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Q: Cross stitch is popular in China?

You may not have heard of cross stitch, so if you don't know look it up. It's a dying art in America. You used to be able to buy kits and all colors of thread even at Walmart, but they have phased it out. Now you're better off finding it online, but the kits can be expensive. I don't do it all the time, but it is great for when I am really bored and don't feel like doing anything. I went to the night market here, and there were tons of kits, I was surprised. I think that it might be popular with older women, but I don't know for sure. I didn't think they would be here at all. I actually learned it from my mother when I was younger. Have you heard of it? Have you seen it in your city? Do you know anyone that cross stitches here in China?

12 years 51 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - Other cities

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it's dying here too

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12 years 51 weeks ago

I like a snowy Happy new year, rather than a no sky one...Beijing's time to ban the cars---the only solution for the time being...

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itz popular in china,i can see the stores selling the kits n the embroidery done in cross stitch in gz. they also teach you how to do with it. some of my frnds enjoy doing the cross stitch during their free time,but i really think it is so complicated n takes sooo much time n patience!

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12 years 51 weeks ago

Lose once you get serious!!

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It is popular where I am (near Hangzhou) even some of my students do it in class (before we start) depending what time of the year it is as well....spring festival there seems to be a surge of it going on. Young girls to older women. I've never seen any Guys doing it though Wink

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12 years 51 weeks ago
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My BF (Chinese) once did a cross stitch of a puppy for me for Christmas. So its not just women.

Ive seen it all over the place. Especially older women whose kids are grown or younger women who dont yet have kids. Anyone with time on their hands seems to like it. Even the ones who dont have time on their hands still find the time.

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12 years 51 weeks ago

Live passionately, even if it kills you, because something is going to kill you anyway."rn-- Webb Chiles

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Cross-stitch is huge in Changsha, probably because Hunan embrodiery is a folk art. Within walking distance of where I live there are probably 5 or 6 stores alone that sell kits and thread. I noticed because both my mom and sister do it back home, so I was considering buying a kit or two and sending for Christmas.

Just today I was in the park, and saw a teenage girl sitting on a bench doing cross-stitch. Some of the kits are really big, like 3 by 5 feet, and feature flowers and birds. I don't know about the rest of China, but in Changsha cross-stitch has a large following. 

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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You mean where men complain about women and women complain about men?  Yes, it is very popular here and in all parts of the world, I think.  My wife and I do it all the time.

OH! You said cross stiching.  Sorry, my bad.


I thought this was about cross dressing. No wonder the reading didn't make sense.

12 years 43 weeks ago
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12 years 43 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman