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Q: Is icnif77 a bonafide wumao?

Has anyone else noticed that, over the last year and a half, all he does is post anti-American garbage whenever anyone brings up anti-Chinese topics? His English is just as bad as, if not worse than, most Chinese people who fail to grasp English.


This guy sounds like a legitimate wumao. It doesn't matter if he's not Chinese; there are lots of people on the CCPayroll, and they all use the same tactics. All he does is constantly spam anti-american garbage. He's pretty much useless in almost every single post. Got something negative to say about China? Incoming anti-American garbage.


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people shouldn't criticize my government (I do it every single day), I'm just saying there's an amazingly retarded pattern to everything he posts.


What do you think? Is icnif77 a wumao?

9 years 41 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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My mom's reading your threadsurprise. Caution!


What is the proper English term for the 'male nurse'? 


Bonafide-Tyler is singing 'tooa taaa, tipp tipp ....time keeps on slipping, slipping into the future.........feed the's the people living in the street.......':–-propaganda-cultural-sickness-


59% Of Americans Support Post-9/11 Torture – Propaganda, Cultural Sickness, Or Both?







Ever since the torture report was released last week, U.S. television outlets have endlessly featured American torturers and torture proponents. But there was one group that was almost never heard from: the victims of their torture, not even the ones recognized by the U.S. Government itself as innocent, not even the family members of the ones they tortured to death. Whether by design (most likely) or effect, this inexcusable omission radically distorts coverage.


Whenever America is forced to confront its heinous acts, the central strategy is to disappear the victims, render them invisible. That’s what robs them of their humanity: it’s the process of dehumanization. That, in turns, is what enables American elites first to support atrocities, and then, when forced to reckon with them, tell themselves that – despite some isolated and well-intentioned bad acts – they are still really good, elevated, noble, admirable people. It’s hardly surprising, then, that a Washington Post/ABC News poll released this morning found that a large majority of Americans believe torture is justified even when you call it “torture.” Not having to think about actual human victims makes it easy to justify any sort of crime.


– From Glenn Greenwald’s latest piece: U.S. TV Provides Ample Platform for American Torturers, but None to Their Victims

These are all important questions to which I do not have definitive answers, but I have some thoughts I’d like to share. First, here are some of the observations from the Washington Post:


A majority of Americans believe that the harsh interrogation techniques used on terrorism suspects after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were justified, even as about half the public says the treatment amounted to torture, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.


In general, 58 percent say the torture of suspected terrorists can be justified “often” or “sometimes.”


The new poll comes on the heels of a scathing Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into the CIA’s detention and interrogation program, which President Obama ended in 2009. The report concluded that controversial interrogation techniques — including waterboarding detainees, placing them in stress positions and keeping them inside confinement boxes — were not an effective means of acquiring intelligence.


Do you fancy 'Washington Toast', or you prefer 'Up-yours' The Intercept?


Please, disregard my Q on the bottom, if you're an American!



Let's critique-aize together. You do US Gov., and I'll do 'Jay Leno's chewing gum battalions'….hell-pless, hell-pless…..there is a town in North Ontario…….blue, blue wind blows behind the stars…..N. Young

9 years 41 weeks ago
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This is important, because despite the Senate Report showing torture was not effective in acquiring intelligence (see: Revelations from the Torture Report – CIA Lies, Nazi Methods and the $81 Million No-Bid Torture Contract), the American public thinks it was. This is the power of mainstream media spin and propaganda.


Fifty-three percent of Americans say the CIA’s harsh interrogation of suspected terrorists produced important information that could not have been obtained any other way, while 31 percent say it did not. 


In a CBS poll released Monday, nearly seven in 10 considered waterboarding torture, but about half said the technique and others are, at times, justified. Fifty-seven percent said harsh interrogation techniques can provide information that can prevent terrorist attacks.

'mericans can chew gum without break......'


