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Q: What do you do when your wife/girlfriend gets all nationalistic on you?

Twice in the last week she has tried to tell me I am prejudiced, against China and Chinese. I don’t remember what the first time was for, but tonight it was because I said if China wanted the Chinese in Vietnam to be safe then China shouldn’t have taken the oil rig there. I also said that if China wants to be a world leader then they should try to play by all of the same rules the rest of us do when it comes to international law. She twisted this into me believing that it was ok that the Chinese got killed in Vietnam.

Having said all of that let’s hope they can all calm down, before all hell breaks loose !!! I have about two months before I leave, I would really prefer not to need to spend $5000.00 on a flight home. The wife was supposed to get me a ticket on a Chinese website, maybe she will make me fend for myself.

10 years 19 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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You don't already know the two words every man should know in order not to be in the doghouse? "Yes Dear." 

Since women argue emotionally and not logically, it makes the most sense just to "sniff out" what' feelings are at the heart of the argument and pacify them.


The above does not apply to Sorrel or any other female member of these forums out of respect for them (and fear that they'll castrate me using witchcraft).


Funny - Usually she is really cool about it and I think she is just having a bad week. Instead of agreeing with her, I simply sent her a bunch of links to articles that explain both sides of the legal dispute. If she wants to remain in the dark so be it. Most of the time she is a happy camper, but not sure what has set her off. I few weeks ago we looked at a Million RMB apartment. We had no intentions of buying it, but she just wanted to look at such a home. When I told her that foreigners couldn’t get bank loans for property in China and that we had to pay 100% up front she thought I was feeding her a bunch of shit. Many in China are really delusional when it comes to how they think China treats foreigners. Sadly my wife is often one of them.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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So...she is worried about your future together. Nesting time.

More romance and reassurance that you are together forever, forever, forever (say "forever, forever, forever" to your father and watch his reaction).



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... and what Sinobear said. Seriously, he's obv been there.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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In my humble opinion, the biggest obstacle to happy matrimony in China is the lack of pubs.


I have a theory. Here it is:


In the west we have pubs. We go to the pub, as do many others. All sorts of people go to the pub. Racists, socialists, dog lovers, republicans and even the occasional democrat. Because of this, and because of beer being a good verbal lubricant, we are exposed to many different ideas and opinions. We debate, we discuss, we fall out then make up. We have fun and we learn from it. 


They don't have that culture here.  The hundred flowers campaign put a stop to that nonsense.


But I am lucky with where we live. We have a tiny little western bar very close.


So if me and the wife have a fight.... I piss off to the pub. What does she do?.... She goes with me wink.


Best way to solve a cultural argument..... "Git yer shoos oon. Wure gaing fir a swallay"


Translation.. " Put your shoes on. We will go to the pub"




Listen here Scotsman, you bloody bastard...I want to meet up with you as soon as possible.  Because I'm so bereft of any avenue in which to express myself adequately. And to talk about real stuff.

I need you cobber.

Ps...have you seen Billy Jack yet?


10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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Im super lucky. My wife is cantonese so her and her family generally hate all things chinese. Not alot of national pride. So im free to rant. Although i try to make it clear that im not including cantonese in that rant which is 99% true.

I get pissed at my friends alot. Too mich playing the victim and it really makes me crazy because one of the reasons im close to them is because they arent stupid. Had a pretty testy conversation today. He kept posting vietnam crap.

Me: how do you block peoples "moments" on wechat.

Jake: gives word for word instructions.

Me: Thanks! Your now blocked.

Jake: why? Fuck.

Me: because my wechat isnt a chinese news room to hear you act like a bitch. Oh and talk about fucking apple. Grow a damn brain. Stop following others and think for yourself.

Jake: mike. The reason i posted those pictures is because i was in charge of building that factory and its sad to see it destroyed.

Me: .......silence..... No more fucking iphone talk!


Cantonese women are the best Mike. 


And the recent UN announcement that Cantonese is now a language, not a dialect, has really fired them up.


10 years 19 weeks ago
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Oh yeah?  Woah...that sits well with me.  The bloody nationalistic bastards!  Fukm!


10 years 19 weeks ago
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Hahaha yup! Super proud about the cantonese thing! Its a language! NOT chinese! One more thing to seperate themselves.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I think the media has something to do with it as well. For some reason the cantonese media has alot more freedom of press. It is far more ani-government. The nationwide crackdown of hookers and government dudes visiting them was started from a cantonese journalist. Alot of the maotai stuff too. Also because of the language. The majority of cantonese here watch the hong kong channels maybe even more than the chinese stuff. And it is blatently clear that the government is partially blocking that too. Fortunatly my girl is smart enough on her own to realize that HK channels wouldnt just cut to commercials at such inopportune times. Cantonese also will usually have family in HK or abroad.They are more willing to accept the anti chinese stories as truth if its coming from family or other chinese.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Nail on head there Mike.


I find it very amusing to watch HK news. You know as soon a new item comes on the button will be pressed.


