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Q: American media vs. Chinese media. Which is freer?

Let's compare the U.S. news media to the Chinese media. Is one more free than the other? If so, why? Are they pretty much both the same? Why?

I'm just asking questions because three reporters dropped dead this week, and one dropped dead shortly after interviewing Edward Snowden. I find that highly suspicious, and it reminds me of Russia and China's disappearing journalists.

9 years 19 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Seriously dude...if you want to compare Fox news to China....yes...the lies and propaganda is spewed on an equal basis.

The difference is in the US free speech is enshrined in the constitution and you can say whatever the fuck you want without fear of detention for "re-education".

The corporate news outlets have their own agenda...but you don't have to read that can read anything you want (or watch) regardless of rationality or's you're right.

In China they tell the story as they want people to hear regardless of truth...for self-serving needs....and if you have a problem with will be detained and "re-educated":

That's the difference...choice to listen to or read what ever bullshit or truth you feel like.


Interesting that you felt a need to single out Fox Snooze, but failed to mention anyone else. How about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The Leanring Channel, Animal Planet, Nick, and a whole host of others. They are all crap. NBC Brian Williams is a prime example. Oh, and tingle up my leg Matthews is such a great reporter. Ha Ha. They are all hacks reporting with personal and corporate agendas, it is almost like watching SNL on the news.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Are they really, though?


Even the liberal news outlets seem to be controlled. The Snowden leaks have showed that the CIA plays a huge role in regulating U.S. news sources. Things have to be approved by them, are routinely edited, and often censored.


Obama had a journalist jailed for interviewing Al Qaeda, and proving that the U.S. indiscriminately drones women and children on an almost daily basis. 


Three journalists (CBS, NBC, and New York Times) have dropped dead in the last week. One journalist dropped dead shortly after interviewing Snowden. Color me suspicious.


According to the Snowden leaks, Obama has a JSoc kill list, and they routinely kill U.S. citizens, and other individuals whom they deem a "threat" to national security. These are death squads.


The wrong people keep getting tortured by the CIA, and they're denied the ability to sue, or even get any form of justice. The press even helps cover it up, demonize the individuals, etc.


China does the same stuff. Are we really free?

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Here, go look at this website:

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Really??? Don't forget the UFO and Bigfoot conspiracies while you are at it.

Seriously though, The whole Brian Williams things is funny to me. The days of true news reporting is pretty much dead. There are only a few publications worth reading for real news any more.

I think the American news is more free than China. But, bith have their political and social agendas. As well as propaganda. Yes. America has propaganda used in their media too. It is just not as "in your face" as other countries. And, in America, one can be critical of our government and politicians without fear of the police knocking on your door later.

As for the dead reporters, they always say things happen in threes. When i read about a dead celebrity, I just wait to hear who the other two will be. It usually works out that way.

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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Seriously dude...if you want to compare Fox news to China....yes...the lies and propaganda is spewed on an equal basis.

The difference is in the US free speech is enshrined in the constitution and you can say whatever the fuck you want without fear of detention for "re-education".

The corporate news outlets have their own agenda...but you don't have to read that can read anything you want (or watch) regardless of rationality or's you're right.

In China they tell the story as they want people to hear regardless of truth...for self-serving needs....and if you have a problem with will be detained and "re-educated":

That's the difference...choice to listen to or read what ever bullshit or truth you feel like.


Interesting that you felt a need to single out Fox Snooze, but failed to mention anyone else. How about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The Leanring Channel, Animal Planet, Nick, and a whole host of others. They are all crap. NBC Brian Williams is a prime example. Oh, and tingle up my leg Matthews is such a great reporter. Ha Ha. They are all hacks reporting with personal and corporate agendas, it is almost like watching SNL on the news.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Are they really, though?


Even the liberal news outlets seem to be controlled. The Snowden leaks have showed that the CIA plays a huge role in regulating U.S. news sources. Things have to be approved by them, are routinely edited, and often censored.


Obama had a journalist jailed for interviewing Al Qaeda, and proving that the U.S. indiscriminately drones women and children on an almost daily basis. 


Three journalists (CBS, NBC, and New York Times) have dropped dead in the last week. One journalist dropped dead shortly after interviewing Snowden. Color me suspicious.


According to the Snowden leaks, Obama has a JSoc kill list, and they routinely kill U.S. citizens, and other individuals whom they deem a "threat" to national security. These are death squads.


The wrong people keep getting tortured by the CIA, and they're denied the ability to sue, or even get any form of justice. The press even helps cover it up, demonize the individuals, etc.


China does the same stuff. Are we really free?

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Here, go look at this website:

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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How is this even a question? Of course American media is freer.


 Very funny! Do you believe American freedom really?


 Nobody allow you to know or to say important stuffs about GMO, real policy, war etc.

No great difference between USA, China and Russia.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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While the US has it share of problems it is much better than Russia or China. I don't subscribe to the silly arguments that if something is not 100% perfect then it's complete shit..

9 years 19 weeks ago
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The tin foil hat brigade is out in force today!

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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I would say American press does have the ultimate power:  It has the power to bring the Government down if the said Government gets caught doing naughty things. Nixon for example.


The press here does not have that power.


But having said that, there does seem to be a lack of willingness in American press at the moment to hold the Government to account. I put that down to big money business who want to control the American people, whereas it's the Government in China.


Big business want's to influence how people vote in America (and the west), because they want to get Government polices that suit them.


The Chinese Government want control to keep social stability and to guide people along the path of "the plan".


A good example of blatant lies in the American press is Fox news, with it's statement about Birmingham in the UK being Muslim only.  "A go no zone" for non Muslims.  Yeah, the guy apologized..... but they still keep saying it.  It's simple why, big business does not want Americans to have any of the "left wing" benefits Brits get, such as free healthcare etc.  Because they think it will hit their profits.  So the news stations say " Hey.... look how messed up brits are.... that's what social welfare does."


But the British press are just as bad.  The press should have been at the forefront to bring Bush and Blair to task over they lies they told to justify invading Iraq.  The press should have slaughtered them both on the front pages, but they just gave them a little slap on the wrist.


So yeah, putting that one into the equation, has the Chinese Government ever told it's citizens a lie on the scale of what Blair and Bush did?  In recent decades I mean of course.


Anyway, of course the American press has more freedom, but they are badly letting down the people by not exercising that right to the fullest extent.


Ha ha.  Just of the top of my head...... American reports I remember.... Hilary Clinton said she was under sniper fire at Sarajeavo airport.... lie.... got away with it.  The News presenter who said his helicoptor was shot down in Iraq.... lie.... 6 month suspension.  Should have lost his job.


Just to add.


I have noticed that since the 24 hour rolling news came into being in the west, news channels seem to actively build on stories by the way they report on them.  For example, Ferguson in the US, the riots in the UK that followed the shooting of Paul Duggenn a few years back.


I have seen news reports from demonstrations where "trouble is expected".  The news teams outnumbered the demonstrators.  It's as if they are se desperate for stories they don't mind giving people a nudge into doing stupid things.


At the time of the Duggen riots in the UK, lots of UK politicians were shouting out to close down social media.  If they had just been able to shut the news down a lot of destruction could have been prevented.  And a lot of silly people would not have the criminal records they now have.


So should Government have the power to influence the news?   Maybe sometimes.  Just sometimes though. On very rare occasions.  The events could still be reported verbally, but control the video. Maybe that would have worked for the Duggen riots.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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From what you've said I gather Birmingham has a large Muslim presence...didn't know that.  What kind of percentage would they comprise?  Has it increased much over the last decade or so?

I guess I could look that up but perhaps you have a rough clue.

My lads happen to be West Bromich Albion and I know they are a Birmingham side.  This isn't related but I don't know anything else about Birmingham.  Oh, yes I do...

Q;  What's the 2nd biggest city in the UK?  A;  Birmingham.

Was surprised to hear that at a trivia night about ten years ago.




9 years 19 weeks ago
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I thinks it's about 20% Royce.


I used this as an example because the damage is done.  And 100 Americans if the UK has Muslim only "no go zones", and 60% will say yes.


That will be great for tourism, not.


If I was in charge ( ),  I would have revoked their broadcasting license for a month for telling blatant porkies.


It might be the job of a free press to hold Government to account, but who makes sure the free press is being fair.  Note I did not say " free and unbiased", because no one would ever watch that.  It would be even more boring than CCTV

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Plenty of NZ expats to the USA have told me that their common experience upon meeting a person offhand is a receipt of praise for speaking English so well.


I wouldn't worry about the opinions of Americans too much. It is just sound and fury.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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Looks like Hulk in onto something with this question.  I just had Chinese girl ask me if they speak English in America.


The two countries are possibly similar in the average citizen's knowledge of the bigger world.


I am only joking of course wink.


Hulk asked a good question.  Because as people born in "free countries", we tend to take it for granted that our press is free.  But wait, we are told the press is free.  We are told what to believe. We are told we are better than "them" because........


I like to ask the question " Why do you think you are better and more free?".


"Because my Government says so !!" is not a valid answer wink.


" Why is the Chinese press so bad ?"


" Because my countries press says so!!" is not a valid answer.


And hey, when it come to conspirasies, just Bing "Jimmy Saville".  The BBC buried that under the carpet for decades.  I wonder why the free press did not do a report on him when the first stories started to come out..... more than 20 years ago.




