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Q: Can you recommend any agency to bring a cat from Finland to Xi'an (China)?

I am relocating to Xi'an and I am definitely bringing my cat with me. I have read that hiring an specialised agency may help the cat to undergo the quarantine at home (my cat is an indoor cat, he's basically in quarantine at home for 10 years now).


Could you recommend an agency to handle this procedure?


Thanks a lot

10 years 47 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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I can't recommend a provider of this, but the correct google keywords are "pet relocation" 


You should consider that your old cat is middle aged and may not benefit from going with you. That being said, look into bringing your cat yourself, it's not that hard. 

As far as I know (and this is an old memory, so please check), to qualify for home quarantine you need to have a registered address upon entering China. This is a little difficult unless you are landing some days before your cat. 

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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Thanks, I have considered leaving him behind at my parents, but I think he's happier with me and the trip is not that bad if he's medicated.


I already left him behind a couple of years when I relocated to Australia for the strict quarantine (30 days to 6 months) they have there. Knowing that we can do that at home helped me take the decision.


Do you know a webpage where I can check the conditions and everything I need to do for him to be at home during that quarantine?

Thans again


I don't have any specific links handy


I would suggest you contact

 - your local Chinese embassy

 - the airline you plan to fly with (do they allow small pets as carry on, most European airlines do, but no domestic flights in China does)

 - the airport you plan to land in will know about quarantine and possibility of home quarantine


maybe also contact your vet (or if you live in the sticks, call a fancy vet in Helsinki) maybe they have prior experience helping with this. 


be aware that e.g. for a dog, rabies vaccination and proof of its effectiveness is needed and this does take some time as the test cannot be done until quite a while after the vaccination was adrministered. 


10 years 47 weeks ago
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It's not recommended that you drug your cat for trips. And isn't it a long trip? What time of year are you thinking of moving, you have to think of heat. I think I read that if you bring a dog to HK that you can just cross the border, but I can't find the link now.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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10 years 47 weeks ago
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Some good info can be found here

They are located in Beijing, I contacted them through Facebook and they were very helpful.

Good luck!


Do you have a cat?

10 years 47 weeks ago
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No, I have a dog, but I think the info is relative for both dogs and cats.

10 years 47 weeks ago
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10 years 47 weeks ago
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