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Q: Do Chinese people really think the US is trying to control the world?

I had a little bit of an argument with a friend the other day because she said that the US is trying to control the world. I was a little shocked, not sure why. One of her main examples was how the US's media, such as Hollywood, is what is in the lead. So, I think that she might mean that the US has the greatest influence? However, she may be serious. To clarify, this is coming from a girl who loves reading the news, and not just Chinese news because she uses a VPN. She's a smart girl, and I'm not into politics, so I couldn't really argue against her because I wouldn't know what to say. She also used other examples, like starting a war in the middle east.

Then I read that article on Echinacities, the one that has what Chinese netizens think of other countries. The one about America was all negative, and I was a little surprised. However, I don't think that's a balanced opinion, just like the people who think America is paradise do not have a balanced opinion. Also, another one of my students thought that all Americans have a gun, which isn't true. I even pointed out to him that I've never touched a gun, but he has because of military training. I guess my opinion of America isn't negative in that way because I'm from there, but also because I'm just a normal citizen, and I have nothing to do with my own government. Can anybody clarify?

12 years 34 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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In general I would say we must recognize that what others perceive about life and intentions of USA is what they read on world press or even our own press.  And also the fact that among news people, "bad" news sell, good news do not.  As a result, we see mostly news of happenings that will "sell' (buy newspapers, more audience in radio or TV shows), rather than a balanced mix of good and bad news to correctly portrait life abroad or in USA in particular.

It is a fact that most of the press in USA is of a liberal, socialistic and left hand inclination, and as such, portrait the news as they see it.  You will see manhjy news items of some crazy fellow shooting others at a shopping mall or a school.  Yet, you will not see one presenting a positive view on firearms. 

And a second, but maybe as important reason, is that US politicians really do not give a damn about their constituents' welfare and well being, they just care about their particular interests and getting re-elected.

And last, we also must recognize that we in fact, tend to impose our way of life upon others.  Rightly or wrongly, I do not think we have the right to do so.  I do feel it is about time the USA people demand of their politicians to concentrate more on fixing our own problems rather than fixing the world problems.

This will be a subject of a long conversation over a good "hot pot", don't you think so ?

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Do some research on the Project for the New American Century and how they've managed to sneak into key positions of the Bush and Obama administrations. It's obvious that the US has a global agenda which is the result of neoconservative chicken hawks with delusions of grandeur. I'm an American and I acknowledge that the US has a hegemonic foreign policy. What's the US doing with all these adventurous wars in the Middle East? It's part of a grand strategy to put the oil on tap in case China gets uppity. 

The US is the dominant cultural power and has been for the last 50 years. And it will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future. Chinese people tend to be overly receptive to entertainment. Whenever a Chinese person says that America is like this or that because they saw it in a movie, I compare that to me thinking that all Chinese people leap through bamboo trees doing kung fu. 


I compare that to me thinking that all Chinese people leap through bamboo trees doing kung fu. that was the reason i came to China in the first place. needles to say. i was sadly disapointed :(

12 years 34 weeks ago
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I'm a Canadian and I think that. But, China tries to control it too. Only difference is, no one listens to China.

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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We got the taxi driver that destroyed his US passport and plans on living forever here under the gentle understand protection of China because he knew 9-11 was an inside job and all the other stuff the government is doing to control the world.

I hope he comes back to this site.... this seems like the perfect question for him.


While my answers will be shorter, and more coherent and logical, I'll give it a bash :)

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Chinese are just jealous because nobody watches Chinese movies, Chinese tv. knows or cares what China has to say. 

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Read Noam Chomsky, look at the Neocon project for 'The American Century' and all that kinda stuff. There are waves of support within America for hegemony, just as there are many people who'd prefer America to either turn its back on the rest of the world or to act as a beacon of what others can aspire to. It's all stupidly simplistic (with the exception of Chomsky).

The question of cultural influence is something else. Despite the hatred I have for reruns of 'Friends,' I don't really feel that my own culture is under attack. Many of the best movie directors and script writers in Hollywood are from the UK, its actors all bloody Australians.


Noam Chomksy should be required reading for all high schoolers. A brilliant man who tells it as it is.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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The Government Controls EVERYTHING

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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If the Chinese people, or even a majority of Americans actually knew what America does and why they do it, they would be horrified.
Those that have these beliefs here only have a portion of the truth.
But the same could be said for China.

