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Q: Has anyone heard of mind-to-mind?

Not kidding.  And no I'm not talking about odd-ball telepathy rubbish, but using certain frequencies of radio waves to stimulate the parts of the mind that process language.

8 years 40 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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if a person is a recipient of such sinister tech, they are seen as genuinely unstable/insane. Im 100% convinced such technologies exist and are in use for various nefarious reasons.


It blows one's mind just to think about 'various reasons' or 'why?', as most likely every regular person starts searching for reality of such threat/this thread.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Yeah easy to just discredit and completely destroy someone, right up to the whole suicide or 'natural causes'  nastiness.  A disgusting abuse of power. And as far as I can see all it takes is to upset someone in power and you end up on one of the lists where every aspect of your life is ruined.  Extra-judicial punishment that can't be traced.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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 "upset someone in power and you end up on one of the lists where every aspect of your life is ruined".

Rather, upset a dynasty, a many century if not many millennial organization and reap its wicked wrath. Sadly, ive been a recipient of such. Why Im not dead now...good question. Guardian Angels I guess.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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As far as I can tell these things are usually done up to a point...  If someone's left destitute and crying in the mud then they're supposed to back off.  Not always the case of course - it seems agents given that kind of power don't always remember the meaning of restraint.  And whether they do or don't, they're still sick people behaving illegally.

8 years 34 weeks ago
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8 years 40 weeks ago
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It's possible to stimulate almost all organs in the body through......I'm not sure through what exactly, but I've experienced it ........


It is also possible to stimulate brain at speech for example. I believe that happened 'mind to mind' without using electronics.

It is difficult to explain how I'm certain about that, but again 'I've experienced it'.


The most fascinating thing is, one can't explain it with proof, so it's always possible to dismantle such an explanation/opinion. However, I'm certain 'book wasn't closed' with Darwin.....  There are many reasons, why such research took hold, and one closest to me is 'human's reach in outer space' . Communication as we know on Earth won't be convenient/possible during lengthy travelling to outer planets. 'Mind to mind' also comes very handy while living on planets without O2.

1st link hold an answer, why NSA collect-(ed) 'bulk data'....or-r-r-r....'true' reason, why USA got involved in 2nd WW in Germany'. History books are telling us, USA hurried up, because of advanced German tech, which could fall into Russian hands.... I believe true reason lies elsewhere.

I'm convinced, it is too early to openly talk about it, and ''technology ----> 'not right formulation!'' will serve as benefit to humans. I hope!

I believe 3rd link's content isn't true about 'how to read mind'. I might be wrong, just because I can't prove what I think.



Can somebody with better Broadband c&p whole content, pls?

8 years 40 weeks ago
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@icniff - I won't paste the whole contents because it's quite a long article, but have messaged you.
Anyway the important part seems to be using an EEG for reading brain waves and then interpreting the read signal:
Army's MIND Lab able to decode brain waves
Ries, a cognitive neuroscientist who studies visual perception and target recognition, hooked the Soldier up to an electroencephalogram - a device that reads brain waves - and then had him sit in front of a computer to look at a series of images that would flash on the screen.

8 years 40 weeks ago
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Using electronics is just 'smoke screen', IMO. I believe it's done different way, not by using electronics. Thanks for c&p.

8 years 40 weeks ago
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You're right icnif77!  There's much more to it than that, but this release from the US military could well be the first step (or maybe 2nd/3rd) in acknowledging the existence of mind-to-mind.  Current theories on how it's achieved include satellite communication or frequency modulation of radiowaves (think cell masts).  I could well have the wrong term for the type of modulation required, but my understanding is that the frequency would need to be moved down to the 15-30 Hz range to be in line with brainwaves (which in this article are being read using an EEG).

8 years 40 weeks ago
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Imagine frequency used toward your heart impulse, when you're ready for bed or you suddenly wake-up in the middle of the night with heart beat similar as you're jogging. Torture!surprise

Since, I'm an insulin depended diabetic similar, high heart beat always happened at very low glucose levels (1.5 - 3.5 mmol).

I must immediately check glucose level, because of danger of hypoglycemic reaction. However, glucose meter shows 5 - 8 mmol, what is normal level for diabetic on insulin. 

That's how I know, it's most likely frequency used.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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"...frequency used toward your heart impulse..."
that's a really good example of a directed energy weapon.  The military have used heat and sound to disable people for some time now.  But yes the scarier prospect is something that uses commonly available communication technology to deliver a payload such as pain or subvocalized thoughts direct to a human's organs.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Frequency used toward one's cardio system, if person is older, i.e. with higher blood pressure/hearth beat. 

