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Q: why google blocked in China..damn it..!!!

is it fair to block social networking sites?

10 years 7 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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Ah, the history of the GFW


It all started back in the day where "the internet" began to roll out in China. For the "average Wang" you had to go to an office to register, before you could go to the state monopoly to apply for a modem connection. 

Censorship was first introduced in the late 1990ies when there was a spat over the Senkakus. 


Alexa is a site that monitors what sires are most popular. Of the 1000 most popular, 137 domains/sites are completely blocked. Some sites are only partially blocked. Like Wikipedia. You can read about stuff here, just not articles about Chinese dissidents, certain historical events etc. 
This is all in the name of protecting..... the party. If the people were to have free access to information, the party would probably be in for a shitstorm. 






Why not "average zhou"? That one works across cultures

10 years 4 weeks ago
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BTW how do you embed images?

Only you and the CFTU guy seem to be able to do that.

10 years 4 weeks ago
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those CTFU people must be very clever if they can find the "Image" button


10 years 4 weeks ago
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10 years 6 weeks ago
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It doesn't look GOOG is blocked. They cut down the servers, me thinks! 


I try to open it every hour in 15 hours day. I'm successful maybe twice a day tops. I can see, when email arrive to GOOG account through my 'mail' on Safari, and I can read email on GOOG through Safari, too. I just can't access my folders on Gmail.


I changed email account to Yahoo, as my main (important) account. On GOOG, I receive only not that important emails.


I thought Yahoo was ending before?

10 years 7 weeks ago
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Y! (with US address) is blast! Anything you want, email, news, business .....

10 years 7 weeks ago
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10 years 7 weeks ago
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This is China

You can use Weibo - or any other state approved social sites.

good luck relying on Google for...........anything


HK is China, too! No problems with GOOG in HK!

10 years 7 weeks ago
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but all websites that are blocked on the Mainland, are not blocked in HK

10 years 7 weeks ago
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HK is just not China. I know that China likes to think so, but it is a different culture. (I am not thinking Cantonese, I am thinking Civilized) 

10 years 6 weeks ago
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10 years 7 weeks ago
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There is a Firewall that protects China from evil things like Google. Google tracks your activities and shares it.


If there would be a firewall, I could never open Gmail or G 'news'. But few times a day, I get it. I'm just tired to keep clicking GOOG, and I get twice a day.


When they blocked 'Guardian' few months ago, I got same message on Safari 'can't load' or something similar.

10 years 7 weeks ago
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10 years 7 weeks ago
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Ah, the history of the GFW


It all started back in the day where "the internet" began to roll out in China. For the "average Wang" you had to go to an office to register, before you could go to the state monopoly to apply for a modem connection. 

Censorship was first introduced in the late 1990ies when there was a spat over the Senkakus. 


Alexa is a site that monitors what sires are most popular. Of the 1000 most popular, 137 domains/sites are completely blocked. Some sites are only partially blocked. Like Wikipedia. You can read about stuff here, just not articles about Chinese dissidents, certain historical events etc. 
This is all in the name of protecting..... the party. If the people were to have free access to information, the party would probably be in for a shitstorm. 






Why not "average zhou"? That one works across cultures

10 years 4 weeks ago
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BTW how do you embed images?

Only you and the CFTU guy seem to be able to do that.

10 years 4 weeks ago
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those CTFU people must be very clever if they can find the "Image" button


10 years 4 weeks ago
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10 years 6 weeks ago
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Gmail just opened!angel


I was trying since my 'early' wake-up at 10am. I clicked on Gmail tab at least 40 times.


Not firewall, they cut the servers down! When I click tab 'sent mail' or any other tab, it takes another hour to open! Low number of servers, IMO!


Yes, all because google is a small company with few servers. thats the reason. 

10 years 1 day ago
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'Chinese cut the GOOG servers' or 'firewall some of them'.

10 years 1 day ago
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10 years 6 weeks ago
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A few years back Google refused to censor (Chinese = harmonise) search results and earned the ire of the CCP. Then they claimed they were hacked by Chinese competitors training to steal their search algorithms. At that point they decide to pull out of China and rely on Hong Kong. The CCP still hates them because they made them lose face.


