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Q: is there any bathhouses in tanggu/teda area ?
is there any bathhouses in tanggu/teda area ?
I hope you have a way to scrub your danglies if nobody here knows where the Tanggu/Teda area is because if not you're going to be growing crusty scales pretty soon.
RE your question... I have no doubt there are, just ask a local or find someone wearing pajamas and carrying a basket with shampoo etc in it and follow them.
edit; there's a good chance nobody will know where the tanggu/teda area is - as in what city? you may want to provide some more details, maybe someone here will know.
I know ...
it's knowledge of China I accumulated setting up GOOG-maps. I was stationed on one satellite prying on China women (mostly ..)&men ... LTA-A (larger testicles&arse-ago
Tanggu District ( Chinese: 塘沽 pinyin "Tánggū Qū" ) was a district in the Tianjin municipality, now part of the Binhai New Area. It is on the Hai River where it enters the Bohai Sea, and is a port for Tianjin . It is about 48km (30 miles) upriver.
Unfortunately, I can't recall listing of many boathouses in the area ...
On unrelated sub ... :
Elected officials in US keep refusing to vacate the offices ...
I remember the flick 'Spy Game', 2001, when Muir refuses to leave the office and retire ...
It's pretty good flick with Redford and Pitt ... going on in China partially.
Are you a homeless ESL teacher whose 60 day extension on your tourist visa ran out? Or have a fetish for public bathing facilities? Not judging dude, just asking?