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Q: Why do Chinese have zero safety education?

It occurs to me how dangerous it is to bring a Chinese woman to America. My wife had no education on safety, and I've had to teach her a lot. She's really smart, though, so she learns quick.


In China, they carry children in the back seat without seat belts, no car seats (WTF), and they even hold them while driving through the streets on a frigging motorcycle. Worst yet, I saw a 2 year old STANDING UP on a motorcycle while her mom drove around. WTF?


When do you think they'll have appropriate safety training? And do you think it would be effective?

10 years 17 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Safety training? Saw anyone caring about anything lately?

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10 years 17 weeks ago
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Never happen, the government treats them like mindless children incapable doing anything for themselves. 

Makes them dependent and controllable.

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10 years 17 weeks ago
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- Just plain ignorance
- The education system and general mindset is not encouraging rational thinking, it encourages *emotional* thinking. Example of this thinking mode : "don't think about what can go wrong, because it will make it happen"
- It's about "what I want" rather than "what I should do". When asking about which lane to take when driving a bike, the answer is "what is most convenient to *ME*"


Maybe in most Chinese driver's mind, they have this tune playing in loop

10 years 17 weeks ago
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10 years 17 weeks ago
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The way people treat their children pisses me off. Kids dangling from car windows, standing in the foot-well at the passenger seat ready have their heads blown off by an airbag..... oh, but maybe they have disabled the airbag, probably not, I asked a Volkswagen dealer about this when we were sniffing around for cars 3 years ago and he'd never heard of any car having such a feature, met the same guy again this year, now wearing a Skoda shirt and still incapable of understanding the feature.... I have even pointed out the hole in the glove compartment where the switch is in the European versions of the cars.

Why is it virtually impossible to get a car that would get a 5 star Euro rated car in China. E.g. at the Volkswagen dealer, you need to get up to 3-400.000 Passats to get 6 airbags, a thing that in Germany is in even the cheapest piece of shit from almost any manufacturer. Why is electronic equipment like ESP something that also only goes in top range models. 
Sweden some years ago set out to "ELIMINATE ROAD DEATHS" .... and is somewhat succeeding. Volvo (Chinese owned these days, but Swedish by nature) has a proclaimed goal to make it impossible to die in one of their vehicles by 2020, yet this morning, I saw a dude, in a brand spanking new Volvo S60, do a hazardous left turn, no seatbelt.


Oh, the seatbelt is uncomfortable. Yeah, but why come last summer, my entire family back home managed to drive from northern Europe to southern Europe in one stint without bitching about seatbelts. 

My MIL is particularly bad at the seatbelt thing. I am training her, if I am driving, the car will simply not move unless all passengers are wearing seatbelts, during spring festival last, I spent significant time on strapping in the grand-MIL, which she was perfectly OK with, she just doesn't have the mobility to do it herself. 
The MIL however, if I am driving her home, she will unfasten the seatbelt when the car enters the street, a place with 50kmh speed limit, lots of sidestreets and bikes and pedestrians flying around..... so I simply just turn on the hazard lights and stop the vehicle and say nothing.... takes time to teach the old hag new tricks I guess. 


Anyway. Down a notch from getting smashed to a pulp in a collision with some a hole who didn't follow the rules.
Why do people drive around with windows down.

1. At speed, using the AC is more fuel efficient.

2. Modern cars of decent make/model have air filters, so you don't get all the crap in the air into your lungs.

3. In the southern Chinese climate, the humidity makes cars go moldy if you ignore this.

People simply don't take their time to learn to use the product they are using. The gentle embrace of the seatbelt, the nice clean air from the airducts. A car is designed to take care of its occupants, if used correctly.


Safety is of course a tough sell to people who wash their hands before using the restrooms rather than after. 


I do think I should take the MIL for a spin and show her how much of an imprint her head can make in the dashboard just from normal emergency breaking. 


Why do construction workers wear flip flops, Why do welders not wear welding goggles, why does people using jackhammers do so without ear-guards and while wearing flip flops, Why are most homes fire-hazards with the "window cages" making escape impossible. Why why WHYYYYYY ?????

In a side note. I was shopping light bulbs recently. And as I hate the white cold light most bulbs give off, I asked a supermarket woman if I could see the light. The light bulb shelf did have a test box where I probably could have screwed in the bulb myself, and did, but there was no power on the thing, so had to ask. The woman proceeds to do what I had just done (which is fine, couldn't explain that to her) and then she does the most marvulous thing. She unscrews the bulb, and inserts her fingers to the socket... I guess to check if there was any power. Go home Sherlock Holmes, this is prime detective work, performed here. 


