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Q: The difference between not hungry and starving one's self?

My roommate (Chinese) is trying to lose weight, and she's doing it in a really unhealthy way, I feel like.  She will sometimes skip meals, eat extremely little or only eat very small odd meals.  Yesterday we went out for Japanese ramen. She had an alcoholic beverage and some ice covered with red beans and yogurt.  That was her dinner.  Any advice I can give her for dieting in a healthier way?  She's stuck on the idea that she wants to lose weight so I give up on trying to convince her otherwise (she is not fat).  What are some healthy dieting tips for while you are in China?

12 years 7 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Your question should be addressed to and answered by MD, in order to have real value!


I am not MD! You should also look on Internet for different diets and losing weight programs.


Be aware, we are all born with genetic predispositions. Some people will never get overweight doesn't matter what they eat, and some people will get overweight very quick.


1. Exercise is very important in any diet. Daily walks or jogging till you sweat, swimming.

2. You must eat several (5) times a day, small amounts of food. 3 are main daily meals, other 2 are snacks.  Always when you eat, your digestive system works too, and you are burning extra calories.

3. Your diet should be food with less Carbohydrates!

- High CH food: all sugars (soft drinks, alcohol), bread, RICE, potato, pasta;

- High fat food: meat, eggs, all oils, butter, milk.

You shouldn't completely avoid such a food! You should slowly limit amount of high CH food, you ingest. 

Don't torture yourself with the diet. Have a goal, and enjoy it!

4. Always read nutrition labels, before you buy or ingest any food. Food with low fat and low CH is recommended.

5. Food with low calories:

- whole grain (whole wheat bread, bran with skim milk or yogurt)

- all green vegetables (raw more recommended than cooked) without oil or dressing; 

- all fruits;

6. Drink bottled water, unsweetened tea and coffee. Avoid alcoholic drinks and all soft drinks, both with high CH.

Read nutrition value (chemicals) of artificial sweetener, before you use it.

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12 years 7 weeks ago
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  Well if she's not fat it is psychological and dieting won't help. Need to get to the root of it.

  Don't know any dieting tips myself, i've never used them. Once went 21 days on grape juice and water though. I guess that's a kind of diet if you like.


are you celebrating today?

12 years 7 weeks ago
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12 years 7 weeks ago
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'Curiosity' landed on Redangel


Humans spend monnies to see if you also drink beer there.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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  You're an unusual young lady.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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I don't remember, when did I change my sex!


My left earlobe is pierced too! Same as Vikings!


OOOO, I almost forgot: flat foot on both!

12 years 7 weeks ago
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  Oops, kind of assumed from the avatar that you were a misses, not a mister. Sorry 'bout that. But 'flat foot on both'? Your posts get stranger and stranger.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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that's pic of my 'Norwegian forest cat'. Dead by an old age!

12 years 7 weeks ago
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  Oooh, well it was certainly a beauty.

  I originally had a picture of a large pussy as my avatar, but they disallowed it and threatened to ban me from the site, so I changed it.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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how do you mean 'me strange'? Do you think, you are home?


different rules on Bluethan on Red.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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  Haha, 'blue, red, rules'? You are twisting my melon man, you are twisting my melon.

12 years 7 weeks ago
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LMAO..... I guess, some can lose weight here just by reading 'comments' section of your answer! 

12 years 7 weeks ago
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What is LMAO?

12 years 7 weeks ago
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they threatened to ban you because of the pic?no Can't believe it!? 


Ban you from the site?enlightened


or from the Earth?


They should send you back to Red!sadwith Range 'rover'.....where is my O2?

12 years 7 weeks ago
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laughing my 'avatar' off....LMAO


What is 'avatar'? same word as 'netizen' 

12 years 7 weeks ago
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  Ok, I understand now, red as in the red planet. I get it. Also I was joking about the ban. LMAO:)

12 years 7 weeks ago
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12 years 7 weeks ago
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Skipping the meal, and replacing it of alcoholic beverage is... not wise at all (being kind).


There is, Chinese by the way, simple recipe:
- eat as often as You feel hungry, but always amount of only one bowl (those small one)

That is because our stomach in normal state have such capacity, off course it can be stretched, but it is not so normal then Wink

Another recipe is eating fruits for a meals (those "bowl-size" meals) as often as possible, instead of other food.

When dieting - no alcohol (any way shape or form)!


There is also "controlled starvation", that cleans our body. But it is not so easy to withstand it, during normal activities. First - starving person is weak, second - in first week smells pretty bad, third  - strict regime on both preparing to, making, and ending of controlled starvation.
Side effect of controlled starvation - is mentioned loosing a weight. But be aware, that it should be taken under supervision of medical personnel, or at list after consultation with family doctor. 





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12 years 7 weeks ago
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Once my Chinese co-worker told me about a friend of hers that managed to lose 10 kilos in two weeks by eating tomato soup every single day. And the way she said the story was of admiration not of surprise or concern. 'Tomato is good for our body', she replied when I ask about other nutritious elements required by our daily diet.

It seems to me that most young girls have a real lack of knowledge as for healthy eating habits. What really matters is to be under 50 kg. Exercising is too 'tired' for most of them, so the only way they can manage to achieve those goals is with crazy and ignorant dieting. 

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12 years 6 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman