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Q: I am from a India Non-Native English Country, can i get teaching job in Guangzhou or not?

I live in panyu,Guangzhou. I want to be a English Teacher. is it possible for me to get a teaching job in China. Since i am not from a Native English Country i getting difficulties in getting a job. PLease tell me what kind of JOb can i get. I am MBA in Finance and HUman REsource by qualification and Graduate in Commerce. With 2 Years working experience in My country. i am currently working as a DBMS ans HRIS OPerations Administrator in a Indian Compnay But now i looking for a foreign english teacher JOb, part time or full time no problem.

12 years 45 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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 I'm from Russia, I've been teaching English in college for 10 years. Although Chinese like "natives" but if you show them you're qualified, they will at least consider you.  Never stop educating yourself, show genuine interest in English & teaching, don't be boring in the class, vary activities, pick up discussion topics that are related to your students (e.g. Is it a good idea to date while you're a student? or Who should pay for the date?) , show respect for their culture, learn some Chinese, watch English movies, do something in English every day.   Chinese students prefer foreign teachers to local ones because we bring life to the class, we don't read boring books, goof off or clock watch.   I always say to my new students, " I'm from Russia & I understand your reaction. If you find my class boring, useless, or if you find me unqualified, you are free not to come to my class".  I always have a full classroom of students & my class always runs over because by the end of the class they understand that it's OK to make mistakes & ask stupid questions, so everyone wants to try. What is more, they never come up with lame excuses like My English is bad because I'm Chinese. I say," I'm Russian, but it doesn't give me the privilege  of speaking mediocre   English".  I'm not saying it's going to be a piece of cake to find a job & keeping the job, but it's worth a shot.

 I want to encourage all the non-native speakers who are working or job hunting in China.  We're not second class teachers, English doesn't belong to the US, Canada or any particular country, it belongs to the world.  You can say I'm not a native speaker but you can't say my English sucks.  I don't think it's a challenge to teach your native language, but it is a challenge to teach  your second language, to learn the third language (Chinese in my case) & to keep yourself posted when it comes to the recent changes in your language.  Cheers!




11 years 38 weeks ago
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This is an excellent answer, Elena. Your English is perfect, which surely also helps a lot. One thing I'd disagree with though - it is difficult to learn to teach your native language. Learning how to effectively communicate with and engage students in such a way as to maximize your own students' learning is a difficult thing indeed, no matter if you're teaching your first, second or third language.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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I agree with MissA,Your English is just as perfect as native English speakers,That's the point .since you are from Russia and I am sure you are white,Schools in China always prefer to hire white people. As a Chinese, I feel sorry for that ,we should just hire people as long as he or she is qualified no matter who you are,white,black,Asian or others. Everyone should be treated equally.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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You go, girl. I only care about ability and pronunciation. I don't give a hoot where anyone comes from, as long as they've got the skill.

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Elena, you've just made me feel proud for being a non-native English teacher. Thanks so much. I had no idea about this thread. How did I miss it? 

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Yeah, I'm not sure how I missed it either.

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Because it's more than a year old?

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Well, Hulk you're more familiar with this place than I am. I am on this forum for like 7 months or so. Anyway, it is encouraging to me what Elena said. I am glad to came up with this thread. In the meantime, I hope the op had found something suitable to his professional skills and needs. 

11 years 28 weeks ago
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You are great..

9 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Please stop and think.  Most persons native to India do speak English, but do also have a heavy accent. 
\WHY CHINESE SCHOOLS SEEK "NATIVES" and do not use one of the Chinese graduating from their own language schools?.  Because of the accent.
I doubt seriiously you could find a school that will hire you, except if they have been looking for a teacher for a while and can not find one. 
Maybe you should try your luck with private tutoring instead.


Have you every heard an Irish, Geordie, or Australian speak? Me neither, they just make sounds.

11 years 22 weeks ago
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Tell that to people from Scotland with very heavy accents.

11 years 18 weeks ago
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12 years 45 weeks ago
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YOU WILL FIND WORK BUT MAYBE IN A SMALLER CITY YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK VERY HARD AND search schools yourself. you will have to settle for a low paying gig, 3000rmb maybe

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Anonymous! Looking at your written English I would seriously stay in the position you are in. I mean come on, look at your poor use of grammar, spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. I don't think English teaching is for you!

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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I'm sure you will if you will look hard enough. But before you do that, don't you want to consider improving your written/ spoken English first? I mean ESL teaching is an obligation it is not JUST something you do 'just because'. Have heart to your future students.

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12 years 44 weeks ago
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i would like to work prttime english teacher

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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 I'm from Russia, I've been teaching English in college for 10 years. Although Chinese like "natives" but if you show them you're qualified, they will at least consider you.  Never stop educating yourself, show genuine interest in English & teaching, don't be boring in the class, vary activities, pick up discussion topics that are related to your students (e.g. Is it a good idea to date while you're a student? or Who should pay for the date?) , show respect for their culture, learn some Chinese, watch English movies, do something in English every day.   Chinese students prefer foreign teachers to local ones because we bring life to the class, we don't read boring books, goof off or clock watch.   I always say to my new students, " I'm from Russia & I understand your reaction. If you find my class boring, useless, or if you find me unqualified, you are free not to come to my class".  I always have a full classroom of students & my class always runs over because by the end of the class they understand that it's OK to make mistakes & ask stupid questions, so everyone wants to try. What is more, they never come up with lame excuses like My English is bad because I'm Chinese. I say," I'm Russian, but it doesn't give me the privilege  of speaking mediocre   English".  I'm not saying it's going to be a piece of cake to find a job & keeping the job, but it's worth a shot.

 I want to encourage all the non-native speakers who are working or job hunting in China.  We're not second class teachers, English doesn't belong to the US, Canada or any particular country, it belongs to the world.  You can say I'm not a native speaker but you can't say my English sucks.  I don't think it's a challenge to teach your native language, but it is a challenge to teach  your second language, to learn the third language (Chinese in my case) & to keep yourself posted when it comes to the recent changes in your language.  Cheers!




11 years 38 weeks ago
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This is an excellent answer, Elena. Your English is perfect, which surely also helps a lot. One thing I'd disagree with though - it is difficult to learn to teach your native language. Learning how to effectively communicate with and engage students in such a way as to maximize your own students' learning is a difficult thing indeed, no matter if you're teaching your first, second or third language.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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I agree with MissA,Your English is just as perfect as native English speakers,That's the point .since you are from Russia and I am sure you are white,Schools in China always prefer to hire white people. As a Chinese, I feel sorry for that ,we should just hire people as long as he or she is qualified no matter who you are,white,black,Asian or others. Everyone should be treated equally.

11 years 38 weeks ago
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You go, girl. I only care about ability and pronunciation. I don't give a hoot where anyone comes from, as long as they've got the skill.

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Elena, you've just made me feel proud for being a non-native English teacher. Thanks so much. I had no idea about this thread. How did I miss it? 

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Yeah, I'm not sure how I missed it either.

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Because it's more than a year old?

11 years 28 weeks ago
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Well, Hulk you're more familiar with this place than I am. I am on this forum for like 7 months or so. Anyway, it is encouraging to me what Elena said. I am glad to came up with this thread. In the meantime, I hope the op had found something suitable to his professional skills and needs. 

11 years 28 weeks ago
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You are great..

9 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Man,let's face the reality:

1.As you said,you are from India ,obviously,English is not your first language like us.that's alright If your English is awesome,the point is,your English seems not good enough to teach English to be honest,Look at your Grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.

2. As all we known that most Indian people have a very strong accent when they speak English,and they like to speak as fast as Native English speakers ,It seems it's the way to tell people how good of their English .I always have problems to understand them for some reason.

3, Guangzhou is a place with big competition cause a lot of people want to teach English here ,nice weather,well paid and close to HongKong,that makes sense.

Good luck.Man

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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You could but your English has to be absolutely impeccable. Perfect grammar and no stereotypical Indian accent. It could be tough but I see tons of job offers from Panyu. Good luck.

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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 Thank you, guys. I'm flattered.  My English is not perfect, of course. I take great pleasure in speaking it, I like the way it sounds & I want to share my passion for this language with my students.

  When people say, "I'm afraid you're not qualified" , we frown, get angry & walk away, but we never listen, we never question our own qualification.  In order to find a job, you have to bone up on your English which you cannot do without realizing that your English doesn't cut the mustard. 

  My Indian friend, I wish you every success in 2013 & always. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for if you put your heart into it & brush up on your English. 

Cheers, Elena.

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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I'm from Eastern Europe.

