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Q: I applied for more than 500 jobs haven't got any reply from a single company or school.HELP!

Can anyone tell me anyone of your friend or you got any kind of job from his website? if yes? then can you please tell me what should i do to get one? i applied for more than 500 jobs through this website but haven't got any kind of reply from any one. Its a problem with website or just i don't know how to apply in proper way?!PLEASE HELP! 

8 years 28 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Chinese employers usually don't reply, if they aren't interested in your CV, so redo your resume, and include everything they demand on job advert.


Don't count, how many CVs you sent, but never stop sending it till you don't sign a Contract. You must look at posted adverts daily, and forward your CV.


I believe, some teaching job adverts are just an adverts. They aren't really looking to fill the positions.

I'm not sure what's the purpose to post an advert, if you don't have an opening, but sometimes I have that feeling.


What kind of the job are you looking for? 


thanx for your reply. 

i made resume on this website the one they give at the very start when we register on this website. Do i need to make another one? 

mainly i am an Aeronautical Engineer graduated from china last year. 

But as you know getting job in aero industry in china is hard with bachelors degree if u know any other website good for it then you can also recommend me.

At this stage any job is ok for me.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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I'm not sure, how many Co./Schools contacted me by my CV posted here. I'd say, not too many.


I'll send you (PM) of one of my most reliable Chinese placement agents, and see if he has an opening for you. Good luck!

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Try with search at 'indeed':


However, it doesn't work with word 'China' or 'Bj, China' in 'location search' part. If you know city or zip code, you might find some openings.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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again bundle of thanx for reply.

i will contact to respective person and if u like then i will tell you what he or she will say. 

again thanx :)

8 years 28 weeks ago
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I always say 'if you want or if he'll ask, you can tell him I referred him to you..', because I am not paid, if new user contacts him. 


I guess, he'll ask you how did you get his contact. Then, you can tell him I gave it to you. I don't mind, if you tell him even if he won't ask.


If I would get contact from somebody, I would state to the contact right away, who gave me his email/Skype handle.

So, I don't mind, what you'll do, but he's first agent I always ask for the new position, and he's honest and through. He got me into some good Contracts few times.



8 years 28 weeks ago
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Adding a photo helps.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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i sent him email.  Waiting for his reply. When i will get ne i will inform u in PM 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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@ironman510 hi,

u mean my photo? 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Add your photo to your CV/attach photo file.

Open your Skype and enter his email address into the Skype search. Skype will display his user name, then click 'add me to your contacts'.

When he'll add you, you'll see it on your Skype screen. You can chat with him or webcam right away.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I already uploaded my photo on cv . 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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Chinese employers usually don't reply, if they aren't interested in your CV, so redo your resume, and include everything they demand on job advert.


Don't count, how many CVs you sent, but never stop sending it till you don't sign a Contract. You must look at posted adverts daily, and forward your CV.


I believe, some teaching job adverts are just an adverts. They aren't really looking to fill the positions.

I'm not sure what's the purpose to post an advert, if you don't have an opening, but sometimes I have that feeling.


What kind of the job are you looking for? 


thanx for your reply. 

i made resume on this website the one they give at the very start when we register on this website. Do i need to make another one? 

mainly i am an Aeronautical Engineer graduated from china last year. 

But as you know getting job in aero industry in china is hard with bachelors degree if u know any other website good for it then you can also recommend me.

At this stage any job is ok for me.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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I'm not sure, how many Co./Schools contacted me by my CV posted here. I'd say, not too many.


I'll send you (PM) of one of my most reliable Chinese placement agents, and see if he has an opening for you. Good luck!

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Try with search at 'indeed':


However, it doesn't work with word 'China' or 'Bj, China' in 'location search' part. If you know city or zip code, you might find some openings.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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again bundle of thanx for reply.

i will contact to respective person and if u like then i will tell you what he or she will say. 

again thanx :)

8 years 28 weeks ago
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I always say 'if you want or if he'll ask, you can tell him I referred him to you..', because I am not paid, if new user contacts him. 


I guess, he'll ask you how did you get his contact. Then, you can tell him I gave it to you. I don't mind, if you tell him even if he won't ask.


If I would get contact from somebody, I would state to the contact right away, who gave me his email/Skype handle.

So, I don't mind, what you'll do, but he's first agent I always ask for the new position, and he's honest and through. He got me into some good Contracts few times.



8 years 28 weeks ago
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Adding a photo helps.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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i sent him email.  Waiting for his reply. When i will get ne i will inform u in PM 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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@ironman510 hi,

u mean my photo? 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Add your photo to your CV/attach photo file.

Open your Skype and enter his email address into the Skype search. Skype will display his user name, then click 'add me to your contacts'.

When he'll add you, you'll see it on your Skype screen. You can chat with him or webcam right away.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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I already uploaded my photo on cv . 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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I wouldn't reply if you made your application in capitals as it comes across as slightly deranged! 




You mean bold???

8 years 28 weeks ago
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And - how does yours get highest voted, when I see 3 replies (including yours) all with 3 having only 1 upvote??

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Oh... now it's changed...Weird!!

8 years 28 weeks ago
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Hahaha, my stupid! I meant bold when I wrote CAPITALS!

8 years 28 weeks ago
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thanx for reply.


No it isn't in bold format. I made resume on this website the one they give at very start after registration.

8 years 28 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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Perhaps get a native speaker to clean up your CV and fix the language.


That one-page Chinese style that doesn't really say much other than your name, wechat ID and ethnicity (which is always Han), doesn't impress employers used to seeing a comprehensive one.


I think that's a new thread.... !!! :)

8 years 28 weeks ago
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thanx  for ur reply.

i made resume on this website. Do i need to upload cv in word format? and how can i make comprehensive one on this website?

8 years 28 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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To shery6:

After you have implemented the above suggestions, go to another website. Your better than this website. You have proven to be an above average learner (with an Aeronautical Engineering degree).

Also, you may have to accept a lesser Junior Engineering position, but that's ok. Just get in with a good company with good future projects and get recognized for your abilities. 

Always keep your CV updated with all the latest keywords that HR departments look for in a candidate. 


thanx for your reply,

i appreciate your suggestion. Of course junior engineer post is also ok for me. if you know any good website for engineering jobs can u recommend me ?  As i applied for many jobs but the thing is that they all say we need experienced engineers. But the matter of fact they don't understand if they don't give job to any fresh engineer then from where we get experience? if you can help me then plz recommend me a good website better than this if u know. 

looking for your reply....

8 years 28 weeks ago
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You have a lot of good suggestions to follow up on.

I could give you many websites, but easier to just google; aeronautical engineering jobs. Also look at job postings in and around this field to see if you can fit in with one that closely fits your personality and desires.

As I said before, once you are in, and once your managers see your potential, you may be able to transfer within the company to a more desirable position. 

Also, the excuse you are getting about not having any experience or needing experience to secure a job, is just that "an excuse not to hire you" or their inability to want to train. Just ignore this.

Also look up or google; job interviewing skills. There are websites that can help you answer interviewing questions like this one that will allow you to come across better than to say "I don't have any experience".

And while you are doing all of this I would consider keeping your skills up and studying for and getting your PE license.

Networking is also good as well. In the US, we have a saying "It's not what you know but "WHO" you know that gets you the job".

8 years 28 weeks ago
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thanx for ur reply,

what is PE license? 

whenever i searched aeronautical engineering jobs on Google like more than 1000 websites pops-up and the problem is that i don't know which one really works. That is why i asked for recommendation of website. I heard that in America there r many jobs for aeronautical engineers(fresh or experienced) is it right? and if you can tell me any website which really works will be helpful.


8 years 27 weeks ago
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Google PE license and you will get a full explanation. PE means Professional Engineer. But I just read that you are from Pakistan and have a Chinese University degree! This changes everything....In my opinion you will have a great battle to fit into any Engineering organization unless it is from China or Pakistan and good luck with that! 

OK...forget the PE...that's a long road too! 

So you found 1000 websites. I know that's why I could not just tell you a few...So now goggle "top 10 aeronautical companies"....and there you have your start. Log on to one, follow instructions for completing a profile just like you did for this site and see what happens. 

