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Q: Do you think, it would be interesting to know, why am quitting my present job?

Q topic should be 'Did you learn how to reach around your butt to the opposite pocket, yet'?

8 years 28 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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Contact SAFEA at once icniff. Go to the top of this page and search for.......... Oh wait.


Wait wat? 

'Tell or don't tell' is a Q. There's no remedy (SAFEA) needed as of now for this Contract breach. Funny, too.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Because you already know.... Tell us the story icniff.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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Contact SAFEA at once icniff. Go to the top of this page and search for.......... Oh wait.


Wait wat? 

'Tell or don't tell' is a Q. There's no remedy (SAFEA) needed as of now for this Contract breach. Funny, too.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Because you already know.... Tell us the story icniff.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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I returned from EU on Feb 19th, a week earlier than start of the semester.

On March 4th, I called School's rep. about why I don't have working schedule yet. Rep. replied: 'School's managers are very busy, and they still need time to assemble your working schedule.'

me: 'OK. Sitting in my apartment.....'

rep: 'you'll probably get schedule next week....'

me: 'I hope, you're aware I must receive full pay, despite I didn't step into the classroom yet.??'

rep.: Don't worry for it, you'll get full pay.

This week, I'm on the 3rd week sitting in front of the puter and gaining weight.


That is clear Contract breach in my mind. Funny thou, but it's Contract breach from the School's side.

So this week, I started to look for the new job. Got 2 positions, which of course both want me to be there ASAP. One tomorrow, and another one by March 21st, as a condition for the job/Contract show for sign.

Now, both new Schools know, I'll come with valid RP and all documents to extend it. 

I am not exiting China, and applying for new Z. I'd rather stay in my room till the end of the Contract.

So, tomorrow morning call to FEB just to get confirmation 'no schedule for 3rd week already' is Contract breach, and permission I can walk away immediately and keep my RP intact.

Never heard of such a Contract breach, yet.


So why do you think they started acting like this now? Were you in good terms with the HR and school management? Did they criticize your teaching style or you in your first semester there?

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I've never received any complains on my work last semester or ever. Chinese teachers didn't observe my classes either, despite I invited them. They just look at my timely arrival for the class.

However, students here evaluate the teacher.

Only reply from rep. for 'why I don't have schedule yet' is 'managers are very busy with confirmation of full pay'. 

I know, it looks like I just made up this thing, but these are real facts.

Only reason I posted this is 'funny, awkward School's Contract breach'.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I guess the issue is then with the evaluations you got back from the students. You could try to talk to the management and ask them to share the evaluation results with you in English. This way you would know what aspects of your teaching methods the students had a problem with. Teachers need to self-reflect on their teaching style but it's pretty hard if we don't have any feedback at all.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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add 'pay full salary' + 'no schedule/work'.

Why they would pay full salary, if I'm late, drunk or suck at teaching? 

School doesn't have complains toward my work or behaviour. 'Managers are too busy, because of winter holidays' was rep's reply, when I asked 'do you want me to quit?'.

What I'm guessing, School might get money from Bj to employ FT, so they don't care am I in the classroom or no. They get funds anyway as soon as we signed Contract.

That's much different in Training mill I moonlight. I have to sign accountant's paper after I complete the class. Only then I receive pay for the class.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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New post, instead comment. Somebody might complain am bumping ....

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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FEB? Not the CFTU?


Yup. Without a doubt. This is a job for the CFTU. But seriously icniff, if it does go pearshape for you no worries. Loads of people here have a spare room if you need it. Me for one. Best of luck mate :-)

8 years 28 weeks ago
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You're keep misspelling! It's 'STFU' surprise 

How many times I'll have to repeat that?

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Thanks for the housing offer, but I'm not being chased out. Everything is cool&dandy at my School/place, except I'm not working, because I don't have schedule. I guess, I could sit in my room till the end of RP (June 2016). But, I can't take it anymore, so I'll quit and move on. Have to do it slowly, so I won't get shortened for anything. 