So some days you can try 100 times and succeed 2 or 3 but you soon drop out. I used to type my email in Word and then snap it into an email at lightning speed if I got in.


One of the irritations of living in China for foreigners. It inspired me to write the Google in China Blues; a little something that goes like this:


I got the Google in China blues

My frustration is hard to de-fuse

I got 404 error page not found

I don’t hear that welcome sound

My mail’s stacked up for two days

If I get in, God I’m gonna praise

I got the deathly slow page show

The timer circle is burning a glow

The great firewall is trying to hold me back

I’m a Mongol about to attack

I got the Google in China blues

My frustration is hard to de-fuse


But I’m not gonna Google lose

Yahoo or hotmail I ain’t gonna choose

Man a VPN is looking good

Blogs, Youtube .. maybe I should

No, one more try and then another

I got in, I got in, I love my mother

22 messages in a long line

A window of opportunity, Google is fine



'get yourself a Mac

no Windows needed

read your Gmails through Safari Mail

on you Mac-iiiii, la-la-la'


my GOOG song!

10 years 6 weeks ago
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Get yourself a Mac

Overpriced just as crack

Live in a straight corridor

With unpenetrable doors

99% of the existing softwares don't work

Just as useless as Chinese people at work

Pay abusive price for outdated hardware

That can't run recent games or professional softwares

10 years 6 weeks ago
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I'm Mac fan!surprise No windows anywhere! 


'If you consider Ferrari as the only CAR in the World, you'll never think it's overpriced!'


But I agree, high flying Mac is going lower very fast.


I was so 'enlightened' with G4, that I visited Cupertino, hoping I'll meet Jobs somewhere. If.....I'd ask him, if he can make new model, where I could type and  in the same time. 


He wasn't around, and I left SF shortly after. Year 2000/2001.

10 years 6 weeks ago
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10 years 6 weeks ago
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Because Baidu is garbage, and they know it.  So, to encourage the use of local garbage, they eliminate the foreign competition.  It's just a variation of a common theme here.....Weibo vs Facebook/Twitter, Youku/Youtube.....meh.


That's probably the most accurate answer... I really don't think it stops people from getting information, but Chinese home grown alternatives (Weibo, Baidu, etc.) are poor knockoffs of the originals. The only way they can compete is if people can't easily access the original. Classic protectionism.

10 years 1 week ago
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10 years 6 weeks ago
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I don't know if this help, but I just got an iPhone5s and its working great, so smooth, I've moved away from google apps.

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10 years 6 weeks ago
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Because the baidu guy was henpecked to be a face of a new and supposedly meritocratic China. He is basically the 21st century equivalent of Lei Feng. A team of people made an inept plagiarism of google and then told the Chinese public that foreigners were trying to pollute their minds with pictures of ladies' boobs and fart jokes. Unlike the Chinese government, who have so much moral integrity.


The Baidu guy needs to be in the top ten rich list because the rest are a bunch of old guys who've used their connections with the party (marxist millionaires) to accumulate guanxi and stifle any competition to their cornered markets.


So if you're a jingoistic patriot with a double digit IQ or just a simple minded materialistic slave who can't think independently, you know you've got to use the state capitalist filter when you want to look at photos of B grade celebrities and the dresses they wear or download a substandard copy of an EA internet game.


More examples of Chinese companies having monopoliea and going unpunished. Sigh

10 years 4 weeks ago
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@hanson, at least China only has a monopoly over China. Western corporations like Facebook, and Google have a monopoly over the entire world. What have you got to say about that?

9 years 26 weeks ago
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10 years 4 weeks ago
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Because the baidu guy was henpecked to be a face of a new and supposedly meritocratic China. He is basically the 21st century equivalent of Lei Feng. A team of people made an inept plagiarism of google and then told the Chinese public that foreigners were trying to pollute their minds with pictures of ladies' boobs and fart jokes. Unlike the Chinese government, who have so much moral integrity.


The Baidu guy needs to be in the top ten rich list because the rest are a bunch of old guys who've used their connections with the party (marxist millionaires) to accumulate guanxi and stifle any competition to their cornered markets.