But now I'm thinking you may have to go another route. If I were you (because I have an engineering background, military background, and several industries with a lot of experience) I would consider being a translator. If you continue to learn your English everyday, you can apply as a translator, (Pakistan or Chinese to English). I bet if you went on some US government job websites and willing to be a translator you would definitely get inquires today! And then you can work your way into your aeronautical dreams. 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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thanx for your suggestion. 

yeah i can speak Chinese well and you mean that i should look for a job of translator and then make links and change job, isn't it? 

and i should Google US Government translator jobs?


8 years 27 weeks ago
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Yes that's is what I mean...I would encourage you to try the Translator Position. You can get quick job with this path. Goggle; or USA jobs. 

It will take a lot of time and persistence but you can do it. 

When I was in the Middle East I help many Pakistan get through the paper work and get job. But be careful not to get with someone who wants money to get you a job, they may be a scam. I caught many scamers who lie about jobs just to get your money. 

Have a good journey!

8 years 27 weeks ago
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thanx for your suggestion and help,

i will search for these jobs and then i will let you know abut the progress.

 Those Pakistani people got job of translator?

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Yes job as Translator, truck drivers, labor, kitchen, helpers and many others that they can get. Many had degrees, but could not find jobs. But they had to feed themselves and there families. You have to be willing to get what ever you can, and learn the system and English. You have to a neutral citizen willing to cooperate and communicate. 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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have you tried places outside of China?
your education background and English could get you abroad
good luck


thanx for your reply,

all companies of aeronautical engineering need experienced engineer. But the thing is that they don't know from where we fresh engineers get experience if they don't give us job.  If u know any other good website then plz recommend me.

looking for your reply....

8 years 28 weeks ago
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check your pm good luck to you

8 years 28 weeks ago
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thanx for that. 

i will keep u update with the progress.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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If you are a Graduate aeronautical engineer your best bet would be websites of aircraft manufacturers. Airbus for example. Or Comac. If you are Chinese it might be difficult to get a job abroad in this trade because of security issues. If you are not Chinese I would say you have a very difficult struggle to be employed here unless you are already established with a foreign company.

Have a think about what other Engineering disciplines you can move to. I am an Engineer myself, and in today's job market you need to be flexible. Now you have graduated, it's up to you to train yourself. Apply for ME jobs, target specific companies. Do research on the web. Send HR a stunning email that gets them interested. You need to work hard at getting your foot on the first rung. And the first rung is at the bottom. Everyone needs to start there.

Good luck.


thanx for your reply,

ME means Mechanical Engineering? isn't it?

I am not Chinese i am from Pakistan. Graduated from Chinese university last year in July.

i made my cv'z on a lot of websites and applied for all kinds of job which even slightly falls into my major but the reply always same. we need experienced engineers better luck next time.

if you know any better website for fresh engineers can you recommend? 

and what kind of emails i should send to HR dep. ?

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Really? I can't get Tourist visa for Pakistan. I was planning trip from Kashghar to Gilgit last summer, but Pak's Bj Embassy wouldn't grant me visa last year.

One Pakistani in Barcelona told me in Feb, that people with blue eyes can be in danger in Pak, and that might be the reason my Tourist visa wasn't approved.

Could you help me with the Invitation letter? I need letter just for Pak.'s Embassy, 'cause that's one of the requirements for Tourist visa. See PM.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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It's always tough to get your first engineering job. Especially when your degree is so specialised, and you are competing against local. So you need to  target specific companies that manufacture here. For example:


There are loads of companies that manufacture stuff here.


If you don't have experience yet, you can sell yourself based on other skills. Language for example. If you studied in China I assume you speak fluent Chinese. That would be a big selling point.Are you an expert on CAD? Finite element analysis?  Programming skills would be an advantage if you were applying for a job as a CNC setter for example.


There are some Engineering jobs here on ECC. Almost all the jobs are for senior positions, but you can fire off an email to them asking if they have any junior positions going. Research what the company makes and refine your email accordingly. Don't beg. Your mail needs to be confident. Tell them what you can offer. Example...


Dear Sir/Madame


I noticed you are advertising for a Senior Engineer at your Shenzhen facility.  While I am not experienced enough for the position advertised, I am very interested in (whatever they make)... blah blah blah


And, serious suggestion. Have you considered the Pakistan Air Force? That would be a good way to get experience.


Good luck :-)

8 years 27 weeks ago
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First of all thanx for this link. This link is very helpful and i applied for many internship programs. Yeah i can speak Chinese. I can speak almost 5 or 6 languages including Chinese and i also know some basics of different languages. 

and i can work on many software like CAD, CATIA, MATLAB, Solid works, C++ basic and finite element analysis and others.

