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Q: Have you become more suspicious?

So, I've been overcharged several times in my time in China, but I think it's getting to me... the other day I went to buy a big bing and the guy said it was 4 kuai. Then a lady came along and ordered a bing and she got charged two kuai. I got all huffy and asked why hers was less than mine and he rolled his eyes and said that she bought half a bing so it was half the price. 


I was super embarassed and he laughed at me and I just went on my way, but I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I've gotten so paranoid that I would be suspicious and so finicky over some bread. 



9 years 34 weeks ago in  General  - China

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Me, paranoid?? of course not. why whould you think that? who have you been talking to? you're the one who mentioned paranoia, weren't you?

…you just replaced it with the word 'suspicious' to screw with me. why is everyone looking at me like that?



to answer seriously, i'm more cautious flinging around accusations like that, which would probably have resulted in me not knowing what i misunderstood, and avoiding that seller for no reason. you like bing too? i like the flat one with pork; it rem8nds me a bit of a dutch sausage roll, which has the same pastry texture. myfavourite snack is the pita bread bing, which is a bit like a falafel with plenty of salad, only without the falafel. that one isn't as easy to find though.

9 years 34 weeks ago
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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Me, paranoid?? of course not. why whould you think that? who have you been talking to? you're the one who mentioned paranoia, weren't you?

…you just replaced it with the word 'suspicious' to screw with me. why is everyone looking at me like that?



to answer seriously, i'm more cautious flinging around accusations like that, which would probably have resulted in me not knowing what i misunderstood, and avoiding that seller for no reason. you like bing too? i like the flat one with pork; it rem8nds me a bit of a dutch sausage roll, which has the same pastry texture. myfavourite snack is the pita bread bing, which is a bit like a falafel with plenty of salad, only without the falafel. that one isn't as easy to find though.

9 years 34 weeks ago
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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Yes, or maybe less naive than I was. I'm not sure if there is a difference and if it's good or bad but I will admit to maybe being over the top sometimes.





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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Last time someone tried to overcharge me was for a beifan 2 years ago, I spat a snot in their ingredients then walked away, maybe next time they will think twice before overcharging foreigners "just because".


Of course, they probably just shrugged, mixed it in, and fed it to other unsuspecting customers. This is China, land of counterfeit eggs and cat meat doused in urine, not a place where people have scrupples (especially where money is concerned).

9 years 34 weeks ago
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9 years 34 weeks ago
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I've become scrappier, if that counts. I've noticed that, when I am traveling through a country, many Western tourists politely shut down and allow local sharks to just feed on them. They aren't used to arguing over everything in their own countries, and they aren't used to shutting down scam artists and money grubbers before situations spin out of control. So, they end up being wittingly scammed....all so that they can stay 'polite.' Comparatively, I become quite prickly, and usually get what I want. I am not irrational...I just stick to my guns and demand a fair price (it usually creates far less of a scene than shy, just-out-of-the-airport Westerners think it will. Scammers and flakes don't want attention).

Just last week, I was shocked that another tourist was shocked that I demanded and received a discount on a tour that (surprise!) got cut by a third on the day that I showed up to take it. It never even occurred to me that I wouldn't get that discount.

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9 years 34 weeks ago
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Yes and no. I am not so suspicious of markets and vendors selling me higher priced things. But, I am definitely very aware of taxi drivers. They are the worst. I always wonder if they scam Chinese people too. There has ben many times I knwo the cost of the fare to someplace, get in the taxi, and they jump the price 2 or 3 times the actual fare. Thankfully, I am usually in the front seat when this happens. I put their meter on and indicate fro them to drive. Sometimes they turn the meter off again and restate the proce or try to renegotiate the proe. I put the meter back on. Usually, the second time, they give up and drive. I had one taxi driver trying to refuse me and wanted me to get out of his taxi. I just sat there otioning for him to go. After about 5 minutes arguing, he gave up and drove me to where I neded to go. The taxi people outside of bus and train stations are the worst. They are only seeking those big fares taking people to farther destinations. I usually just walk past them, find another major roadway and hail a taxi from there.


Taxi drivers suck. I have seen more than one quote a price that was too high to a Chinese girlfriend of one of my colleagues. She was royally ticked off. I don't know if they would have done that if they hadn't seen the two laowai behind her or not, though.

9 years 34 weeks ago
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One joker tried that meter trick with me, I called him a pianzi and told him to put the mete r back on and no more tricks. 

9 years 34 weeks ago
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Yea the drivers by the train station should be avoided like the plague - I don't even acknowledge them. They will always want at least double what the fare should be. But a block down from the train station there's no problem.

9 years 34 weeks ago
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9 years 34 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77