OP's 'highlight':


While the above is disturbing, if I felt that the culture is lost beyond hope and that my fellow American is akin to a zombified sociopath with no hope of awakening, I wouldn’t be writing on this website. I would have renounced my citizenship long ago and moved somewhere else. In contrast, I think there’s a lot to fight for in these United States and I think the war for freedom, civil rights and the rule of law can and will prevail. After all, I was admittedly more or less a zombie during the years immediately following 9/11 and for most of my time on Wall Street. If I was able to make such a profound transition (and countless of my friends have as well ), then there is always hope.


9 years 41 weeks ago
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9 years 41 weeks ago
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I don't think so... You have plenty of people in this world who despise the USA, to the point of considering any challenger excusable of of any of it flaws. Paranoid cranks with an hear for conspiracy theories, and want to share their paranoia. Poor English is not a Chinese monopoly. Because of the way ESL teachers are hired in China, eccentrics are over-represented... Well, you have to be a bit atypical to stay in China anyway.


iicnif is always polite, never aggressive, and sometime helpful. In his own way, he want to do the right thing, to help others : the Zero Edge repost, to open our eyes to whatever his paranoid imagination is focused on. He is cranky, but he is *our* crank.


I have proof, which negate your psychiatric observations about me.


Not that matter to my c&p button, or content I post on the free Board.


Other very important part of my postings is: I'm anon, butT... if I would be challenged anyhow to reveal my full name (for the Court purposes), I would do that (over PM)'. 


'Cajones-no-Hulk' cannot stand with his real name behind his posts. Talk about value here.

9 years 41 weeks ago
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9 years 41 weeks ago
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Of course he aint a womao Hulk.

Go pick on someone your own size........if you can find someone that is Smile

Is there a Chinese equivilent of the Hulk character. I dont think monkey king v Hulk would be very fair. Nope... it would need to be Godzilla. Hulk v Godzilla... fair fight I would say Smile . Wrong country though.

It says a lot about China really. Their superhero is a monkey with a stick. Just a thought....


Needs more spelling and syntax mistakes and cryptic reference to things that he thinks Americans a embarrassed about.


For instance,


P is it sticking it up yours... and something unrelated about torture....angry

9 years 41 weeks ago
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'Up-yours' is covert 


name for Snowden, because he stick it up to the US Gov., so I re-named him.

9 years 41 weeks ago
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9 years 41 weeks ago
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anyways the overuse of retarded smiles that don't fit into the content is somewhat annoying

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9 years 41 weeks ago
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He is the king of useless and a master c&p wanker. He IS aggressive, posting endless cnp posts with added 'up yours' and other comments regarding negative US news or the downfall of the US; ironically while Russia demonstrates how not to manage a country. By the way ...

Hey Russia, can you say 'hyperinflation'? I hope not, but you may get there soon enough. Nice try with the interest rates. Perhaps start printing more roubles? Please? I need more macroecon articles for class discussion. 

'Tyler Durden' should pay him something.  


See 'mama China defends ruble' and 'my' Russkie find your observation useless.


You're an American, I think



9 years 41 weeks ago
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Yes China will help Russia. They will help for free! 

[Reference to zerohedge, Ty Durrrr etc etc]


9 years 39 weeks ago
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9 years 41 weeks ago
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I always just thought he was an idiot. Actually, I can never really understand what he's talking about so if he's a wumao he's not worth more than 5 cents to the party. 

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9 years 41 weeks ago
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Seems like you got your answer. Although, since it wasn't an actual engaged response to the question, it's better classified as 'reaction'.

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9 years 41 weeks ago
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I like icnif a lot. He's good natured, and almost everything he says makes no sense, which I also find endearing. His avatar cracks me up too. I've noticed you have a vendetta against this person. Why?


Expressing critical views towards the American state does not make someone a wumao. You claiming icnif is on the CCP's payroll makes about as much sense as the average icnif post. Which is to say - none.



Maybe you're missing the point.


We try to discuss something about China -- anything! -- and he'll flood almost every single post with off-topic, irrelevant, anti-American garbage; stuff many of us Americans are talking about on U.S.-based boards, and condemning our own government for.


Whenever China has a problem, their government deflects the issue by pointing to other countries that have problems, even if it's irrelevant. That's exactly what he's doing. If that isn't the definition of wumao, I don't know what is.



