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Q: Looking for help researching hospitals and doctors in Guangzhou

I am considering flying from Canada to China for a special surgical procedure offered at two hospitals (that I know of). I would like to check the reputation and accreditation of two hospitals and at least two specific surgeons. The procedure is the removal of gallstones while keeping the gallbladder in place. Can anyone suggest any tips on how to go about this, or know someone trustworthy I can hire to help with this research? The two hospitals are in order of choice:


The Sixth People’s Hospital of Nansha District  (formerly The Second People’s Hospital of Panyu, Guangzhou) No. 7 Xingye Road, Dagang Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou City.
Dr. Xiao-feng Wang

The Second People's Hospital of Panyu District (formerly The People’s Hospital of Dashi) No.88, Gangdong Road, Dashi Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong.
Dr. Qiao Tie



Thank you.

8 years 44 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - Guangzhou

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Why would you consider traveling from Canada, that has one of the best health services in the world, to a country where you have to pay for your own recovery and meals?


Unless you are spamming, this makes no sense.


given the 'rash' of 'questions' about Chinese hospitals recently, i wonder if someone is trying to be clever.

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8 years 44 weeks ago
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I am 'stay far away from the Hospitals' guy, and since I am in China, I can research names only through Yahoo-gle.


Both Hospitals had only one link displayed through Y! search with procedure explanation, prices in China and more:



I guess, you could get more data on both Hospitals through GOOG, but you must remove ('formerly .....') out of the both Hospitals names.

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8 years 44 weeks ago
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Coming to China for medical treatment. Wow, that's a new one.


I am on extensive dental repair work in China by having working dentist as a family member for the price of approx. 10% of EU price for the same procedure.

Only complain I 'filled' to my family was: 'Chinese Novocain is very weak, in other words in China you need at least 10 pricks to make gum dead.'

8 years 44 weeks ago
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8 years 44 weeks ago
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Don't know about the specific hospitals you mentioned, but I know of a western hospital in GZ city. It's run as a separate entity of the Guangdong heart hospital. Its very good, but expensive.

Some things to think about.

If you have never been to China you will pick up new bugs. It normally takes a couple of years of regular visiting for your system to become immune.

The food. Your body will be stressed. Hospitals in China don't really do food. Relatives normally bring food in. "Real" Chinese food might not be the best for a stressed body.

Consider your travel insurance. Most medical insurance foreigners have in China forbid invasive surgery. The Insurance companies usually suggest a trip to a HK hospital. If something goes wrong, such as infection, you might find yourself with a difficult insurance claim.

I would suggest Cuba or Poland for cheap private medical care.

You could always try contacting the expensive hotels in GZ to see if they organise medical trips. The "White Swan" ( if its open), of the "garden hotel". Might still be cheaper than in your own country.


Oh. Wait. Canada has free health care. Why travel to China with the associated risks?

8 years 44 weeks ago
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8 years 44 weeks ago
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Why would you consider traveling from Canada, that has one of the best health services in the world, to a country where you have to pay for your own recovery and meals?


Unless you are spamming, this makes no sense.


given the 'rash' of 'questions' about Chinese hospitals recently, i wonder if someone is trying to be clever.

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8 years 44 weeks ago
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I feel surprised that you will fly to China form Canada for surgery, people usually say that the foreign medical level is way better than here.

Well, I don't think the two hospitals you have mentioned are the best options for such surgery since neither of them is the "Sanjia", which means the Top-grade, hospital in Guangzhou, besides, both of them may not be so convenient if you check out the map, they are pretty far away form the downtown.

For your situation, I would recommend you contact a clinic, the Union Clinic, actually it is a platform or agency that specializes in providing medical service in Guangzhou, I think it may help you find the most appropriate doctors for your symptom and you know, a translator. 

you can check it out on internet, I think it suits you better.


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8 years 43 weeks ago
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I would recommend you go to India. I had a colleague do a gastro bypass surgery in India for 12000 dollars instead of 65000 dollars in America. This was before the lousy new healthcare death insurance that everybody has to buy now unless your a free loader who works for cash and shows no income, then you get it free. He had to pay in 2006 a 5000 deductible and 20 percent of the cost with his insurance, but now the number would be much higher and the deductible is double, thanks democrats for looking out for us. Since he did not have 5000 and 20 percent 13000 sitting in a bank, he did the India option, no side effects, good service, and now he sent his son to medical school in India.

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Why go to india....what has anyone found about the China Hospitals? What's up with Canada? Where did you get the procedure done?


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6 years 5 weeks ago
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A: Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see
A:Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see titles against China so often.It was amazing (LOL) to see how Chinese respect traffic rules and all ... seeing it live from around 2010 on ... Now, cops hand regulating the traffic in the main crossings, that is something else ... Picture this: "All females, 165 - 175 cm tall, skinny, dressed in all leather, black outfit. ... Dalian, 2010, outside temp. -25*C ... short-hair w/ beret, wind&all proof leather jacket&trousers, military style black boots", two at the time ... like at doubles in tennis ... except colder...LOL..When I inquire about 'all movie-star seating in traffic crossings', Chinese told me, that it is a gov. job and only the best shape counts ...
I was only walking around China, but in Liaoning, I was imagining I would be driving ..., i.e. who to watch: traffic or woman ...I would say, they must have a tonne of skirmishes and accidents, but they don't ... everything is c&d with woman dressed in black leather in the middle.I'm telling you, Chinese are different ...O.K., one more: plowing the snow, cleaning up the roads at snow fall ... Chinese carry the snow away ... it's not like at us, when they push the snow to the banks 'nd voila ... Chinese plow snow with the digger and brazzilion trucks, waiting for the snow load in a beautiful line, queue line, that's it. Truck approaches the digger, gets load of snow and drove it away to some predestine place. Many different actors, but in China it is very organized.... digger, and some 50 trucks approaching the digger for some 2' stop ... conveyer belt thingy. It's a beautiful site to see it at large, ... from distance. -- icnif77
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