So if you're a jingoistic patriot with a double digit IQ or just a simple minded materialistic slave who can't think independently, you know you've got to use the state capitalist filter when you want to look at photos of B grade celebrities and the dresses they wear or download a substandard copy of an EA internet game.


But Baidu pics are just tits and arse, and that's even before you search for anything

10 years 4 weeks ago
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Mustn't be very good pic then as most Chinese ladies don't have tits or arse (by "foreign" standards!)

10 years 4 weeks ago
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10 years 4 weeks ago
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With this answer, my total points number is at 7666surprise

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10 years 4 weeks ago
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Because Google shows too many truths about China.


Chinese don't really want to see American democracy

10 years 4 weeks ago
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If you write "Mao Zedong mass murderer" into baidu you'll get some interesting results.

10 years 4 weeks ago
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Would be nice if google would show some truth about the west and its lackeys for once. What would you get if you searched for Obama mass murderer? Or Queen Elizabeth mass murderer?

9 years 26 weeks ago
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10 years 4 weeks ago
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And now there is one less alternative to google and the internet is one website closer to being harmonious.

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10 years 1 week ago
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I had some professors at my university tell us that Google backed out from China because they were losing marketshare to Baidu, and that the censorship issue was just used as cover for Google's retreat.


Obviously the professors had no idea what they were talking about and were just thumping the party line, but it was still insulting that they thought we'd believe that. 


As for the OP's question "is it fair to block social networking sites?" No, of course it's not, but then again, it's not like the Chinese government has ever cared about what is fair and what is not fair.



Of course they were losing market share to Baidu... had to get any market when the government blocks your sites!!!

10 years 1 week ago
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10 years 1 week ago
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I can get access with VPN - you cannot?  As to why it is blocked, it maybe a security issue since the Snowden disclosures and it just becomes another channel for the Chinese security people to monitor. They surely don't give a shit about keeping foreign guests informed or happy.

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10 years 1 week ago
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I can get access with VPN - you cannot?  As to why it is blocked, it maybe a security issue since the Snowden disclosures and it just becomes another channel for the Chinese security people to monitor. They surely don't give a shit about keeping foreign guests informed or happy.

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10 years 1 week ago
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Gmail wouldn't load, but G News opens every day without any problems.



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10 years 1 week ago
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i i also decided this problem with using VPN already 3 years  without any problem 

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i also decided this problem with using VPN already 3 years  without any problem 

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10 years 1 week ago
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Is it me or did they just take down 


I just tried it, it works here (Suzhou)

10 years 1 day ago
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10 years 1 day ago
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I can't say why, but here are a few things to consider. Google tracks its users activities. The information gathered is frequently used for political subversion.  Google also rigs the search results with results that are favorable towards the west. I've done a few experiments on this. If you search for "u.s. troops abuse", you see pictures of U.S. troops handing out candy to little kids. This is hardly what I have in mind when I search for "U.S. troop abuse". On the other hand, if you search for China anything, it comes up with negative articles tied to polution, coruption, etc. In all fairness, it's not just Google that does this. Wikipedia, Yahoo, and Bing also slant things to a pro western perspective. In fact, Wikipedia just looks like one giant pro-western, pro-capitalist encyclopedia with zero tolerance for anything that deviates from the western establishment. And finally, if Google gets blocked, this opens up lots of opportunities for Chinese companies such as Baidu, and Sogou. I don't think Youku would be where it is today if Youtube wasn't blocked. Likewise, Wechat is able to expand because Facebook is blocked.


How did you use Google?!?! I'm calling the authorities. You must be using a VPN. Naughty! You sure are earning your 5 jiaos for that piece of horse shit. Who do you think you are convincing here? Baidu is just awful - it's the worst search engine in the world. And Wikipedia is pro-capitalist? China isn't capitalist? Puh-leeeeeeze!


You are a moron. Some nice English though. A few points for that. Wikipedia can be changed by anyone so your pro-western thing doesn't quite make sense.


You need to get a real job or maybe just a hobby.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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When you google U.S troops abuse these are first two things that show up.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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play nice with the poor flower

he will never leave China - that is his reward for his good English.

he will never breath the fresh sea air while eating a '99' ice-cream cone. (mmmmm)

he will never be able to stand in the middle of a street and shout 'i love you' to his boyfriend before planing a wet one on his cheek.

he will never be able to say to his mates in a pub  'you know the guys who run this county? they're a pack of w*****kers and here's why.........'