9 years 40 weeks ago
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You have been challenged/asked to get your real name for lawsuit against your posts. No answer! 

You are just tall and anon, aren't you? I'm not tall, and I won't move out of the stinky way you're paving here.

I'll show you 'I love my daughter.....' you scum bag! 

9 years 40 weeks ago
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He's no wumao, he's a stand up.  At least if he's not, he should be.

I don't get to laugh out loud much in my day to day activities as often as I'd like but, I'll tell yer one thing, I do when I read Icni's posts.

I reckon he's a crack up and I hope to shoot the breeze with him at some time before I split from this joint.

I don't really see the anti US stuff, just the humour, and I, for one, look forward to his posts.

I very rarely bother to open his links, or anyone else's either for that matter.



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9 years 41 weeks ago
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Is he a wu mao? Probably not. He does seem to sincerely believe the nonsense that he posts. If he's gotten people to pay him for it then more power to him I guess. That said he doesn't strike me as the type that could tie his own shoes without a little help from someone else.


Is he a troll? Yes. He comes to an expat message board specifically to annoy a particular subset of expats with whom he seems to have a problem. Nuf said..


Is he an idiot? Absolutely. But its not as if anyone takes him seriously.


As for who he is, I have two theories.

First, and I think this is the most likely, he's an Eastern European who ended up in China because he's from one of the few places in the western world that has a lower standard of living than China. Or maybe he's a Chinese national. Anyway without any real marketable skills he went into Forex trading, which is like being an ibanker for people that were dropped on their heads when they were infants. I mean, more so than ibanking is ibanking for people that were dropped on their heads as infants. It requires no real understanding of how economics and markets actually work, only the ability to spot broad trends. He reads zerohedge because at some point he read that the "real" traders read it, and that's how he likes to think of himself so he reads its too. Never mind that anyone with a cursory understand of economics takes it about as seriously as the Weekly World News. He's bought into its conspiratorial point of view, and we see that reflected in his posts here. At present he is probably taking a bath on the Ruble, but he probably keeps most of it in RMB and that's not going anywhere.


Theory two: He's a Chinese person, probably a young guy, but then maybe he's just immature, who stumbled across this forum, saw about bunch of expats bitching about China and decided to take it personally. 


Either way, I'm pretty certain of the Forex thing. The venn diagram on Forex trader stupid and incif77 has a lot of overlap.  


Your long post is telling me you're stirred? 


What did you say on 'my' Russian and 'mama China' ruble defense from 0Hedge?


Remember, my tin-foil-w/-binocs-hat

9 years 41 weeks ago
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The Zero hedge article that stated that there was a gain of 17%? It left out that it had just lost more than half it's value. Saying that the crisis is only a crisis on paper because it lost a little under half it's value instead of a llittle over half it's value is exactly the sort of magical thinking that makes ZeroHedge a rag.

9 years 41 weeks ago
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Or was it the other one? The only about the Chinese bailout. I mean, at least that one contained a tacit admission that a problem might exist. Why don't you find me an article about it printed in a reputable paper and we'll discuss it. I can wait.

9 years 41 weeks ago
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This one:


China Prepares To Bailout Russia

Earlier this evening China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange's (SAFE) Wang Yungui noted "the impact of the Russian Ruble depreciation was unclear yet, and, as Bloomberg reported, "SAFE is closely watching Ruble's depreciation and encouraging companies to hedge Ruble risks." His comments also echoed the ongoing FX reform agenda aimed at increasing Yuan flexibility which The South China Morning Post then hinted in a story entitled "Russia may seek China help to deal with crisis," which which noted that Russia could fall back on its 150 billion yuan ($24 billion) currency swap agreement with China if the ruble continues to plunge, that was signed in October. Furthermore, two bankers close to the PBOC reportedly said the swap-line was meant to reduce the role of the US dollar if China and Russia need to help each other overcome a liquidity squeezeIs 'isolated' Russia about to be bailed out by the world's largest economy China?