It could be the basis for a good drinking game. Guess how many words the news reader will be able to say before the the button is pressed 

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Breaking news from Beijing! 4 government officials have been disco.... Enjoy refreshing wang lao ji!

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I shit you not. It just happened big time. Hong kong news started showing the video, clear as day of the chinese ships ramming the vietnamese boats. Which the government has denied doing. Less than 3 seconds into the clip right after impact. Cut to commercial. Then back to news to a new story , i dont know what it was about because it cut right back to commercial. This hour has been particularly bad. 20 min news. 40 min ads. Jeez.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I think you can find several HK news channels online to get around the "commercial breaks"

10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I've only dated one nationalist, and her family poisoned me.


My recommendation is to... tread carefully.


I don’t think she is the kind to poison me, she is more the type to bludgeon me with a hammer :-0 Her temper combined with a frontal lobe disorder causes many sleepless nights. – Just kidding , sort of

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About the wife being slightly delusional on how things roll here... Yup, it happens. My wife can think rationally, she can put the emotions on the backseat. But when it's about the nation, she often hits a blind spot.


The nation is always a poor victim, never an aggressor, the rest of the world is mean to the nation. The society is not broken, most people are just fine, just innocent kids with pure hearts and simple minds. The nation is helping those poor kids in Africa without any interests, and if there are interests, it's much less worse than others. The harmony of the nation is above everything else, and to object to this, you have to be an evil agent of discord. And so on. If I provide some links, it's biased, written by people mean to the nation.


What do I do... I bring the topic small bites by small bites. I use angles where, for her, rationality matters more than the feelings. Education, healthcare, the plight of the average man, corruption. We went abroad, and she saw that things can be very different, and no it's about not being richer. It's about the nation looking itself as how it want to be, rather than how it is. She works with foreigners now, and it definitely makes a difference. Ultimately, we will hopefully move abroad in a few months, and she will get a different perspective.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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Her family took a major butthurt over property from their dear government (and when I say major, I mean unbelievable shit on a national scale). Ever since that, I'm the one doing the mass on what is and what is not the PRC.


But honestly mandarin/cantonese helps a LOT in the matter of defusing the bullshit, cause it makes one understand it in the first place, and the "foreigner doesn't get it" rationalization (one of many things coming directly from their reptilian brain) doesn't apply.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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Step one to unbrainwashing people is to plant seeds in their hearts. 


Give her unfettered access to the internet, and when you read about things banned by the Chinese media, share them with her.  Let her look at the pictures, watch the videos, and read things which have been banned since time immemorial. This is what the CCP fears the most -- a populace well aware of their chicanery. Over time, she will realize the truth.


There's no reason to go headlong into an argument stating "China sucks!", "The CCP blows!", or other things that will shut her heart and mind to the truth. Be patient, and be kind, and she'll realize it. This is how I turned my wife around. She used to be utterly nationalistic and didn't know any of the evils perpetrated by her government, and she was fiercely anti-Japan.


Now she's totally different. Just be patient.


You can google the words harmonious + news in Chinese. You'll find a news portal about mainland like many others, only this one cuts the bullshit.


Useful for debrainwashing.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Yes. When my wife was in the UK she would spend all day on the net watching clips about China. It seems there has been a lot of stuff happened she had never heard of.


Anyway, believe it or not, it is normally me defending the country in our home. But that's because I'm a socialist and she is a capitalist wink.

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I made sure mine wasn't a crazy brain washed nationalist before I got seriously involved. 


My wife isn’t crazy or generally nationalistic; she usually is very sweet, with a really kind heart. Maybe she misunderstood what I said, maybe I said it poorly. I think she is also a bit stressed that I will leave her here for up to a year, while I go take care of a loved one back in the states. Whatever the reason she is a little better today. Now she is becoming preoccupied with me seeing other women while I am home. Eventually she will adjust to life apart :-/

10 years 19 weeks ago
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I usually keep my mouth closed unless the criticism of Chinese or Chinese people is really deserved. South China Sea spats, worship of money, etc. I also am pretty open towards the criticism of my own country so there's usually no problem. She does get defensive from time to time but that's a habit most Chinese share.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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I am not sure moving an oil rig justifies Chinese nationals being in jeopardy. It is a total arse move of China, but still should not cause harm to people. Vietnam should know better, after all, it has something China wants, cheap labor. 


Anyway. Any comment against China will spur these things. Either use it to whip up some good make up sex, or just never talk about the country you live in. 


Not real sure about the whole cheap labor thing. “A Taiwanese steel mill attacked on Wednesday employed 1,000 Chinese workers, who can be cheaper to hire and easier to manage than Vietnamese laborers.” Maybe the writer of the article has this fact wrong, but I would like to think they would publish the truth or at least something close to it. I must admit I have never considered China to be Vietnam’s version of what Mexico is to the U. S. but admittedly I am not the brightest crayon in the box :-(

10 years 19 weeks ago
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the Chinese workers would not be in Vietnam if I didn't have a point would they ? 

10 years 19 weeks ago
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Why when I paste nicely spaced paragraphs do they end up jammed together in such a mess?

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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77