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Q: go and find a job with turist visa ..and then?

Im planning to go to china with turismt visa and then find a job as a teacher. Those schools who offers u working visa should send u the invitation ?and once u got the visa u can  leave for china? 

11 years 48 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - Beijing

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A tourist visa can ve changes.A good school can get you a working visa. I would want a school to hire you BEFORE you went over there and arrange for the visa and give you a contract before you go. If you go to China on a tourist visa, when you arrive you may find the job offer is not as good.

 Are you sure you can teach, your English is terrible?


Ted, can't you see that pretty white face in her avatar picture?  She's probably hired already!

11 years 48 weeks ago
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like who uses a real picture on here?

11 years 48 weeks ago
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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Better to have the job offer, Foreign Expert's License, and Z-visa secured BEFORE you come to China, then you have 30 days to use these to apply for a residence permit.  Yes, it is possible to acquire an FEL and convert your tourist visa to residence permit once in China, but that's been 2 years ago since I saw that happen personally.  Nowadays they're supposedly a bit stricter with their visa and immigration policies.


Additionally, any school/business that cannot prepare everything in advance for you should be throwing up red flags.  I don't think I'd risk it, personally.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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If you first come on a tourist visa, when you find a job and get the paperwork in order for the work visa, you will then have to leave the country and then re-enter. With some schools you will have to return to your home-country, and with other schools you will just have to go to Hong Kong and back.
The problem with coming first on the tourist visa is that, when you arive at some schools, you may find out that you dislike the school, then you will go to another, then they promise you the work visa, and it perhaps takes them longer, and you may have to get anther tourist visa to give you more time.
The problem with getting the work visa before you come to China is that you are stuck with wroking with a school that you may hate, and the things they promised you have changed.
Your choice, but if you come on the tourist visa, get a longer tourist visa. A 30 day visa is usually not enough time.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Well you are going to have to leave the mainland again to get a Z visa (if the school want).


Why not just get a Z visa in the first place and then at least you know the school is 100% legit.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Several provinces will allow a person to go to Hong Kong to change an L visa to a Z visa with the proper paperwork; then again, several provinces will not.  The OP should check carefully first.

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11 years 47 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman