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Q: How many countries does China have disputes with?

Does China have disputes with more countries than any other country in the world?


Everywhere one looks, it seems China is in a dispute with somebody over something: borders, trade, illegal operations (by China), the Dalai Lama or some other matter. China even has a dispute with the Vatican over the Pope's authority in China. Not to mention a multitude of internal disputes it seems unable to manage.


What are some of the countries and disputes that you know of?

11 years 42 weeks ago in  General  - China

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Disputes are one thing and armed military intervention is another.  Many of China's quarrels, as you write, are actually proxy quarrels with the other major prower.  In terms of disputes, perhaps you might be correct.  In terms of armed military intervention, well, then, I think that that award would go to the other major power with the black president.


That was an extraordinarily poor misdirection. But I'll give you a point for feigning ignorance when I didn't even think that would have been possible of you.

11 years 42 weeks ago
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11 years 42 weeks ago
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Only the one's that have a,e,i,o or u in their names.

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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It seems that the government is not good at compromising, as it is a loss of face. They may have a dispute with any country they have ever been in contact with based on how difficult they are and their lack of care for what is diplomatic, right, and fair. They don't seem to be a peace seeking country.

You don't read about many quarrels or disputes they have with countries like Iran and North Korea, but I guess that just shows what kind of government rules this country.

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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Except North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria and African Countries...


In recent times, China actually has disputes with most of the African countries it trades with. The North Korean navy recently impounded several Chinese ships for illegal fishing.

11 years 42 weeks ago
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Who do Cuba have issues with aside from the USA? North Korea? really? Aside from the USA, SK and Japan not much problem. China, however is at odds with almost EVERY nation it shares a border with, and some it doesn't, like the Phillipines. China are the world's trouble makers. 

11 years 42 weeks ago
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actually china does have a border thing going with north korea.  remember a while back china's troops entered disputed territory?

11 years 42 weeks ago
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11 years 42 weeks ago
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They have disputes because the govt. attempts to treat the world the same way as they treat their own citizens. Then, they wonder why there is a backlash. angry

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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Every single one.

Diplomacy is not a strong talent here.

The problem is that any country in the world that backs China in any way (mostly through the UN) has a price to pay for being bought off.

Much like the business system in China.

Everyone has a price they say but how long will it last?

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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As far as i know...i don't know anyone who is a friend of in my opinion the better question is........Which countries are allies with China?

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11 years 42 weeks ago
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Guernsey, Isle of Man, Tokelau.


are they countries?

11 years 42 weeks ago
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What disputes do these places have with China?

11 years 42 weeks ago
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11 years 42 weeks ago
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