Western (reputable) papers don't post positive things about China-Russia. I'm not looking for 'reputable'. 'Trader must defend his/her funds'. I'm not trading. It's an habit. DD or 'look for anything you can find'.

9 years 41 weeks ago
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Zero hedge is a blog dude. And one that doesn't do it own reporting. Editorial, sure. They've got tons. Reporting? Not so much. But I'll be charitable. Try checking China daily or the Moscow times. Neither are western outlets. Both could and would report such a story. 

9 years 41 weeks ago
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9 years 40 weeks ago
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9 years 41 weeks ago
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Haha, he's ok. At least he thinks by himself.


I'm an 'merican! We went first to the moon. What's the matter with you?

9 years 41 weeks ago
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Thinks for himself, copy/pastes bullsht. Tomato to-mah-to

9 years 40 weeks ago
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Ummm..... I think you'll find that's tomato, tomayto.


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It would be incredibly easy, and incredibly effective, for U.S. television outlets to interview America’s torture victims. There is certainly no shortage of them. Groups such as the ACLUCenter for Constitutional RightsReprieve, and CAGE UK represent many of them. Many are incredibly smart and eloquent, and have spent years contemplating what happened to them and navigating the aftermath on their lives.


I’ve written previously about the transformative experience of meeting and hearing directly from the victims of the abuses by your own government. That human interaction converts an injustice from an abstraction into a deeply felt rage and disgust. That’s precisely why the U.S. media doesn’t air those stories directly from the victims themselves: because it would make it impossible to maintain the pleasing fairy tales about “who we really are.”


When I was in Canada in October, I met Maher Arar (pictured above) for the second time, went to his home, had breakfast with his wife (also pictured above) and two children. In 2002, Maher, a Canadian citizen of Syrian descent who worked as an engineer, was traveling back home to Ottawa when he was abducted by the U.S. Government at JFK Airport, heldincommunicado and interrogated for weeks, then “rendered” to Syria where the U.S. arranged to have him brutally tortured by Assad’s regime

He was kept in a coffin-like cell for 10 months and savagely tortured until even his Syrian captors were convinced that he was completely innocent. He was then uncermoniously released back to his life in Canada as though nothing had happened.


When he sued the U.S. government, subservient U.S. courts refused even to hear his case, accepting the Obama DOJ’s claim that it was too secret to safely adjudicate. 



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I smell modern day Macarthy here.

Is this information or disinformation? Who is being paid...and by who?

Is there failed agents here desperate to justify their wage?

It works both ways. How many foreign agents are "undercover" in China?

Think about it Smile


Yes, especially ones with posts against China. Remember Traveller/C.Hill? There was no positive post about China out of him. Why's that?

Probably because somebody (likes) to read what laowai say/think about China.

Sp-ulk is the same. All negative stuff about China. Beating his Chinese inlaws, having riff with triads, and last one about how 'I love my daughter, and Chinese don't...'.


So, let's comment how bad is that from Western view......

9 years 41 weeks ago
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McCarthy, you mean?


Ask anyone who knows me in real life (MissA, etc) how I think about the U.S. government's abuse of power/use of their own wumaos. I am constantly assailing them for being, "no better than China."



I laugh at both sides. angry


9 years 40 weeks ago
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Is it? We have had a lot of bad actors here in the past, and the MO was pretty similar to icnif77's. Remember Numbers, or Snowball? Those guys were huge dickbags who came here for no other reason than to rile up expats. The only difference between them and icnif77 is that most of what icnif77 writes happens to be half inflammatory bullshit and half clown shoes.

9 years 40 weeks ago
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Yup, Hulk, I mean McCarthy.


I can pick up from your postings here that you are pretty much anti-establishment.


I laugh at both sides too. But there is a serious issue here in that the games both sides play do have a serious effect on ordinary people.  And I say it is games they play.


In the news today:  Obama wants to end the cold war with Cuba. Other American politicians say they will block it. Why I ask. Why do they want to block the end of a cold war that separates families and prevents trade.  I mean, really, what right does the US Government have to forbid it's own citizens (who voted them in) from traveling to another country?


