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Q: Have you seen monster spiders?

So this is the second time I've seen one in a week. It's brown, about the size of a tarantula, but with longer legs, super fast, and it can crawl up walls (actually I saw it crawling up a mirror, although I don't know how high it can actually go). This is literally one of my worst nightmares. This time it was in my bedroom. The last time there was one in the "living room" area, and I had friends over, one of which was a guy who smashed it for me. I thought a wolf spider half or one third that size was bad, took me 3 days to kill that sucker in my bedroom this past autumn. Now there are two of them chilling around my bathroom, which is fine. As long as it doesn't come in my bedroom, I leave it alone. But this monster spider came in my bedroom. This is what happened:


It's 2 am. I decided to stay up late and talk to a friend online and I'm exhausted.

Several minutes after I turn off the light, I hear a plastic bag covering something on the floor rattling.

I get worried, hoping it is a cockroach like last time.

I use my cellphone to light up the area a bit and see it is something big, dreading the worst.

When I turn on the light, my suspicions are confirmed. It's a monster spider, slowly trying to climb up my mirror.

I grab my broom from another room and try to smash it but to no avail. It runs under my bed, a place I can't get to.

I sob uncontrollably for several minutes. There is no one I can call at this time to help me.

The spider does not come back out, so I will have to battle it if I see it again. I make a plan.

I clean up the floor and roll up the sheets on the sides of my bed, just in case.

I turn my air conditioning on as low as it will go and leave the light on.

At first I try to sleep with my covers wrapped around me like a cocoon, but it's too hot.

In the end, I try to sleep with the light on, but it is difficult, and do not sleep well.

I think it is still under my bed. Monsters really can live under your bed.


Have you seen giant spiders like this? What can I do? It's not like I can ask my friend to smash it again. The bed is big and heavy, and I don't know if it is still under there or not. This is a holiday. I should be relaxing, not freaking out over something like this.

12 years 10 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Spiders are a big phobia of mine. I would clean everything today and cover any holes with some sort of tape. Get one of those mesh nettings too. I know I would. I hate spiders.


There is a big hole in the wall between my living room and bathroom so the tubes for the small washing machine can drain in there. I think that's where all these nasty things come from. I do want to close it, but would have to be water proof. I'm only here for 2 more months anyway. I don't know why there are such big spiders now. Is it a spring thing?

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Maybe get some insecticide bombs and set them off in your apartment.  Then go stay at a hotel for the holiday, while you air out your apartment. It might not kill the spider, but I doubt he'll like it enough to stick around. I think I've seen those bombs at the supermarket before...

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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totally seeing the movie "Arachnophobia" again in my head right now.... you need to buy a nail gun


My aim would be horrible. But yes, that movie is what I thought of, minus the webs.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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I am sure Jnus  that before the coming of summer, you would  be Olympic Matierial for the Pistol team....

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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I used to work at a huge boarding school in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farm and forest. There were these black spiders out there that were only about as big as a USB data stick, but they would build webs between trees that could be several times a human's height.


The people living at the school considered them completely harmless. Sometimes you'd wake up in the morning and they'd have built a web over your door and the doors of several of your neighbours, but the teachers would just tare down the webs, knowing their bites were harmless.


Creepy, but the kind that make webs don't scare me as much because they tend to stay in one spot.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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I'd plug all the holes I could find. Around the pipes just stuff plastic bags in tightly. Flame throwers work good on big spiders in the movies, see an amry surplus store. And get a guy to sleep with, then we a spider comes you can toss him at the spider and escape.

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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You ever heard the saying: "Whoever sleeps late will never be wise". If you found two already expect to find more in the next couple of months. Spiders lay eggs multiple times over and those two that you killed are just the beginning. It would be wise to find pest control or invest in some kind of toxic chemicals that can potentially kill off the mosnter spiders!

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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I truly sympathize with you!  That is one of the things I do NOT miss from Guilin!

I really do not want to freak you or anything but shake your shoes before putting t hem on.

My problems was centipedes .  Why? Because in my second year I put on my shoes and felt something squiggling underfoot. A centipede.

For the spiders, I had the same arrangement you do. They had the run of the house, except the bedroom. Dont know how much they obeyed it, but I rarely saw t hem there.

Yes, it is a Spring thing, and while it will last all summer, the spring is worse.

Best of luck!


