don't really care.


The new AppleTV is great.  One of the few Apple products I will consider buying.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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The version we got from Taobao is excellent and priced right. We compared it with a friend's that he got in England. No difference.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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Nexus 7 and 10 get the best reviews out of all Android tablets (and I've read many of em) smiley

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11 years 30 weeks ago
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I've got an HP Touchpad 32GB running WebOS that I picked up for $150 when HP gave up on WebOS and sold all their inventory for a fraction of the MSRP. Cyanogenmod made Android available to it and it is a very nice tablet when running Android.

I'd suggest you take a look at HP's Slate 7. It's going to be priced around the exact same amount that the HP Touchpads that sold several hundred thousand units within days, and it's going to be even better than the HP Touchpad in a lot of ways.

I think you have to wait until April to buy one though, but that would be the tablet to get if you're on a budget.

1. It's cheap.
2. Wireless charging.

My favorite feature of the HP Tablets is the wireless charging. You just set the tablet down on the stand and it charges. You don't need to fiddle with connectors which is a huge PITA in the dark. It's not a dock so you don't even need to line anything up. You just drop it on the HP Touchstone stand and it adds power to the device. Love it because I constantly pick up and put down my tablet all day long and it's good to always have a full charge if I want to take it on a trip.

You can spend a lot more money on a fancy tablet that doesn't even have wireless charging *COUGH**NEXUS**COUGH** but I don't think it's necessary.. I run BitTorrent on my tablet, browse the web and check e-mail all at the same time, and it never feels sluggish. I'm not sure why people spend so much on tablets, they're great for reading and the occassional video and game, but other than that, there's just no need for such powerful hardware in them.


I remember that Touchpad sale.  A really great deal for those who could pick one up.  Too bad about WebOS.  It was a pretty good tablet OS on a great tablet, IMO. BTW, wireless charging is coming on the Nexus too.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 30 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77