Instant death occurred with MD's diagnose 'cause of death: heart failure/heart attack', i.e. natural way.

One in possession of such tech can just stimulates hearts around the world, and people are dying with 'natural occurrence explanation', which it wasn't.

That 'tech' can be used in opposite direction as 'slow down heart beat', i.e. make person sleepy at some events, when one should be/intent to be awake.

Thinking in that direction will clear very quick how humans are still 'living in caste system'  in real world, despite all political 'democracy', 'equality' BS.


If I'm going too long in that direction, sometimes I think best for human would be total destruction/extinction, and if I'm into lighter mood, human will most likely being replaced with creatures from outer space on 'Darwin's tree' first spot, when different 'asshole' will take the first spot and manipulate life.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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8 years 40 weeks ago
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Just in case you missed this line at the end of the first article in the Geddon link..


"Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim’s brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to program them to commit suicide."





Also - Happy - why would you suggest that 'real' telepathy is rubbish? The brain puts out signals. The brain also needs to be able to 'read' those signals in it's own brain. How far is the range of those waves? Is it really that far fetched to therefore suggest that one human wouldn't be able to 'decrypt' the waves sent by another person in proximity? Perhaps this offers a more physical explanation for when people 'coincidentally' are thinking of each other (phone calls), finish each other's sentences (especially twins, who may have a similar brainwave frequency) etc...


Very good comments, and I totally agree!  Keeping an open mind is important.

8 years 40 weeks ago
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NO NO NO NOOOOOO.... the government wants to read your open mind! Keep it firmly hidden under the tin foil!! :p

8 years 40 weeks ago
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Think about changing one's mood from happy to sad or opposite. It can affect you so bad, that adult male person is on the verge of shedding tears, despite last cry occurred many, many years ago.

Suicide? 'Survivals-people who stay behind' will always say 'he/she was weak person'.

'Proof determination at such occurrences doesn't exist, either' is very important point.


I don't believe, that's done by using electronics/waves.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Using tech to read mind. In China:


At least three of China’s large state-owned banks are using lie detectors without the knowledge of their customers, according to official government media.

The Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank were among a number of financial institutions that have been collaborating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences on implementing the latest polygraph technology in financial services to improve “marketing”, “efficiency” and “security”, Xinhua reported on Monday.

It said the lie detectors were used by the banks without informing their customers.

The banks used remote sensing technology to obtain and analyse the customer’s biometric data, such as facial expression, skin colour, body temperature, heart readings and voice patterns.

The lead scientist of the project told Xinhua that more than 10 packages of technical solutions had been developed for their clients and deployed in different environments.


Facial recognition, including recognizing expressions has come on a long way.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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I don't see any doctors replying yet... If someone were to direct a 15 Hz wave (effectively a beta wave such as the kind picked up by an EEG) into the Broca's or Wernicke's area of the brain wouldn't it be possible for the recipient to effectively 'hear' the subvocalized message?


That was already mentioned in at least one of those articles - how to send someone mad... if you keep 'hearing' voices telling you to do things...


(hmmmm.... maybe that explains a few things! Can you imagine what might happen if you did that towards a strong religious believer, and you were sending messages about how 'right' your holy cause is. and that you would be rewarded in heaven if you actually did evil atrocious things to the rest of humanity? They might actually be justified in thinking their god actually exists...... who knows what people might do!)

8 years 39 weeks ago
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@Shining: ''the biggest obstacle is 'how you'll prove ----> 'can you imagine....' - that really happened?''

@happy: "You're looking at MD Neuro-logist/psychiatrist poster. Not too many around eChina. 

I met once Chinese MD Neuropsychiatrist, with whom I ended up completely drunk in the big hospital in Jixian, Hebei. 

I'm convinced, diverting of mind/thoughts of somebody is done different way, not by using tech/waves. 

The easiest are mind manipulations during the sleep, which come as 'dreams', but they aren't really dreams. It's also possible to divert mind, while person is awake.

I've experience it both ways, and I'm not sure if there wasn't some chemicals involved during 'awake' way, because my both eye pupils were enlarged. First, I though cause for enlarged eye pupils was endless espressos I drunk during the day, but then other people with me had the same eyes look, and they didn't drink any coffee."

Hush-hush, we're getting toward .....

8 years 39 weeks ago
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Dream manipulation...  The use of 'suggestions' for religious fanatics too.  I guess if you can send thoughts/images directly to someone's mind then it should be fairly easy to manipulate them.  It is sometimes called the Voice of God weapon for that reason.  I'm not religious in any way but I have been manipulated both while awake, and while dreaming.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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There are many things you can do at mind manipulation. 'God' thingy is the least worrisome, however I'm thinking about it at such increase of religious fanaticism last 15 years.