I had meeting with rep. last Fri, and he suggested we meet in my office. I couldn't open the office's doors, because they changed the locker during the holidays. Holiday's salary wasn't deposited yet, what is 4 days late. 

I'm not sure, what is going on here, because rep. promised me Sat. I'll get working schedule this week. 

It looks, I'll quit with immediate leave as soon as I ink new Contract.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Thanks for correcting my typing error!


Seriously though, hope everything works out for you 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Have you gone back to work yet?  I think they'll spin you some yarn about the govt witholding the money and bad luck for you.  But little will they realise the level of wrath and furious anger you'll be bringing down upon them.  Now, where's my popcorn....Not that shit.


No wrath. Only thing I brought (for myself, not for them) is food from Spain. I'm loaded man, and I have to move. 5X 200g packs of butter, 3l can of olive oil and such.

School feeds rep with promises, but nothing really happened. Rep accepted return ticket home for refund from previous contract. Longer I stay here, more they owe me.

This is Public School, and I guess I won't need to fight them for late monnies. I'll dial SAFEA just because of Release letter and FEC cert. one. 

'Holidays pay next month (what is late) and working schedule this week' rep text me today. They'll pay me to sit in my room, because they are very busy. Very strange. Last year's student advised me to 'look for another job....' LOL, 'because this school sucks'. LOL

8 years 27 weeks ago
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All I brought back from Russia was an Australian Ugg hat (made in China) and some Ruble coins.

I'm thinking about not renewing my contract (if they even want me to, which they might not, who would know...) and just staying home everyday.  Do a bit on the side.  What is money anyway?  Read more about the Nomads.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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It's good, if you can renew it. Less problems with packing and moving. And when you move, you can just hope new place will be better, but it never is.

I was watching Pulp yesterday.


''I'll tell Marcelus I'm quitting....I'm goin' to walk the Earth....''


''You're goin' to be a bum.....''


"I had my moment of clarity......"

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I think I've got a bit of the David Carradine about me.  Surely I like to whipit, whipitgood.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I forgot: I have 3 full bottles of booze (2 scotch and 1 red). I passed through three 'duty-frees'. That's more then my yearly alcohol intake. How I'm going to ship that....

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I don't think you want to go to where Royce lives icniff. Even the sand is trying to escape :-)

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I was in different city then Royceh, but Fuk was blast for me. I would return there anytime. They wash the roads twice a day.  And new comet might be coming soon....more rare earth metals ....LOL

8 years 27 weeks ago
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See bottom of the thread.

8 years 25 weeks ago
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Foolish in 2 ways, 1 you should have communicated in writing, 2 you should have waited for them to miss a payment. If they would have not paid you then you could have called SAFEA. (But my guess, you didn't sign a good contract and you were paid based on hours worked and this was their way of telling you they don't want you there anymore)


No, no! You're wrong! This is the first time pay is late. I don't need an email confirmation on 'managers are too busy to make my working schedule' excuse. By Contract, they are required to pay full salary doesn't matter how many hours (less) I complete per schedule. If I stay in my room till RP expiration (by School's will/negligence), I must receive full pay.

I'll dial FEB and I tell the happenings here after new semester started, and ask them for help and suggestions.

I would like to have new Contract at other school signed, before I do that.

I can't determine real cause for described, but International class I was hired for in 2014 was discontinued in 2015, because of lack of students. I ended up with two International class students last semester for 4 classes per week and rest of the hours I'm required per Contract, I worked with Grade 10 students.

Renewal of the Contract last year was offered 2 months earlier than previous Contract expiration. I argued that, because I lost 10k holidays pay for July and August 2015, when I re-sign new Contract in June 2015. However, rep assured me orally, nothing in written, School will offer new Contract for 2016/17 semester and further. I took it as such, and I wasn't planning on Contract renewal after June 2016. Rep was replaced by new rep, so all promises were forgotten.

I'm guessing, School might be without funds for FT. They charged 40k per student for enrolment in International class, and now I should work only with Grade 10 Public school students (70 students per class).