On the other hand, Sony have pulled a movie because of threats from the nasty people of NK.  So now people are in fear of their lives because some other country does not like the theme of a movie they made.


It's nonsense. Both sides are as bad as each other.


And personally, I don't really believe anything either side say any more.


Another thought. Whatever happened to the Canadian couple who were arrested on spying charges.  It was big news at the time but nothing new can be found regarding their fate. I reckon they are innocent pawns in "the game".



9 years 40 weeks ago
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You aren't an American so I'm going to cut you a little bit of slack here but...


"Why I ask. Why do they want to block the end of a cold war that separates families and prevents trade.  I mean, really, what right does the US Government have to forbid it's own citizens (who voted them in) from traveling to another country?"


The reason actually has to do with electoral politics, and an assumption that you made about the families of those separated by the embargo, rather than some shadowy political machinations. Its nearly impossible to win a national election without Florida. Its nearly impossible to win Florida without winning the counties surrounding Orlando, Tampa and Miami. You can't win that without the Cuban vote (or Venezualan vote--that one is a little more complicated). Most of those Cubans are refugees, the children of refugees, and the Grandchildren of refugees and they do not want to see the Cuban government be given any measure of legitimacy. In fact, the guy trying to stop the president, a guy named Ted Cruz, is himself the son of a Cuban refugee.

9 years 40 weeks ago
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i ve only ever met one chinese who could write to to a near native standard. i ve known plenty who can speak it fluently but in writing it is usually obvious who's first language is english. i think he's a native english speaker so he can't be a wumao.


some of his answers have been quite helpful. i think he s filling a void in his life with anti americanism much like conspiracy theorist nutters.




Icnif a native speaker? Are you drunk?

9 years 41 weeks ago
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I think we know where this should be going. Here is the "write a post in the style of icnif77" thread. Best impression wins.



I write language is like twin teach each other...frown


No one understand and I is like look clown....but at least I'm not American or I am maybe Also, here article is...


Janet Yellen Eats Babies, Doesn't Want You to BUY GOLD!?

Tyler Durden's picture


                          Or better copy paste large sections of that article

                          but be sure to use bold liberally.



Something about torture angry.. 'P' .what 'up yours' Obama American ...

9 years 40 weeks ago
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hahaha pretty good!

9 years 40 weeks ago
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They closed that garbage of thread of your and spulk, so here's my comment: We live in China, but Americans are 'standing in the shithole with the shit line below their chin, and Spulk is telling 'how come other people don't wipe their asses'. Why 's that? 

Americans are no better than Nazis! Think about that while you're looking yourself in the mirror.

Change that, you scum!

Here is another one, you American dirt:









9 years 40 weeks ago
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Chaplain rules. 2nd place.

9 years 40 weeks ago
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I would do anything to prop US Economy! Too! However, I cannot be proud as an American Native speaker. I'll get fresh chewing gum, instead.


Previously-leaked documents showed that the CIA warned Obama that funding rebels doesn’t work … but Obama decided to fund the Syrian rebels anyway for cynical political gain.

Top CIA officers say that drone strikes increase terrorism (and see this). Indeed, virtually all aspects of the American “war on terror” strategy creates more terrorists and weakens our national security. And see this.

Now, a leaked internal CIA memo shows that the Agency told Obama that drone strikes might be counter-productive.  The Sydney Morning Herald reports today:


According to a leaked document by the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence, “high value targeting” (HVT) involving air strikes and special forces operations against insurgent leaders can be effective, but can also have negative effects including increasing violence and greater popular support for extremist groups.


The leaked document is classified secret and “NoForn” (meaning not to be distributed to non-US nationals) and reviews attacks by the United States and other countries engaged in counter-insurgency operations over the past 50 years.




The 2009 CIA study lends support to critics of US drone strikes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen by warning that such operations “may increase support for the insurgents, particularly if these strikes enhance insurgent leaders’ lore, if non-combatants are killed in the attacks, if legitimate or semi-legitimate politicians aligned with the insurgents are targeted, or if the government is already seen as overly repressive or violent”.


9 years 40 weeks ago
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Zhi bu dao

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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77