I recently had an interview (arranged by an agent) where the lady who interviewed me told me: "We hire only native speakers, this part of the city..." 

If I'm not mistaken what she meant was "Our clients are rich, they want real foreigners".



Yeah, we're fake foreigners.

11 years 30 weeks ago
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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Yep, even Chinese Americans are not American enough to teach here.

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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Maybe you could try to teach finance instead. Finance, E-commerce, Marketing, economics or Human resource are better ideas than English perhaps? We once had a Spanish teacher teaching finance in our university. Good luck! laugh

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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I'm in the same situation buddy. I lived and studied in UK, learned native English pronunciation. But that's never helped me here in Guangzhou. I have to admit  that I never been or will be  like a native speaker and they're deserved to get a high wage.  Just learn Chinese, not only speaking, but also writing and reading. It's not that difficult as you think, I managed to learn 600 Chinese characters in 2 months. I am sure it will secure my future. 

And teaching is not for my nose 

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11 years 36 weeks ago
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of course! nobody can stop you, just be ready to answer questions from the students. they are sometimes more clever and knowledgeable.

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11 years 36 weeks ago
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Seriously..!! MBA in finance so and so... with such grammar chance..!!

I seriously doubt the guy is a quack..!!

Please stop posting such things.. at least for the sake of fellow Indian expats..

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11 years 36 weeks ago
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dont waste your time trying. It's difficult for europeans, and almost impossible for non-european and dark-skinned people. we normally associate color and ethnicity with particular traits and it's hard to break stereotypes. use your time where you have a higher probability of succeeding.

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11 years 28 weeks ago

Li Jun

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You will be surprised, but all you need is to find the right person. Now if you have an accent and so on and so forth that won't matter because they will just tell you to say you are from the United Kingdom. Everybody knows there are many Indians living and working in the UK. Although you aren't from the UK they will ask you to tell them that you are. I met a girl from Zimbabwe and she had a strong accent and they just told her to tell people that she was from the UK. 


It's called the cover up! If you don't feel comfortable in doing this then don't lie. They tell you to say this, but nobody really asks!


Actually it's called "a cover-up"... but whose counting!?



Hahaha my sides

11 years 28 weeks ago
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11 years 28 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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  Just recently was checking this site for jobs. Check page 13, non-native English speakers can apply to a school in Ningbo, 6500 /month. 

  If the salary is lower then 7000 & it's not a first tier city, just go for it.  They cannot find so many native speakers but the demand for English teachers in China is on the rise.

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11 years 28 weeks ago
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i got a lady a teacher position in a small city here in shandong, she had a masters in education from berkeley but her passport was from hungary. the school she works for could not hire her in a tier 2 city but the school they have in a tier 3 hired her. she has now been here 2 years, good luck to you

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11 years 22 weeks ago
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is china an English  country


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11 years 18 weeks ago
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British and Americans most of them are innocent and even without any bachelor degree they are being recruited by Chinese people... Chinese are intelligent one day they will kick them out of country and will say in English "stupid fellows".... That day they will come to know what is the value for English language 


These people had spent half of their lives in bars ,discos,babysitting,dancing,singing... so better don't disturb them let them eat their bread peacefully..... Develop your skill in your career



You sound very bitter. Pathetic even. I took my job as an English teacher seriously  and I worked hard. I prepared for many hours every week and I made a difference to my students. Their English improved. It is doubtful that non-native speakers can teach English in a skilled engaging way. This is why the Chinese insist on native speakers to teach English. In the U.K it is expected that Mandarin teachers will be Chinese.


I was just an English teacher yet I made more money than you ever will. You jealous? I think so.

9 years 23 weeks ago
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@dokken, read his only other post and you'll see he's not exactly thriving here in China. It would explain his bitter outlook on life.


My guess is he can't get a job teaching because he's not a native speaker and probably thinks it's unfair so he blames the people who can teach here for stealing his job.

9 years 23 weeks ago
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Yeah! You should be ashamed of yourself! 

America and the British Empire are the back-to-back world war champions and you should show some respect to that unrivaled achievement.


If not for them you could probably still be a part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and having to worship strictly the Habsburg ruler. 


So every time you feel good you don't have to pray to Vienna, enjoy traveling through the Suez or Panama Canal, or eat fish and chips remember that these excellent conditions today would not exist without bravery, skill, industrial power, and determination of the anglosphere.

9 years 23 weeks ago
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9 years 24 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77