ECC means echinacities?

i tried but in PAK- AIRFORCE there is no merit if u have a good link in government and if u r the son/ daughter of any retired or in service Military personal then they will give you chance otherwise if you are civilian then it will be hard for you to get placement. 


8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 28 weeks ago
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posted today on
Airbus is looking for a reliability engineer for the MRH90 helicopter program
good luck


thanx for the link,

this link is usefull i applied for many jobs. But same reply.

we need experience engineer better luck next time. :/


8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 27 weeks ago
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Government will not issue Z visa to many Arabic countries including Pakistan. That's your problem.


you mean Arabic or Muslim ? there is a difference and that is not true anyway as there are plenty non Muslims living in Arab countries anyway

8 years 27 weeks ago
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as you know between Pakistan and china there is a bond of good friendship and i don't think so that they will not issue z visa to any pakistani. 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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How would you (Non-Chinese) could know that? Explain to me, pls.


'Gov. will not issue Z visa' only this part.


To make that statement believable, you must be working at Chinese Gov., don't you agree?


Chinese are rebuilding Pak. at the moment.... 'dams and channels' to shorten ....Yahoo-gle with words 'Chinese & Pakistan' in search:


  1. Hundreds of Chinese companies now working in...

    Over 300 Chinese companies are now working in Pakistan in industries including ...


8 years 27 weeks ago
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Lets be honest shery6. I took the time to give you a detailed answer, and you did not even go to the effort of sending me a pm about engineering jobs. Too late. I have a mate looking for an engineer... But if you cant join the Too late.


Sorry. I was out of order there.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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too late?

i think u r feeling m replying too late coz of time difference of countries.

whenever i open my laptop i try to reply all on the suggestions or answers.

sorry if u feel like m replying late. But m not doing this intentionally.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Ha ha. Sorry dude. My point was that you need to go for every chance you can. No shame in trying and all that. It's a tough world, and you need be proactive to get in there. That was the point of my badly worded post. It was intended as a sort of "tough love" post. But I worded it wrong. You need to force your point rather than say "ah well". I was fully expecting a pm from you asking if I had any jobs. That's what I mean. You have to push yourself. Promote yourself. Your first step was to post on here. Your next is to go for any chance you see.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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yeah i understand and i fully respect ur suggestion and i also try my best to deliver best.

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 27 weeks ago
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Same with me....I haven't received any reply after every day checking email,though am applying for the position of an English teacher


There could be a couple of problems. Your resume might be badly written. They might have more experienced applicants. You might not be a native speaker and they can't get a work permit for you. 

8 years 26 weeks ago
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i read in news that china changed rules for hiring of teachers.

8 years 20 weeks ago
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8 years 26 weeks ago
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Last week I opened thread here about vacant teaching position at Shandong Uni with invitation to contact me over PM, and I will connect job seeker with Uni's representative. 

I received only one PM of the regular poster, who contacted me also last year, when I posted open Precalculus teaching position at the School I am working.

I act only as a middle man between School and job seeker. I won't see any of your personal details, CV, your pic or anything else.

I will give you School's representative contact details (phone no., email address, Skype handle), and then everything is between him/her and you.

Scots offered help in finding an engineering position in post above, but....


Now, there're plenty threads here how posters are unsuccessful to secure English teaching or other profession position at Schools and Co's in China for this or that reason.


At the moment, I know for two open positions in Kaifeng, Henan, one in Public school and another one in the Language center.


Reason of this reply is: I was asked by both Schools to find FT, who could replace me. 


Both Schools hold Foreigner hire Certificate, and are able to sponsor Z visa.


PM stands for 'private message'angel


Good post & offering to help by pm. That's what this site is for. 


Unfortunately some people can't be helped. 

8 years 26 weeks ago
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It's all freaking phony, that's what I think!

8 years 26 weeks ago
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Is heard that the OP was real as Scots was helping improve his-her resume. 

8 years 26 weeks ago
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yeah he helped me in improving my cv and i m very thankful to him.

8 years 20 weeks ago
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I PM'ed u

8 years 20 weeks ago
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8 years 26 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77