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Posts: 19


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Q: Is 18k enough to live with in Beijing?

Hi Everyone,

I just had a job offer in Beijing and will be going there in about a month.
I was wondering if 18k was a decent salary package - with 6k housing allowance.
What would be the best expat spots for an apartment? I'd like to be able to go out whenever I want and eat out whenever I want. I also plan on eventually travelling around China during the local holidays and still having enough for one trip home every year.
Also, being single, how's the life of a single over here?

Thanks for the answers!

12 years 32 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - Beijing

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That's an amazing salary and much more than 90% of foreigners here make. I'm jealous. You should look for an apartment somewhere in the Chaoyang area, preferably close to the Dongzhimen/Sanlitun area. That's where you'll find most of the major bars and clubs, international malls, restaurants and cafes. Just go to any club and tell a Chinese girl you make 18k a month and she'll be yours.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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It depends upon simple math. If your a heavy spender let's say you like to blow 30k a month than no it wouldn't be. If your a saver it's more than enough to get by. Whatever your spending habits are will determine if it is enough to live with in Beijing and that's something that you know and we don't. Good Luck!

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Dude that's more than enough. You lucky duck.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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You'll be fine, your taxes on that will only be about 2,000 kuai at most. You can get a nice one bedroom and westernize apartment for about 5,500-6,000 a month. After that your monthly food and entertainment for one person should be about 6,000, and that's not even trying to save. That's like going to the bar three nights a week and eating out two meals a day. That'll leave you plenty for travel. As for single life, it's great. Easy place to get a ride. Expat chicks are better to stick with if you don't want hassles. Many are here temporarly too and don't want a husband. Chinese girls can be a little more tricky as this is their country, so if they date a guy, they do so if they like him. 
But there are always exceptions to the rule. Just be careful.

Where is your office? I suggest Shuangjing to live or Dongzhimen area. DO NOT MOVE TO FAR EAST, WEST, SOUTH OR NORTH BEIJING. As a foreigner you will not have fun. 

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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