You can thank Dubya for the hatred around the world for Americans.  After 9_11 the US had sympathy and support from all over the world...even 1 million people marched with candles in the streets of Tehran in support of America.  It only took 2 years for Bush the dimwit to make America the most hated nation on earth.  Obama has tried to change this, and with great success I might add, but it still has a long way to go.

As for Hollywood (and all pop culture), for sure it is a massive tool for winning hearts and minds, and no one on earth can match their talents and money.

As for taking over the world, yes, through wall street.  War is big business and they are usually fought over economic interests including the military industrial complex.  Economic power is what won the cold war.

But in closing for every Chinese person who hates America there are 5 more that love it.


With all due respect sir, Obama has attacked more countries than Bush, broke most of his promises, and signed the NDAA bill which lets the military arrest anyone, even American citizens, and permanently detain them at a secret location without a warrant or court order. Nice guy, huh?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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dont forget obama "reluctantly" signed the bill making what bush did legal. locking up american citizens secretly, indefinitely , without evidence , without a trial. for "supporting" terrorists. thank you mr. obama.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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damn you beaufort. you beat me to it. ;)

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Granted BO has not been the savior of the liberal cause, but he has done an amazing job juggling what is a mine field and reaching out to everyone he can, regardless of ability to change their minds. Obama has pissed me off to no end, but what is better? You want Romney? America will be f**cked if they vote for this nut to take power. And Ron Paul will never win, like him or not.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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buddy roemer is actually the way to go. the media ignores him completely. the presidency is just to fool the masses. both parties are control and funded by the same groups . regardless of who is in office the same bills will get passed and signed into law. the whole dem vs rep i just to keep the nation divided against itself.

locals should take note on how we discuss the problems in our own home countries , disagreee w/o getting offended and saying you have no right to say neg things about my country becoz you are not from ...

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Of course the US is trying to control the world!  This seems obvious to me.  Last time I checked, the US was the leading world power.  Do you think they acquired that power by accident?  And what do you think they want to do with that power?  Maybe control something???surprise  I mean, what good is power if you can't control anything?  And which of the other world powers don't also want to do the same?  That is the nature of government - to control people.  USA wants to control the world, China wants to control the world, Iran wants to control the world......that's basic politics 101.


To me it would be maybe, and with a big difference. With the exception of Puerto Rico, The USA has "liberated" many countries by fighting wars in the name of democracy, aqnd has eventually removed his troops from each of them, after rebuilding also each of them. How can you control the world if you do not "physically" occupy it with your troops ?. And that is the first lesson of Politics 101 !

12 years 34 weeks ago
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You really think you have to physically invade a country  to control it?  LOL, tell me you don't think this.  I can think of 5 ways to control something without using violence.  I'm sure the smart guys in the government can think of more.  And you can think of none?  US policy controls very much of what goes on in this world and believe me, they are trying to influence even more.  Have a good dream while your eyes are closed.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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happy: you are forgeting what the cia did in iran3 govts ago the people rose up and overthrew their dictator. they est. a democratic govt but uk feared losing their oil contracts. the cia assassinated their leader and brought down their govt. the harsh regime the cia set up is what led to the current ruthless govt coming into power. you do not need to occupy a country. puppet govts and bribery work very well

12 years 34 weeks ago
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No one with any knowledge of history will have the balls to deny what the US did back in 79. "Blowback" has created problems for the US since the birth of the CIA.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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The US is a hegemon, a super powerful state able to use it's power and influence to control world events. An empire that controls the world indirectly.

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Hey, somebody has to. What country would you want to rule the world? And what would things look like if they did?


I think Luxembourg would be ok as the global master.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Sweden seems pretty cool, too!~ Look at their social security system!!

12 years 34 weeks ago
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damn it people we are not trying to control the world, just the parts with natural rersources (ie: oil) get your damn facts str8 



but the local was an idiot. we are not trying to control anything through hollywood. but through our military and paying off govts. (ie pakistan, the former eygptian govt) hollywood actually sheds light on this, and exposes the govt practices

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Big difference in declaring war and helping rebels trying to overthrow their corrupt govts. 


It's a big difference when you disobey UN security council resolutions and illegally send your own soldiers into the country disguised as rebels with enough guns to conquer half a continent (Libya) or are trying to weaken a future adversary by funding opposition movements and encouraging mutiny in the military (Iran. Did you know that the Libyan people had free healthcare with some of the best medical institutions in Africa? Or that college was free? Or that the common people got money put into their bank accounts when the country sold oil? Now what do they have? Nothing and the country is under the control of terrorists who sodomized a former American ally with a knife on camera. TRUTH.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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TRUTH - WTF do you think they do to their own women and children? Why would they treat an american woman or an ally any different? Rape isn't about sex... it's about power. And what's one of the best ways to show power to a society that deplores rape? Rape their women. Qaddafi's military committed rape; the Egyptian military has been raping female journalists and protesters, regardless of citizenship; the Congo, Sudan/ Darfur, Afghanistan... all use rape as a tool of power. Our own soldiers are doing the same damn thing. Hundreds of thousands of women. As far as the rest of your spoutings... whatever helps you sleep at night.

