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Q: Are there many criminal gangs in China?

I'm curious to know if China's wealth and success has also led to more dubious elements of its society becoming stronger.

12 years 28 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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If you go out of your way looking for trouble or just unlucky you can keep away from it.
that old saying looking for trouble.
mind your bussiness and keep away from places commen sence tells you are not a good idea and you will be fine.
anybody who boosts about criminals they know and their exploits  are full of shit or have a very short life expectancy.
use your brain and keep out of it.

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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It depends on what you define as a criminal. Is that someone who has been to jail before? Or is it simply someone who has done something "wrong"? Well, it doesn't matter how much wrong they do, if they have connections they can keep on doing it. As for the word "gang," I don't know if that's the right word. It's more like a family and I guess it would have to do with guangxi. Why are you so interested in criminal behavior?


1'm interested because I had a work-related argument with a mean-spirited foreign person who has been here for many years. I'm a bit worried that he could know people who could cause me problems or attack me or maybe even kill me. But I am probably being paranoid. I just want to know how common gangland crime is in China.

12 years 28 weeks ago
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1ell, I guess it would depend on how much you piss him off. If he just doesn't like you, it's probably not a problem. However, if he's angry for other reasons, it might be a problem.

12 years 28 weeks ago
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12 years 28 weeks ago
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Everyone in China is a criminal on some level.....anyone and everything here can be bought, sold and paid off for a price.
It's a growth industry.

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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If you go out of your way looking for trouble or just unlucky you can keep away from it.
that old saying looking for trouble.
mind your bussiness and keep away from places commen sence tells you are not a good idea and you will be fine.
anybody who boosts about criminals they know and their exploits  are full of shit or have a very short life expectancy.
use your brain and keep out of it.

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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Yes, just like in any present society, there are criminals and gangs in China.  And yes, if you have been here long enough, you become aware of their existance.  Thru my GF I have met one of those "gang" leaders.  They will do anything for a fee, and for laowais the rate is higher than for locals. 
They do deliver a "message" or warning, they do include anything extra you may desire, from one hit to many broken bones, while delivering your message.  They can also "eliminate" a person if so desired.
He (if you do not know his "other activities") looks like a nice guy, sort of a rough businessman.  Owns a farm, and his group works on it during day hours.
He already helped me stop a local ExPat from doing stupid things.  They visited his wife at her place of work and told her to control him and have him stop his stupidities, or next visit will render them a long vacation at a local hospital.  And they paid attention and stopped it.  It costed me a nice dinner at a local seafood restaurant, about 425 Rmb.


And you feel proud of that.......?

You did stay too long in China! Better you go back from wherever you come from.

So whovever disagrees with you may end up in your hit list?

By the way, you shouldn't boast too much like that on Internet. What you did is actually punishable by Chinese law and you could easily end up in jail.

Luckily for you, nobody gives a damn in China.

12 years 28 weeks ago
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Sangoku: when someone shots at me three different times, when verbal and written threats against my health and life are delivered, when my GF and her daughter are threatened with physical violence, and all of these reported to local Police and nothing is done because it is a small problem between foreigners, it was time to implement a Chinese solution to it, and it worked. No I am not proud of it, and I ain't leaving China either. And don't worry, I do not keep a hit list pof those who disagree with my views. But I do not allow anyone to threaten my family or me either.

12 years 28 weeks ago
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12 years 28 weeks ago
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5 years 51 weeks ago
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Why is it when all these 5 or 6 year old topics are necro’d with anti-China articles it’s always Ambi...if was being cynical I’d have thought he was connected to ECC & trying to get more page views!


I get tired of recycled questions worded a different way, I get tired of posting questions that don't get more than four answers, the forum has asked every question possible many times, why create more "0" and "1"'s for new data files when you can use the old ones and be a sustainable liberal not using up resources for duplication, trying to enlighten myself in my sunset years, it's more efficient and we get to laugh and shake our head and laugh at ourselves for our views 6 years ago if you have been here that long. Some of us get to see how right we were, sadly, in most cases.

5 years 51 weeks ago
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an additonal benefit is who is going to monitor or censure a 6 year old question, when they are looking for current in the news questions that might be sensitive, so you post the non harmonious dribble in an old file where nobody is looking for the rest or us to have a dialogue without the propagandist interference. A lazy wumao will see the date of the question and want even bother to scroll down the page and go back to his computer game or yellow film, and the guy or gal who asked the question is not even in the country, hey, i just answered the question , don't look at me. Resistance tactics I learned from the left, backlash

5 years 51 weeks ago
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5 years 51 weeks ago
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