Saying "no" to a kid, you cruel inhumane beast !!! They are kids, they can not control themselves, everybody know this (ie. my family and the ayis in the neighborhood) My kid will control him/herself and take "no" as an answer when... hu... when I will have the courage to do it. Don't criticize my parenting, you make me loose face and I did nothing to you.

10 years 17 weeks ago
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Perfect response.

10 years 17 weeks ago
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In my previous apartment some of the powerpoints stopped working, so, as you do, I called the local electrical shifu.


A few hours later 4 guys arrived, 2 wearing suits (who stood around smoking and muttering about all the interesting shit a gweilo has), one carrying a ladder and a teenage boy (apprentice). I explained the problem again and they proceeded to remove all of the powerpoint housings in the room. Then the apprentice licked his fingers and used them to check which powerpoints were still live. At that point I left the room.


Upon my surprised return to find all alive, I noticed that there was conduit around the room where all the powerpoints had been wired to the one still working. Shifu was delighted that I handed over 50rmb. Maybe a powerboard with 4 sockets would have been cheaper but where's the entertainment in that?

10 years 17 weeks ago
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@DrMonkey..... If you say no to you kid he/she will become some sort of... Cri-thu-kle... fuck that is a difficult word. Critele.... again dammit. Crytacle..... blast. "Criticle" thinker, and that will lead to a life in the gutter as we know. 

10 years 17 weeks ago
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I like to wash my hands before and after using the toilet.

We like to frequent restaurants that have handwash.  Find ourselves going back to that place (singular) time and again.


10 years 16 weeks ago
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10 years 17 weeks ago
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this is another way to control the population .like smoking or not learning to swim or learning CPR  or driving to the rules or ........

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10 years 17 weeks ago
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Credit goes where credit is due.


For example. We have a dude in our building with this sticker on his car. Doesn't actually have child seats, and when him and his wife drive, they always have a murse/purse respectively in a strap across their chests so it looks like they are using seatbelts. What genius way of avoiding the traffic cams in catching them being safe. 


Naturally there is no point in child seats if you don't put "baby in car" but rather on the road. 



10 years 16 weeks ago
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10 years 16 weeks ago
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I do see every day behaviours that of course are not safe not only for the people around these idiots but also for themselves. And this, in 10 years, makes quite a number.

Now, leaving aside the single cases, what I still cannot explain is how it comes that even the basic survival instincts are not displayed. It's beyond belonging to the animal kingdome. Which makes me having no feelings when a pumpkin get smashed.

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10 years 16 weeks ago
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I heard that China has 1/3 of the cars America has, but 3 times more child-deaths in traffic.


Anyway it's a face thing as well. I talked to a representative of AMG (AMG is Mercedes high-performance division, really fast and powerful cars) and they have this successful performance driving school in Europe (probably in US as well) like how to handle a powerful car, safe driving techniques all that stuff. He told me they tried to launch it in China, but all the idiots (i.e corrupt officials) just took it as a loss of face because taking an ADVANCED driving course meant you can't drive.


So it's like if you use seatbelt you only use it because you're a shit driver. If you strap your kids in, it's just because you're afraid you cant drive.


And what makes a good driver in China is also ridiculous. It's not paying attention or driving defensively, but rather if you speak on your phone and drive then you must be an awesome driver!


Darwin in motion.

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10 years 16 weeks ago
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Did anyone ever see a Chinese person running with scissors ? 


Knives pointed upwards, scissors, etc.

10 years 16 weeks ago
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I've seen a old guy pushing a big tank of liquid ammoniac in the lift for people, not the special lift for hazardous stuffs, and smocking while at it.

10 years 16 weeks ago
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10 years 16 weeks ago
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this morning I saw a bus driver driving a bus while talking on his mobile phone and he also had people on board the bus as well.


this is so common , sadly ...

10 years 16 weeks ago
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did he have a seatbelt on ? 

10 years 16 weeks ago
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10 years 16 weeks ago
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Many people in China.  Very very busy....very very tired.  Why don't I just lie down here wherever I am and have a sleep...


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10 years 16 weeks ago
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I don't know. But I always see adults with gruesome looking scars all the time, usually severe burns. Never see that kind of stuff where I live in the US.


The people we see here in my town with horrendous burn scars are the fortunate survivors of the "Let the Leaders Go First" tragedy of 1994.

That shocking event happened solely due to a complete disregard for even the most rudimentary safety measures.  And a selfish contempt for human life.  Except for that of moi!



10 years 16 weeks ago
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"Everyone sit down!  Let the Leaders Go First!"





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as long as they hold their children while driving, everything will be OK



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10 years 15 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77