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Q: Does sa jiao mean being a b***h?

I really hate it when my female Chinese friends or girl I am interested acts like a little spoiled brat, or says some crazy thing to try to get their way.  Why do guys put up with this?  

12 years 31 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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It's part of modern Chinese culture (as I doubt women in the countryside do this.) If a woman has extreme sa jiao, it must be working for her, or she wouldn't act that way. Sometimes I think it is cute, but when used too much, it's just annoying. Most women in the world have used sa jiao, although it's probably not as obvious as it can be here. Not all men put up with this. Honestly, if you don't like it, then don't date a girl who does it. There are plenty that don't. If you like the cutesy type, you're probably going to end up dating only girls that have some major sa jiao.

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12 years 31 weeks ago
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It has its time and place
Hey I even do it to the wife if I think I can get away with it in
usally she just hits me in the back of the head and walks offangel


Did it work? did you get what you wanted?:-P

12 years 31 weeks ago
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thumbs up... for your wife ;)

12 years 31 weeks ago
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Of course he got what he wanted... He was begging her "Oh darling, please please please hit me in the back of the head and walk away!!! You NEVER do that to me!"

12 years 30 weeks ago
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12 years 31 weeks ago
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It must work if the ladies keep doing it.


she has a great sence of humour and hitting me in the back of the head is just payback for me being an asshole at the time she was giggleing as she walked away and I didn't get the dvd i wanted (she had all the money at the time)

12 years 30 weeks ago
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I don't think you were being an asshole. Many women kind of like it when men act a bit childish (they say men like that are "lovely" or cute). They just pretend to be mad. Would this be a "reverse sa jiao"?devil

12 years 30 weeks ago
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12 years 31 weeks ago
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Yes.  Because they are being immature little drama queens acting like 10 year olds because it seems to have some power over Chinese men because of their insecurity.
They will keep doing this until it has no effect anymore.  Be strong!!

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12 years 31 weeks ago
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No, it doesn't mean being a beeortch.

It's an annoying thing women do here.  First, any girl over the age of 23 or so is either pushing her prime or is almost past good child bearing age according to Chinese men.

Most sajiao is either used by young girls who want things (annoying) or women older than 28 trying to act like they're 15 to make the men forget that they're "old" (really annoying).  This is also why you see 35 year old women dressing like teens and carrying Hello Kitty backpacks, etc.


And wearing those black, mini tutus! Not that I mind...

12 years 30 weeks ago
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12 years 30 weeks ago
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I wish I could answer that one, but unfortunately I fell for it too, and I am still in an absurd relationship with a mental Chinese woman

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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dont worry the club has a huge membership
Both the partners of them and the mental Chinese womens clubsad
but the worse thing is  they have branches in all other countries.

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12 years 28 weeks ago
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It depends on the mood really. If I'm happy, then I don't really mind. But usually it just pisses me off. Some girls do that a lotttt! I mean grow up! Let's be honest, if she acts like a bitch all the time, and i'm still around. That means I want to get her in bed or the sex is really good. I wouldn't date a girl like that.

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12 years 25 weeks ago
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