9 years 19 weeks ago
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How do we know that the Western press is more free? Imagine the impossibility of something like the pentagon papers, the watergate leak, or any of the prominant leaks that we've seen in recent years. How the government might have reacted to them is besides the point. In each case, the leaked material was given a platform for dissemination. In China, that would not, could not, be the case.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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an aspect of media that shouldn't be overlooked is internet. notjust websites and their origins, but how countries allow access to these websites. i think it's clear in this case, that China beats america in restricting freedom. American media is free in this regard, but what we recognize as oppressive propaganda and advertisements, are just the prevailing method to influence people with free access to information. the strategy is to desensitize them with an abundance of misinformation, so they give up on trying to understand, delay protests or other actions, and ultimately stop caring.

China is doing very different things, where people with low confidence find comfort in being told what to do. So the media dictates that the topics of interest are those which have no social relevance whatsoever: sports, fashion, showbiz, children's songs, food, etc.

it's really quite amazing how they can get starving people to put on a big smile, close their eyes and clap along happily to songs that even a 4-year old would find childish.

the conspiracy theorist in me believes that both china and america are engaged in social experiments using all available media, and will pool the data they gather as part of a hidden agreement. the war against citizens.

the best way to gauge a country's freedom, is to see how many data requests the government makes against its own citizens. China probably won't be forthcoming with numbers, but european countries have it on public record. my country, the netherlands, makes more than twice the amount of data requests than neighbour germany does, PER CITIZEN. it probably has to do with all the money coming in from international trade - not everyone profits from it, and it probably involves dirty illegal dealings that authorities want to keep secret.

the USA also makes plenty of money from trading, so they'll have an abundance of skeletons they need to keep in closets. China is the world's exporter with tremendous wealth disparity between rich and poor, so you don't need to be a mathematician to do the math on that one.


The American government  has actually blacklisted far more websites than China. Did you know that? There's a list of hundreds of thousands of websites blocked by the good ol' free USA.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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that's quite a lot. i wonder if it's for propagandist purposes, to protect state secrets, or simply trade protectionism. i'd be very surprised if China made such a neat list of blocked websites public, so it's hard to say which country blocks more sites.

9 years 19 weeks ago
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I keep up with American news via the young Turks podcasts.


Ok, I am left wing, a libtard, a whatever you want to call me.


But Cenk Uygur speaks a lot of sense.


The link might not work. But just Bing the Young Turks.


I liked some of the Young Turks stuff, though only sporadically. I think Uygur hit a pretty low spot, though, in the latest interview with Karen Straughn (and ended up unintentionally proving her point).

9 years 19 weeks ago
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I find it interesting that the whole Ukraine thing has gone the way it has - especially in the media. The facts seem to be that the former President of Ukraine declined an offer from the UN/EU, not liking the Austerity measures that have been put in place in other EU countries, and decided to take an offer of cash from Russia... then, all hell went down!


And yet, this simple fact is no longer part of the media's attention... think what would have happened if it was always mentioned in any news brief about the latest in the fighting.


Then add to this the fact that Obama has, in an interview, admitted to organising a change-over of power in Ukraine.... (yep, saw that bit of video myself)... did this make it to our front pages or main stories for the nightly news?? Hell no! Why not?


So - I suggest that both medias are very strongly controlled and censored to favour those in control (it's just that in the US, those in control are not actually the government)


I agree with the point that there is nothing like free media. All the media are financed by certain groups in order to manipulate the population opinion in one or the other way. If you for instance want to know a bit more about Palestinian situation so the best you can do is to read Israel, Arab, European and American media and after that apply the simple logic. Even then you have quite a big chance to misunderstand the main point but it's hard to imagine any other better way without being forced to invest a lot of time and effort. The same applies for more or less any other topic. But as even this is a bit time consuming so even many smart people are jumping at 'surprising' opinions not because they are stupid but because they absorb and use unbalanced information ...

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Hands down American media....

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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All media is controlled by something or someone! That is why it is probably best to go with non-traditional sources even in America. The big difference, of course, is that the "powers that be" probably wouldn't shut you down at the drop of a hat!


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob, I've missed you so much! How's everything??

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Been extremely busy, Bro, but I have been lurking now and again, just to keep up with (what I consider) one of the funniest boards on 'the net!' Hope all is going well with you and your Bride!

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Glad to hear you're busy. Have you brought your woman to the U.S. yet?


Everything's fine with my bridezilla. We've got a 2nd baby due any time now. Literally any time. Plug went, and all that.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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China's. If you want to run an expose on the secret wealth of China's eight top families, you're well and truly free to go ahead.


As for America's top families: the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons and so on down the chain, you can start a radio show and make a fortune from advertising WD40 and playing Credence Clearwater in between segments of you yelling and crying as you throw a bunch of vitriol and speciously reasoned piffle at the mid-west and southern airwaves while the rest of the media slag you off for being a kook.


I'm being sarcastic just so you're clear, haha.

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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I think China has more media conglomerates than the US (4) so in that sense it's more diverse. 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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