He will retreat into his small cubicle and wonder how many posts he will have to write before he can afford to buy his bf a new iphone - you know the one to go with the girly flower iphone cover he already gave last year.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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Pro imperialist shills working prompt. How much they paying you? I'm curious. Who said I was in China? I wouldn't assume you're in Langley or Ft Meade because of the nonsense you spew. You think there aren't people who are fed up with the pro-western horse shit? Think again. We're all over the world. Facebook, Wikipedia and Google have done wonders to brain wash people, but still, there are those who just don't buy it. Something stinks, I mean really stinks about this pro-western propaganda, that's why Russians elected Putin. According to yous, it's cool to kiss american ass, but Putin doesn't seem to think so. Think about it, you spend billions trying to brain wash people through Google, Facebook, Hollywood films, "English language schools", and you're still an epic failure and you could not convince the Russians to pick a pro-western lackey. And when I look at India, despite all the call center concesions you've given them, Modi still said no to your WTO. And what's it looking like with the south korean regime joining the AIIB? Looks like your lackey needs a spanking. I'm not trying to convince anyone actually. Just voicing my opinion, unlike you shills who are paid to convince people, but you know what? And from the looks of it, you're doing a horrible job. You may think your aggressive pushy attitude is convincing, but anyone with a bit of intelligence will be turned off by the extremism of corporate shills like yourself. I started out being apolitical. Heck, everyone is. People may even lean towards the pro-imperialist side because of your ability to buy opinion, but it was shills like you that forced me to pick a side, and I sure as hell aren't going to side with evil. Baidu is the worst search engine, except for Bing, Yahoo, and Google. I've done numerous experiments on the poor quality and lack of relevance of the 3 imperialist backed search engines. Yes, that's right wikipedia is pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist, pro-deception, pro-evil, and pro-nonsense. Any website that wasn't that would probably be shut down by "homeland security", or whatever fascists control the web these days. And I never said China wasn't capitalist. What's your point? My point is that wikipedia is a totalitarian website with no tolerance for opinions that deviate from the far right. You haven't said anything to prove otherwise, and you won't because wikipedia is loaded with more propaganda than bing. If the shills are calling me a moron then it must be a good thing. It's when the shills praise you that you should be concerned. But you know what, you shills really need more training, more funding, or something. And the fact that you needed 3 different names to counter me, just shows how deceptive and pathetic your attempts at influencing the public is.  More names might equal more logical in cybercom world, but not here. My English profiency is really irrelevant to this whole conversation. There are people who speak perfect English, people born and raised in the west who are fed up with the corrupt nature of the west, not to mention the deception. And no, I don't mean the isis fighters you recruited. That's why you needed the whole occupy wall street stunt. And I call it a stunt because we both know who's really behind it. Like I said we (people disgusted with western oligarchy) are everywhere. No amount of shills, propaganda, and blood money can change that. Buying an iphone? lol. Never that. If I take an anti imperialist attitude, what makes you think I will support the corporations who are paying your salary? Meizu all the way for me. I never did understand why morons buy iphones. The iphone only has a 1.4ghz procesor, and 1gb of memory. Compare this with the Meizu with 2ghz, and 3gb. The iphone is a rip off, and the fact that you're making a lame attempt to plug iphones shows your true shill nature. Everyone that I've ever known with an iphone has had problems with it. Paying top dollar for bottom quality is stupid. I'd never be seen with an iphone. Not in a million years.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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angry  Wow, I think you need to relax and take a few deep breaths there little buddy, you're getting all worked up and emotional.


Don't worry, nobody is asking you buy an iphone.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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the george orwell version will be ready soon, they already tested on masking right political views without consequences in the west for a dry run test and it works great.

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6 years 2 weeks ago
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Don't call the kettle black, we will tell you how black the kettle is. Reminds me of wall street cabinet members making the rules and regulations for wall street. I wonder how this will turn out when the results are discussed in a decade.

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6 years 4 days ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77