However you look, it's very strange. I have feeling, they want me to quit. TIC.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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There's an American dude here, working at Uni. He told me two days ago: 'I'm on my 3rd week in this semester. Strange what you have, but that's nothing unusual for Henan.'

By his opinion, I should just wait in my room for the School's call.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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It's now almost impossible for non-natives to secure an ideal contract for a teaching position with proper Z visa and FEC. Schools often take advantage of their native-English speaking teachers, let alone non-native ones. Schools know that non-native teachers' options in China are very limited and that for the sake of being able to keep earning money we accept any shit that comes from our school.


I suggested this to Icnif before, and I will suggest it again, if you come from a country that is part of EU just move to the UK or Ireland, work 5 years in a Mcdonalds and you will get the passport. After that you are free to teach anywhere you want in the world. For teaching, governments only care about where your passport was issued from (with the exception of maybe UAE and Korea, they want a degree from a native-English speaking country).

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I don't have such problems at job applications. I take it simple: 'Do you want me or no?' If 'no', let's try elsewhere.

Troubles always occur later in the Contract, especially pay shortage.

You're suggesting, I should work in McD 5Y and change my passport to became Native English teacher in China?


I might do it, if I'd apply for position of Prime minister of China. I'm not sure, if I'd work in UK McD for that.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I had meeting with rep this am about 'working schedule'. I have set-up only two classes in the whole week (Thu&Fri) with students in Grade 10, who are willing to have an English class. Some 100 students in each class.

These are SAFEA's instructions to the School, what confirms 'no schedule' is School's Contract breach.

Rep is fully aware of all my future intentions with this School....He replied:

1. You will receive full salary for winter recess, full salary for March and refund of EU flight ticket by April's 10th pay date;

2. School doesn't want you resign!

3. School will extend present Contract into 2016/17 term. By the Contract, they must tell me their decision about extending of the Contract by May 15th.


Did you know, Chinese bodies are different?

Are brains also part of the body ....?

8 years 25 weeks ago
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8 years 27 weeks ago
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This might be a better link:


They are experiencing technical difficulties at your b-link. Never mind, I'll use Braille

Chinese manage economy different than West. I believe, they'll weather the up-coming storm better than any Western country. Bullion is a key, IMO.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Would it be better to have a job close to Hong Kong? Just in case...

8 years 27 weeks ago
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HK is the worst city to live in. Too many people per square. Can't stand it longer than two weeks.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I had a talk with SAFEA agent this am. I offered her detailed explanation of the problem over the email, and she directed me to SAFEA's email address. No other replies or calls to my mobile.

After I sent her an email, I got automatic reply in Chinese 'We have received your message'.

Chinese teller disconnected the phone no., after my second call. Very corny feeling, because I'm unable to get SAFEA's agent on the phone again! edit: 'phone no. we have on the SAFEA's address link is wrong. Link no. is different place (now), not Gov.'


They might be lucky, if I'll wake up tomorrow in good mood.


Is there someone who could help you talk to them in Chinese? It may work wonders if you could use Chinese to discuss your problems with them, I guess the reason they are not so keen on talking to you is the problem they have with English.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I'm on the side today.

Henan SAFEA disconnected their phone yesterday. At 1st&2nd  call teller gave me two different ph. no., which aren't in use.

Then, I had chat with English speaking agent, sent an email, and nothing further. I'm guessing, my best bet is call to rep., and Q: 'Did you get call from Gov.?'

I (always) suggest to rep, to dial SAFEA about my demands/Contract explanations with warning 'if School won't ask Gov., I'll do that'.

Rep's expecting SAFEA's call. 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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It wasn't SAFEA's number, I dialed few days ago. That is the reason, guy disconnected all. Web link of SAFEA's address and contact no. we have here is out-dated.

There's new phone no. for Henan SAFEA in Zhengzhou, and Chinese speaker is required for talk with Gov. 

