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Q: How do I make some foreign friends in China?

Hi guys,


How is your life in China? 


Here, I have two questions:

I just came back from Europe after finishing my Master's degree (Tourism).


1. I'm seriously looking for a job that is about Tourism. Hope I can get some advice from you.

2. At the same time, I'd like to make some foreign friends in China. I wanna improve my English and practice my Spanish. I was a Mandarin teacher before, so you can practice your Chinese with me.


If you are interested, feel free to contact me!

My Wechat ID: thechinesetraveler



7 years 49 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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A "friend" is someone you enjoy spending time with and who enjoys being with you too, who you'll help without expecting anything in return. Not someone you just use for your own benefit to further your career prospects. Surely there must be at least one Chinese who understands that?


EXACTLY MY DAMN POINT! Finally someone who gets it!

7 years 48 weeks ago
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'We (Chinese) understand English different than English Native speakers.' 


I guess, the same applies in every language .. i.e. 'cut them some slack'

I guess, you both don't get it! 


Stop 'kowtowing', teats!

7 years 48 weeks ago
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Sorry icnif, could you translate that into intelligible English?

7 years 48 weeks ago
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7 years 48 weeks ago
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I have a mate who is recruiting for his company that organises tours to NK. Send me a pm with your WeChat. I will put you in touch.

As for foreign friends. You should already have hundreds from your time in Europe. They will mostly be normal people. You should know from your studies that foreigners in China are not normal Smile

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7 years 49 weeks ago
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Hello Rachel, 


Well, it shouldn't be difficult for you to get a job in tourism. There are tons of opportunities for that sector in China currently. But I have to warn you, it can be a grueling occupation if you are looking to become a tour guide.


I am looking to practice my Mandarin as well. I will add you on WeChat. You sound like someone that may have different topics to discuss. 



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7 years 49 weeks ago
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First, learn to see people as people and not as tools for your use. 

How are we going to tell you (Chinese national) how to find a job in China?


Scots, didn't you learn your lesson from your pursuit of Vicki?


'teats' is like a mental-detector ..... 


I knew dude, who could remodel metal detectors into mental ones  easily....

7 years 49 weeks ago
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7 years 49 weeks ago
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A "friend" is someone you enjoy spending time with and who enjoys being with you too, who you'll help without expecting anything in return. Not someone you just use for your own benefit to further your career prospects. Surely there must be at least one Chinese who understands that?


EXACTLY MY DAMN POINT! Finally someone who gets it!

7 years 48 weeks ago
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'We (Chinese) understand English different than English Native speakers.' 


I guess, the same applies in every language .. i.e. 'cut them some slack'

I guess, you both don't get it! 


Stop 'kowtowing', teats!

7 years 48 weeks ago
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Sorry icnif, could you translate that into intelligible English?

7 years 48 weeks ago
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7 years 48 weeks ago
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Be a foreigner-friendly person first. If you have contents/personality/charisma/intellect, you are good at making friendly with anyone. Usually, foreigners in China make friends with Chinese girls just for 'benefit'.

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7 years 48 weeks ago
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