It's difficult to admit, how have you been manipulated, 'cause of humiliating 'end result'.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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'cause of humiliating 'end result', I like that comment!  Yes in those articles (and many others online - just do a search for mind-to-mind) mention things like "special attention to genital area, itching, forced orgasm, intense pain".  If you can remotely apply electrical current to various parts of the body... humiliation is a given.  And that's even without all the naysayers trying to denigrate valid complaints and dangers.  (For reference the quote was from an image of targeted areas illustrated in the John St Clair Akwei vs National Security Agency link given earlier.)

8 years 39 weeks ago
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It's not done by applying distance electrical current/waves to one's organs. That's smoke screen.

'Itching' can be achieved very easy: 'drop cloth with bed bugs to one's apartment or into sleeping bag.....'. When bed bugs go around your other garments, you won't get off itching till you don't wash every garment, sheet, anything 'cotton' in your place. And if you forget to wash one piece of garment, bed bugs will spread around all freshly washed clothes again. Itching also again... '

What about projecting thought into your head when you're asleep, that you are in some forest or park, and in the same time your full bladder is telling you the real fact: 'it's time to go pee...'. It occurs in your mind as 'dream'.

Suddenly you wet your bed same as when you were 1-2 years old, and wake-up with 'forest dream and peeing by nearby tree' in your head, wet sheets and half empty bladder.

Add to described event variation you're in bed with your GF or in hotel, where other people change bed sheets or in the city/country someone doesn't want you to be, and similar.

Such repeated projected/fake thoughts can make one seek psychiatrist help.

I worked short time on US Cruise ship in Caribbean, where Portugese dude would never sleep in his cabin, but always outside on the deck, sometimes with freshly washed bed sheets hanging over the rope.

One possible reason was 'he was claustrophobic' or above described occurred to him. 

Stimulation of pancreas to suddenly overwork/produce an extra insulin to a person, who's insulin depended diabetic....hypoglycemic reaction follows. Most regular people see person with such a reaction (low glucose) as person who's most likely completely drunk. Only difference between person in low glucose shock and drunk one is diabetic hasn't alcoholic breath/smell. Now, get help.....LOL-not!

Further, think about how to defend yourself against described or how to prove described events were 'projected from outside', i.e. didn't happened out of your being/your thoughts?

8 years 39 weeks ago
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If itching is being achieved with bugs then people are breaking in.  That happens a lot with targeted individuals - break-ins, rapes, even murder.  Nasty.  I know what you mean about the dreams though - that level of invasiveness is sinister.  Sick.

8 years 39 weeks ago
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The John St Clair Akwei vs NSA case lists some worrying possibilities..."Special attention to the genital area: forced itching, forced orgasm, intense pain" 

Nasty.  So people with access to mind-to-mind seek to control others through humiliation.  A very underhand way of discrediting anyone that doesn't comply.

 Although my personal experience is abuse from the British agencies so tech provided by GCHQ.  Seems to be largely the same tech and methods though. 

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8 years 36 weeks ago
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if a person is a recipient of such sinister tech, they are seen as genuinely unstable/insane. Im 100% convinced such technologies exist and are in use for various nefarious reasons.


It blows one's mind just to think about 'various reasons' or 'why?', as most likely every regular person starts searching for reality of such threat/this thread.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Yeah easy to just discredit and completely destroy someone, right up to the whole suicide or 'natural causes'  nastiness.  A disgusting abuse of power. And as far as I can see all it takes is to upset someone in power and you end up on one of the lists where every aspect of your life is ruined.  Extra-judicial punishment that can't be traced.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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 "upset someone in power and you end up on one of the lists where every aspect of your life is ruined".

Rather, upset a dynasty, a many century if not many millennial organization and reap its wicked wrath. Sadly, ive been a recipient of such. Why Im not dead now...good question. Guardian Angels I guess.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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As far as I can tell these things are usually done up to a point...  If someone's left destitute and crying in the mud then they're supposed to back off.  Not always the case of course - it seems agents given that kind of power don't always remember the meaning of restraint.  And whether they do or don't, they're still sick people behaving illegally.

8 years 34 weeks ago
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R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy.
He lived long and prospered.
His mind-to-mind techniques are now only documented in Star Trek episodes.

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google or youtube. 8 veils of slavery. Much of it is truth, word.


One word of warning though - do be careful about anything that can be easily dismissed as "conspiracy theory".  It's often spread as misinformation to discredit people with legitimate complaints.  I'm not saying that's the case here, but making people buy-into scenarios that can then be derided as pseudo-science and conspiracy...  There are departments dedicated to that kind of propaganda.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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This Could Be Humanity's Last Century, Scientist Warns - And Here's What Will Replace Us


The 21st century could be humanity’s last, according a leading scientific thinker - and what replaces us could be very strange indeed.