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12 years 10 weeks ago
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You're in a part of the world home to the large, aggressive, and venomous Haplopelma huwenum, the golden earth spider. How near you are to their natural habitat depends on how far away you are from Guangxi.

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Well I haven't seen monster spiders yet, but huge wasps and big things that looked alike. And a childhood experience left me a nice, strong phobia of those.

Last year I was stuck in my girlfriend's home, for it is a small hutong with 3 tiny tooms, one of them being the kitchen-entrance door. A gigantic... flying thing with stripes and a huge stinger (A hornet?) somehow managed to get in the kitchen-entrance. I rushed to close the kitchen's door, threw 2 cats in there to defend me, and hid under the bed cover like a man. The cats fought ferociously. With the door, begging me to let them back in. After spending about half an hour wondering wether I should call my gf, who was at work, for help (seriously, I was that scared), or perhaps scream for help from the old people next door, I decided I'd been bullied enough.

To my surprise, the heartless beast had its legs now stuck in the screen-door-window-thing. "Stuck like a FOX", I thought.

So, with great courage, I opened the window separating the 2 rooms, took a big roll of christmas present paper, and tried to crush it, sending it back to the realm of darkness, but, alas, to no avail!

No, the beast was much smarter, much tougher than I had imagined. I was given no choice, drastic measures had to be taken. Deodorant + lighter was too dangerous, so I didn't do it, so even MORE drastic measures had to be taken!

"Those filthy peon clothes won't do at all!", said I, "An outfit fit to help me in my current predicament I should find".

I then proceeded to wear three sweaters, representing courage , a leather jacket, representing strengh, two pairs of jeans, representing agility, and my motorbike helmet, representing honor.

I was set for my holy quest. The path that had been laid in front of me was clear to me now. Destiny had wanted it to come to this. As the sun suddenly disappeared and the stars aligned in the skies, I held my breath, and rushed. I rushed toward that hideous beast from hell like a madman, screaming, swung my towel heroically against the screen door, and then time stopped. I could hear my own heartbeat as I was stuck in time. I suddenly had a vision. My mother appeared before my eyes in a bright light flash, and said "Son, you had made me proud. By vanquishing the dark wall of fear that surrounded your heart, you have allowed it access to great, new potential. It is now time for me to go, but I will forever be by your side". Time then went back to its normal flow.

The towel reached the beast. Its limbs were crushed, one by one, as its guts and vital organs exploded from the holy power I bestowed. It screamed with the voice of thousands of tortured souls as it was sent back to the place it once came from.

A huge deflagration was heard all over the city, as people stopped, confused, in their endeavors.

I had done it! I had finally done what I thought was impossible! But my cheering was cut short, as I laid my eyes on those unforeseen consequences. The screen door of righteousness had been smashed by my own hand, and milady would bring her boot to my bottoms if she gazed upon such sight! So I took care of the problem with the magical properties of duct tape. Arcane duct tape, that is!

"A congratulatory toast to myself!" I boasted, as I opened a sack of Doritos, whose three angles represent the holy trinity."I shall now please meself with that game named Sexy Beach 3 before milady comes back!".

The End.


Wow! You were armed with a "Rolled Holy Avenger Towel +6" AND you rolled a "natural 20"!!!!

Awesome! You did not even need to use "smite"!

Well done!

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Yeah, there was a nest of those beasts (or something like it) next to my air conditioner outside. For a while I was worried about putting out my laundry because it was so close. However, they never bothered me, and if I saw one flying, I went back inside for a few seconds. Some nice older ladies wanted the nest this past autumn, and tried to get it but it fell. They began to rebuild, but then winter came, and now it is empty. I don't think they will come back. I guess I can say now that I'm not as afraid of a big bee as I am of a big spider, because it can fly out the door again...? But a spider can hide under my bed.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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I have noticed that wasps here tend to be less aggressive than the ones back home.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Come on guys, I wrote a novel 5 minutes after waking up! Gimme thumbs or something! :P

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Ok, no 2.!

Hmph, after giving you a D&D praise....

12 years 10 weeks ago
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I was actually surprised to see someone use DnD terms :P

I'm not alone!

12 years 9 weeks ago
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Thine bwavery sir spoon knoweth no boundth.

10 years 51 weeks ago
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'tis but my duty to cleanse the earth of all evil!

10 years 51 weeks ago
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This is really the best post I've read on this site.  Wish I could give more +1s.  And a potion of minor healing.