12 years 33 weeks ago
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Not only Chinese people think (know) it, Everyone with a little savy can see it. The world should have a leader, but its a pitty the leaders are so useless in the USA........

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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I say: give the world to Jamaica!cool


Cool runnings, Mon!

12 years 34 weeks ago
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They can think whatever they want. And no the U.S. is not trying to control the world they are just trying to dominate it. As you have mentioned the movie industry we have already dominated. If a person is smart they would know that Americans are there to help other countries not harm them or take control of their  country. When we went to Iraq etc., we trained their military personnel and after seeing that they could manage the territory from terrorists we let them have leadership. Many countries are thankful that America supports them including those countries we fought in. South Korea is another country that is thankful since we are their to support them from any attacks from the N. Koreans. So any smart person can see we are there to help other countries and not take over or rule their country. Whoever had a negative opinion about the states are just blinded by what they do not know or cannot comprehend.


There's a fine line between control and dominate. Some would even say it's a matter of semantics. But i will buy your line. America wants world domination. Does that sound any different? LOL, because it's not.  And by your comment, I can tell that you are much too young to call anyone else blinded.  Every superpower wants to dominate the world.  That is the reason they are superpowers.  Organizations that do not want power and control, do not reach for it.  Of course you can go on believing that countries like America are all benevolent and just want to "help" and they have no personal interestsangelangelangel

12 years 34 weeks ago
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i am a chinese. i guess all the world ppl know who is always trying to control the world. but HE can or cannot control---All the world ppl also see it... personal opinion cheeky


'HE' ? Who are you speaking of if it is a 'HE". America already eliminated number 1 and number 2 public enemy in the world. It has already been taken care of. One less terrorist to worry about. And yes everybody does know, but are they aware that 'HE' has been eliminated because of American forces?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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if HE doesn't want to control, there would not be the "terrible thing" happened to him---there is no smoke without the wind... everything which happens has the reason or cause.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Who is 'HE"???? I think I know which individual Mattaya is not referring to, but if so, then that whole idea is rubbish! If it's Bin Laden, nothing seemed to have any indication that he wanted to control the world at all...

12 years 34 weeks ago
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What's the 'US'??

Not a silly question, really....

I mean, its government, its people, its rich people, its movie industry...???

Sure, there are some powerful rich people who want to control basically everything - including America (and, so far, they're doing a great job of that!).

100 years ago, those same sorts of people were in a different part of the world. For about 800 years, those people centred around Europe (many still are), but the US is the place to be now - because of the way politics and business is set up.

Here's a thought (and just a thought....) - the results of what is called "9/11"... the USA could dominate the thoughts of people all over the world, demand things which normally no-one would give a second thought to, even to the point that (as TheDude mentioned) 1 million people were in Tehran to show support. An important oil pipeline was put in place to secure oil away from the gulf. Various US owned companies made billions of dollars, if not trillions. The US people stopped being so human-rightsy, and allowed invasions of privacy they would never have dreamed of. Any and all 'security threats' the CIA and any other organisation suspected were hauled away, with nary a sideways glance. Basically, a lot of people who dream of power and control (and money), got a lot of power and control (and money... why does it all come down to money??).  What was the 'cost'? A few thousand lives, and a few billion dollars... in chess, that's sacrificing a pawn to save (or regain) a queen. The money is irrelevant, and to people who think about costs of lives in the tens of thousands, in a world where millions of people are allowed to die from starvation and lack of basic medicines.

If you wanted complete power and control, what would you do? (if you've already got so much power and control, that you can't be touched for any of your nefarious acts).

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Everybody knows that ALL world leaders are taken over by Alien bodysnatchers on the night before they enter office. They work together behind the scenes, and engineer wars and such stuff. I know this to be true because I saw in in


Oh no! Now the wu-mao equivalent of the Centauri, Shadows and Vorlons are gonna whine that I have insulted their "honor"...crying

12 years 34 weeks ago
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That explains Julia Gillard and Tony Abbot.... :p

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77