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Q: About valentine's gift, expensive gift?

It will be valentine's day soon. I'm with my bf only 2 months. We decided to celebrate it this weekend.
I got some chocolate and a card for him, while he prepared an expensive gift for me. Honestly, i was surprised and felt a little bit awkward the time we exchanged gift.
I did not expect a so expensive gift from him.
Why does he give me an expensive gift, since we only start to know each other?
Will he think I do not care him? since I just gave him some chocolate ( though it's not cheap chocolate, compared with his gift, it's cheap.) I do care him.
What kind of gifts you guys give to your gf in different relationship stages?
Don't mention iPad, thank you. Smile

12 years 32 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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I don't think I have ever received a gift from a girl on Valentines day.  I wouldn't even expect one.

But if a girl did give me a gift, price would not matter at all.  The thought of her taking time to find something she knew I would enjoy is far more important to me.

Don't worry about the price difference.  And if he makes a big deal about it, then you know you have the wrong guy.


Then what kind of birthday present you expect from your girl?

12 years 32 weeks ago
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The first gift I got from my wife (for my birthday) was an electric toothbrush. :D Since then I have got gifts like homemade cookies, ties and body armor. haha.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Don't worry you little head about it.  Guy's aren't expecting phyiscal gifts on Valentines Day.  It's a day about the lady.  The guy either gets a chance to display his love and futher win over her heart; or forget what day it is, screw it up and have her mad for at least the rest of the month.

About the expensive gift, it's an investment to win your favor about this holiday on March 14


yes,you right. guys don't expect physical gifts, they expect hotel time ------ haha

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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I would feel guilty or weirded out if a guy gave me an expensive gift, even on Valentine's day. It seems like in China, guys buy more expensive things to begin with. Try not to worry about it. He probably really likes you and he has trouble telling you, so he bought you something nice. If he asks you for some sort of compensation later, don't feel like you have to give him something just because he gave you a nice present.


Maybe, you are correct. In china, girls don't need to give gifts on 2.14. Since, I'm not in china and he is not a Chinese, I completely have no idea whether I should give him a gift or not. Finally, I decided to give him some chocolate and a card.

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 32 weeks ago
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Perhaps he gave you an extravagant gift because it's early days and he still feels the need to impress you and prove himself.

If your BF is anything like mine, that will pass in time! To my great amusement but to the horror and third-hand embarassment of our Chinese friends, he forgot entirely...

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12 years 31 weeks ago
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Don't blame on yourself too much. From my point of view, you should tell him how much you are thankful for his love. On the other side, it's rare that boys receive gifts from their gf on Valentines' Day. At least your bf is lucky enough to meet you.laugh


Then I should ask the question earlier, like ' should I prepare valentine's gift for him?'

12 years 31 weeks ago
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12 years 31 weeks ago
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Valentines day is about the girl. if he does good, then your appreciation is all that he is after. They made white day (for some odd reason) to be about the guy, and guys arent expecting much for that either. If you figure out how to cook a proper steak, then that would be like gold to him.

PS. try to figure out a baked potatoe too.


Baked some chocolate cake for him.He has sweet teeth:)

12 years 31 weeks ago
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12 years 31 weeks ago
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Is your bf a chinese?Well,I have had some chinese bf before,they had never given me any expensive gift.But I have been dating a foreign bf for one year who has given me some very expensive gifts.I always think that only foreign bfs give expensive gifts.Chinese boys really do such things?

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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