My Chinese friend dialed them this am, and FEB's reply was: 'we received your email, and we're looking into the matter .....We have your (my) phone no., and we'll call you about resolution by next Tue. We'll also send reply to your email address.'

me: 'xie-xie.' To my friend-o...

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Rep told me yesterday (after I informed him about SAFEA's up-coming call), that Chinese teachers have a lot of work with students at their subjects, so they filled up my teaching slots with their lessons.

That is the real reason for 'no working schedule for a month'.

I will receive full salary for not working at the School, what is Contract's stipulation.

Now I don't really object to that, but why rep. told me semester begins on Feb 25th?

He could tell me instead, I won't start with work in the classroom before the beginning of April, so I'd stay on vacation longer.

I would also accept lower pay for that (3k vs 8k), despite by Contract I must receive full pay.

I know Chinese don't plan and I can/will resign with immediate termination of the Contract, if SAFEA agrees.

Update on SAFEA's opinion by Tuesday.


It looks like threatening with SAFEA always works wonders.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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It does, by my experience. However, I still don't have working schedule here, despite I received promise every week after semester started.

I usually suggest to other posters with Contract problems here to ask boss at School: 'Can you tell me please SAFEA's address?'.

School's behavior will instantly change, very fast at Training mills (they don't want to deal with Government at all) and Public schools are more relaxed, but after Gov's call things improve very fast there too.

When I am at the decent school, I discuss the matter with rep. first. I also suggest 'you could dial SAFEA and ask them who's right...'.

If still no improvements, I hit the phone.

This is the 2nd time I dial them in a year and half at this school. Last year rep scheduled 15-days classes in Jan or Feb without paying me for it. He commented: 'Our teachers all work extra classes and none receive pay for that!'.

I objected as 'I am not Chinese teacher (with same benefits). We're bound by Contract!'

He (principal) didn't barge, and after I dialed SAFEA and add few more demands as 'change of salary deposits to Bank of my choice (CMB)' and something else, I can't recall now.

I wasn't successful at changing bank for salary deposits, where School served me with long letter in Chinese and stamps, but I received some 4k Rmb for extra classes in Jan.

Now, School never replied to me last year when I offered them 3-4 classes extra per week without pay in regular classes. Public school students hanged in my office every day, so I was guessing I could do few classes with them without pay, beside Contract's classes at International class. Volunteering isn't Chinese thing.

New rep. asked me yesterday: 'Why did you call them?' (he's straight guy, which mostly transfer Principal's decisions to me). You will get schedule this week and full payment for not working on April's pay date.'

I replied: 'As I understand, School is in Contract breach, and I can resign. I must receive both documents for RP extension/changing RP sponsor from School asap. Let's see, what's Gov stance on that. I'll respect, whatever they say!'

8 years 27 weeks ago
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angel Whoop-date: 


Henan SAFEA didn't return the call yesterday as promised. -----> 'my right hand's moving...'


School rep. called me today, and apologized for the delay with working schedule. 'We were wrong!'

He told me, I'll have new schedule by next Monday. He also told me, locker on my office doors wasn't changed, but it's broken.

It's called 'everything is cool&dandy' in Chinese-English-understanding.


These are all signs, which show Gov called the school....... ------> '...around my butt-ocks..'


I'm having set Contract show today with new School high in the mountains, close to the Maotai production facilities, and as soon as I ink new Contract, I'll submit Resignation notice with immediate termination to my present RP sponsor.------>' the left pocket!'


How did it go icnif?

8 years 26 weeks ago
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We're still negotiating. Apartment is in the school, so I asked for peace, if possible and my own washing machineangel.

Then, pay offer got lower with 'we'll rent an apartment outside the School' as cause for the lower wage, but after my 'you can't pay lower than I have now, I hope you understand that.....' new rep will talk to the boss again.

I showed them my present Contract, and rep. replied: 'Thank you for your honesty!' 

Loads of respect ...around the world!


That was new Contract negotiations.

My present School 'promised' me today for '77' time : 'you'll get schedule by next-77th-Monday...', and I have Resignation notice handy. I'll submit it with FEC as soon as I get new Contract sorted out.