10 years 48 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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If I was staying, I'd get a cat, I wanted to bring one of my 10 kg monsters, cats go for anything that moves, even flies. I once picked up what I though was a piece of torn cloth. It was a small snake that had been ripped to pieces.

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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I really feel for you. I'm shocked you could even sleep on the bed. I'd be in a hotel. Is it a Chinese bird spider? I'm curious. Can you find a picture? 


What you may want to do is ask locals what they do to deal with this. Also, what province are you in? I want to avoid it. 


I'm just in Zhejiang province. I don't know, I haven't seen it since that night. After barely sleeping with the light on, I'd had enough. I took some cardboard, cut it into strips, taped it together, and taped it around the bottom of my bed. I also put a cardboard strip on the bottom of my door to block the gap. Now the spider has nowhere to hide. If it comes in my room again, I can chase it out/kill it. If it's still under the bed, it will die under there. Maybe it is just a big wolf spider. I can't imagine it being something else because I live in Zhejiang. Ok, I don't know if it is tarantula big (I think it is), but it's much bigger than a normal wolf spider, some of which I still have chilling around my bathroom. I have never seen such a big spider in my life.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Oh, when you said monster spider I thought you actually meant something the size of my hand. In which case I would move. Go get some poison and just spray the ever loving crap outta the place. Be glad it isn't something the size of my hand!

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Havent seen them but if they're as big as a tarantula must be freaking scary.

I think spiders as big as that are easy to notice, humans tend to freak with them and kill them. It is natural we are scared about them and certainly since of course they wouldnt come to attack us but they would defend themselves if feel threatened.

I think the best is start reading about the environment where those spiders you saw live at and look for what in your home they may be looking for. Perhaps killing one or 2 is not the solution if they already have eggs or little spiders. U better change whatever convenient environment they're looking in your home so they will go away.

Insecticides and that stuff work temporarily, if you have at home the right conditions to live and feed they will keep coming back. 

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Yes, junus, and it's right behind you

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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Yeah, I guess it's about the same size. It's not like I took a picture or anything. 

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 9 weeks ago
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They are cute and tame if you donot piss them off. Moreover, they feed on mosquitos. And I am  definitely a Spiderman fan.

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12 years 9 weeks ago
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taranchulas are wolf spiders same type of spider so you do in fact most likely have a taranchula in your room yay, so it most likely wants to make you its feed mummy like in arachnophobia.

watch this

cutting of the head and fire are your only options.

watch this to learn how

12 years 9 weeks ago
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The best solution to spiders is to learn to accept that there will always be a few spiders! 

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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yes low temperature slows them down, but there are few drawbacks



if You lower temperature in room at night - You will be the hottest place, so spiders will look for a safe, warm place... Do You sometimes sleep with Your face open? 


so... this is not a ideal way...

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I've seen spiders the size of my hand. But I'd take those over the centipedes any day of the week.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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  Don't know about big spiders but my wife's father has got an absolutely enormous cock. Her parents both keep poultry, but my word, i've never seen a cock like it.

  I'll tell you, you don't want to be woken up with that thing going off in your ear, it would scare the bijeesus out of you.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Could be worse could be giant crabs!

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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giant crabs are gooooooood enlightened


STDs are not delicious.

11 years 22 weeks ago
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This is china .....everything is baby size.................even you know what i i guess i did not see that 'monster spider' in China.....LOL

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I have seen many of these very large super fast moving spiders in Nanning. Some as large as 14 cm leg tip to tip. I know nothing about this spider and would like to know more. They like most spiders are easy to kill. Just put some soapy water in a spray bottle and spray the spider. Instant death. If anyone knows anything about this breed I would like to know more. Frank

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11 years 22 weeks ago
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I'm not trying to scare u, but it may be worth taking seriously and getting a professional pest control service to help you sort things out.


Insects are Waaaay smart !  I (along with my cute bargirl friend) was engaged in a battle against cockroaches down in Manila. Hanging outside the local pub, one came walking up like he was going inside for a beer,  well, horrid roaches are my #2 phobia, so I friggin' smushed it under my boot. Well, for the next few days, dozens of them came after us for revenge, u had to be there to see it. Flying through the night sky, buzzing past us, scaring the hell out of us ! We battled fiercely and in the end we had killed eight of them, including one baby Spy cr they sent too! well, they finally wised-up and called it a day...


anyway, insects are helluva lot smarter/craftier than we give them credit for !   Tongue


Serpenza is that you?

11 years 22 weeks ago
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