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Q: How do I contact any RAD ballet teachers in Xian who would like to tutor privately?

I would like to hire a ballet teacher, for both individual private tutoring, and as an after school activity for a group of international students. It is imperative that the teacher have taught foreign students before, as the requirements are different from the local students' ballet classes. An RAD syllabus background would be great, but I would also look at the Russian Method (Vaganova).

13 years 22 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - Xi'an

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Hahahaha....irena i hope your dancing is less hamfisted than your 18 attempts to wring some cash from a 6 year old post.

Might i suggest you come to china to work as a DJ/model/dancer/hooker like the other half of yhe eastern bloc.


We got to this at the same time...probably only me who knows what you're on about! 

7 years 21 weeks ago
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iWolf: should see the tide of eastern Europeans flooding in here. Nowadays, they are singer/kindergarten teacher/prostitute....depending upon the time of day.

7 years 21 weeks ago
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7 years 21 weeks ago
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you can try 3 ways, upscale gym or fitness centers will have ballet teachers, you could checkout the top schools in your city (long shot) , look for a performance and try your luck (even longer shot) so just find one at a gym

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13 years 22 weeks ago
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you can contact me through mail. email id is :

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12 years 29 weeks ago
Posts: 2774


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Hahahaha....irena i hope your dancing is less hamfisted than your 18 attempts to wring some cash from a 6 year old post.

Might i suggest you come to china to work as a DJ/model/dancer/hooker like the other half of yhe eastern bloc.


We got to this at the same time...probably only me who knows what you're on about! 

7 years 21 weeks ago
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iWolf: should see the tide of eastern Europeans flooding in here. Nowadays, they are singer/kindergarten teacher/prostitute....depending upon the time of day.

7 years 21 weeks ago
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7 years 21 weeks ago
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A: Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see
A:Yeah, I'm on the Chinese side, too. ... maybe just because you can see titles against China so often.It was amazing (LOL) to see how Chinese respect traffic rules and all ... seeing it live from around 2010 on ... Now, cops hand regulating the traffic in the main crossings, that is something else ... Picture this: "All females, 165 - 175 cm tall, skinny, dressed in all leather, black outfit. ... Dalian, 2010, outside temp. -25*C ... short-hair w/ beret, wind&all proof leather jacket&trousers, military style black boots", two at the time ... like at doubles in tennis ... except colder...LOL..When I inquire about 'all movie-star seating in traffic crossings', Chinese told me, that it is a gov. job and only the best shape counts ...
I was only walking around China, but in Liaoning, I was imagining I would be driving ..., i.e. who to watch: traffic or woman ...I would say, they must have a tonne of skirmishes and accidents, but they don't ... everything is c&d with woman dressed in black leather in the middle.I'm telling you, Chinese are different ...O.K., one more: plowing the snow, cleaning up the roads at snow fall ... Chinese carry the snow away ... it's not like at us, when they push the snow to the banks 'nd voila ... Chinese plow snow with the digger and brazzilion trucks, waiting for the snow load in a beautiful line, queue line, that's it. Truck approaches the digger, gets load of snow and drove it away to some predestine place. Many different actors, but in China it is very organized.... digger, and some 50 trucks approaching the digger for some 2' stop ... conveyer belt thingy. It's a beautiful site to see it at large, ... from distance. -- icnif77
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