Seth Shostak of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California argues that three big scientific advances are on the cusp of changing humans forever. 

Shostak says, ‘We can eventually produce offspring that are as different from us as dogs are from gray wolves. 

‘The haphazard, bottom-up alterations to our species occasioned by Darwinian evolution will yield to the directed improvements of future engineers.

Shostak believes that three technologies - genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and space travel - are about to change the human race forever. 

In a piece on the SETI website, Shostak argues that technologies such as ‘designer babies’ and computers which connect directly to human minds will soon change us profoundly.

He says, ‘The development of general artificial intelligence will surely be the most dramatic driver of change, because it is less a matter of improving our descendants than replacing them with our engineered successors.

‘Perhaps we can promulgate our culture and ourselves by putting chips in our brains or simply uploading our brains to the machines. But you can be sure that the result will not be Homo sapiens as we’ve known him for 50 thousand years.

He also says that genetically engineered humans will not just be possible - but inevitable. 

Shostak says, ‘The relentless interplay of science and technology ensures that genomic knowledge will spawn a growing number of applications. Curing disease is one of these, and it’s obviously desirable. But our efforts won’t be limited to merely fixing ourselves; we’ll also opt for improvement. You may hesitate to endorse designer babies, but hot-rodding our children is as much on the horizon as the morning sun.


i read the artile before you posted. its pro gloablist trans-humanist drivel.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Human is already treated as a 'machine' at researches.


I don't see any drive, but 'let's get into lab and make faster, wind resistant bicycle ......'

It started very innocently as 'prevention and cure for diseases and what not', however possible 'end of the game' is described well.

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Do you stare at goats?




Goats chew much differently than humans. 


We go 'up & down', and goats can do it only L-to-R or R-to-L, depend on the breed.


Goats sound 'me-ee me-ee', which is in English 'personal pronoun'.


 Are you familiar with Biology and English Grammar?


8 years 36 weeks ago
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you probably know how to play checkers. learn to play in-depth chess then get back with us. 

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Looks like we have a mind reader that "knows" about spies and posts information of them online without any actual proof.


Sounds like a mental patient, honestly. Are you sure you aren't someone else? Mr. T?


This from the hulk that said his mother-in-law attacked his pregnant wife with scissors.  Do you know how believable some of your posts sound?  You should be more open minded, pun intended.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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Stinky anon liar! Would post accusation here I work in China with fake papers, but refused to meet in Chinese Court, when I invited him to clear the matter. He's back preaching again.

8 years 35 weeks ago
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This stuff is a real problem in the UK.  With organizations like GCHQ mass collecting data on everyone, trying to predict who will commit what crime based on flaky information such as Facebook posts, and the police and military intelligence sweeping in with no questions asked because of the raft of powers given away by hastily drafted anti-terror laws.  And then mind-to-mind is used to suppress and manipulate people so that the crimes committed as part of the colour of the law, "this is my job", remain undetected.


'Mind to mind' can be used .... I won't tell you!

Think, what was the real reason NSA (and everybody else) collect-ed meta data.....

8 years 34 weeks ago
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I do understand you, and there is many people who disregard our concern and label us as conspirators and mental :-)  There is not many people not completely sheepished by the propaganda. but there are some. it does not necessarily mean just communist propaganda. It is everywhere, it's global. I think  that you like stuff from David Icke and similar, do you ? I am wondering they still let him do what he is doing, maybe they just think "not many listeners no harm done."

8 years 34 weeks ago
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Because David Icke talking about reptilians is a good way to make most people think he and his lot are loonies! So, an intelligent rational person won't want anything to do with Icke and his ilk, as it will make them look like loonies too.


However, there are a number of posters on there who are willing to acknowledge some things, without taking on others.


Q: how did the police guy who refused to pay his UK taxes on the grounds that it would be supporting a terrorist organisation get on??

8 years 34 weeks ago
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A: it may end up in various scenarios, from being laughed at to forced abortion of thoughts.

8 years 34 weeks ago
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"...forced abortion of thoughts" a sinister but apt answer.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Barrie Trower is the way forward!  Or at least it sounds like the ICAACT can help get evidence of tagging.  If you've been tagged and need it removed you should get in touch with them.



8 years 33 weeks ago
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Implanted with a chip (possibly RFID) so that your location can be monitored.  A bit like the tags farmers use on cattle these days but more sophisticated.  There's a lot of information on targeted individuals and tagging on the Internet.

8 years 32 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77