I look for the train ticket to Guizhou: 20 hours ride on hard sleeper 350 Rmb, and plane ticket for 100 Rmb in 2 hours. Why's that? Maybe, because train has to do many hills, and plane doesn't ..... 'edit': 'I forgot to change currency on ticket price. It's US$100 or 500 Rmb the cheapest fare.'

8 years 26 weeks ago
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Guizhou is awesome. Lots of traveling opportunities. What would be your salary at your new school?

8 years 26 weeks ago
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In English, it isn't polite to ask that Q!

My new pay is high, because of almost double hours than I have now.

They started with 'office hours required and things', but I convinced them my 'office hours' will be surfing the Internet which must be paid, what they agreed is wasting of monies.

Had to do demo class over Skype, but connection/Internet sucks here. Chinese boss was happy, 'cause students understood my questions/English dialect.

I'll do 22 classes/week at International High school with (some) students heading abroad, and since no 'office hours' I'll work 2 classes/week pro bono on top of that.

I don't get pay cut, because I'm not Native.

I'll probably train some pandas part-time. Pandas in Guiyang are same as raccoons in Ft. Lauderdale (down-town).

''It's not important what you do, there's only question how you do it!"

8 years 26 weeks ago
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But will you wait first for your current school to pay you the salary they owe you? How long since you received any money from them? Did they give you any money for January at least?

8 years 26 weeks ago
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No, I won't wait. I am sick of sitting in my room.

They are on the ball with pay, except for last holiday's pay, but I'll receive it by April 10th, together with March salary and Spain's trip refund. 


It has never been problem with pay after the call to FEB.

8 years 26 weeks ago
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'77th' Monday came through, and I receive working schedule from rep. 2 classes a week with some 100 students per class and salary of 8k/month. That's high paying job, I think!

I am giving Resignation notice in an hour, and it looks there won't be any problems to receive Release letter today. LOL

Boss at new school will purchase plane ticket for my travelling to Giuzhou hills. 

8 years 25 weeks ago
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Did you know China is different world than we know?


Rep told me, School will pay 8k for 2 classes (45') per week (April). I retort: 'Why don't you get part-time FT instead?

rep: 'Do you know any FT, who would take your lessons over?'

School isn't happy I resigned!


You were all wrong, by looking for causes of 'no working schedule for a month' in FT.

I told you, it wasn't me...!


Once I heard remix of songs 'Who let the dogs out...' and 'It wasn't me....'

8 years 25 weeks ago
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2 classes with 100 students each?? WTF?????


That's just ridiculous!!!

8 years 25 weeks ago
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I wouldn't mind. If everything would be OK here, I must respect the Contract. It doesn't state how many classes per Grade or how many students in the classroom I must handle. 

As I understand, that class wasn't mandatory, but whoever wanted could participate. They've got some 200 students of 600 total in that Grade.

While I was looking for my replacement, only Russian student with huge accent asked me about it. Ozz teacher said 'it's too far' (10' walk). Lazy Ozzies!

Rep later told me nobody called him.

8 years 25 weeks ago
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Give me some of that stuff!



I can't find anybody to work at my ex-places. I spoke to some 10 laowai here on Campus buTT...both School's reps told me 'nobody called'. 

They are all Native English teachers. I guess, they feel a bit corny, when Non is pushing part-time.

Please, tell Scots I suck as a placement agent.

8 years 25 weeks ago
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But are you doing fine? You haven't received any money from your current school for about 3 months now, right?

8 years 25 weeks ago
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You're blabbering again! Why are you keep digging somewhere without the cause? Where did you read that I didn't receive pay for 3 months?


School owes me holidays salary (5k), which is the only late salary (Contract breach), salary for 'not working' in March (8k) and refund of return flight (6k) to EU from previous Contract. I will receive all by April 10th pay date.


After SAFEA was informed on irregularities at School, I've always received late pay. Always!

8 years 25 weeks ago
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8 years 25 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else.Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77