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Q: Whats the best way to offer a one night stand to a chinese girl?
Just curious in the west it is all done with night club culture and drunkenness also friends with benefits is common however Chinese generally seem quite shy about this. Yet I'm sure they are just like others and wouldn't mind a hard bang with somone just because they are attractive. However whats the best way to say ask a girl about this if she is your friend?
12 years 50 weeks ago in Relationships - Guangzhou
With your elegance and romantic way of forming sentences, you'll probably need to pay up...
Realistically you're going to have to see her again and it's not very likely that very first night you're going to get some, best playing it cool at first.
I used to just say 'Hi can i buy you a,,,,, car",, it broke the ice,, but for China " hi, can I buy you,,,,, an iPad'' works also.
Just pay your ji bai renminbi.You promiscuous. Get a chinese girl and marry her and her family. There is no time for your illusions.
LOL, he's just an
'...and her F A M I L Y', oh my dear god, iPADS for everyone!!!
I prefer the night stands at IKEA. Ask her if she likes meatballs.
Go to the bar and be generous to the girl there, you can hook many for one time.
Well the wimpy girly men now rule the world, oh well, that just leaves more for the lechorous, despicable, alpha males like myself. Thanks for lowering the numbers for my benefit. Now go MGTOW and join a leper colony.
RT's reporting ...
WATCH: Mumbai sinkhole swallows parked car in seconds
A car parked in a residential complex in Mumbai, India vanished within seconds, after the ground crumbled beneath it. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the bizarre incident.
Jun 13, 2021 13:13
It swallows only one car, the rest of the parked cars nearby are OK ... for now, LOLOLOL
Ask her permission to bring her to your home or room. If she agree, the chances is very high for you to get the shoot. what's next, please hold on and do not be too excited yet.
Well, just take it easy and do your stuffs as usual, if she is into you, she may want to go to your home. Trust me it works.