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Q: If I come to China, would I be stared at for being a lesbian?

I don't live in China, but one of my best friends lives in Beijing. I want to come with my girlfriend to visit him, but I'm just afraid of people's reactions in the streets. I've never been to China before, so I'm already anticipating loads of people...

But...I'm a lesbian. I don't know how homosexuality is tolerated over there, but I'm an expressive girl, and I want to be able to hug and kiss my girlfriend in the street without being gaped at by hordes of strangers...

It's pretty much going to be a deciding factor in whether or not I go. I want to visit my friend, but I don't want to spend my vacation being ogled at for being gay.

13 years 7 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Is your girlfriend a Westerner, Omnon? If she is, then people are bound to stare at her anyway, who means also you, indirectly. But don't refrain yourself just because of small details, live free and do what you wanna do, girl!

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Well, if u girls kiss on the street surely everyone will staring at you, and in fact even it‘s like a normal couple, a man and a woman, if they kiss in public will also get all that staring. Otherwise will be ok, holding hands, flirt with each other.

Don't worry about it, why do u care if people will stare at u? It's none of their business.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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fuck, fucker, fucking Admin won't let me delete my posts now the Admin can delete them for me... Wink Laughing out loud

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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just do it if you want kiss you GF in china. why you care about. it it a really hard, but if you always think about this way. it will never happened
Go your own way, let others talk

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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If you hold hands on the street it will just look normal in China. Girls do it all the time.

If you are frenching your gf on the subway train... well that's a different story...

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Here's a novel idea: Keep it in your pants and then there is nothing to worry about. This isn't a matter of rights or freedom of expression, but one of class. That goes for anyone, straight, lesbian, gay, whatever.

I don't care if it's your boyfriend, girlfriend, Thai lady-boy, whatever you are into. Amazingly, some people don't want to watch two people dry hump when they're going out for groceries or having dinner. That's why we have internet access.

I hope you realize how ridiculous your question is... "I could go and see a different country and have a unique experience, but I'm not sure if I should do it if I can't muff dive my girlfriend in Tiananmen Square."

Look, if you hold hands, hug, and hang on each other a bit, it's no problem. This behavior is extremely common between friends of both sexes in China, and no one cares. Kiss on the cheek, no one will bat an eyelash. Sticking your tongue down her throat and full on making out will get you stared at and a video put on Youku.

But on an even more serious note, keep in mind that it is a different culture, so showing some reservation while in public is a good idea. Everyone knows sex happens in China (there's only like a billion Chinese that came from somewhere) but it's not as "in your face" as it is in the West. You need to take that into account. Most people don't talk about it, let alone show off in public here (even PDAs with straight people), so just accept that as a condition of the trip.

I really don't see this as a big deal unless showing off to strangers that you are a lesbian is a driving force in your life.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Excuse my answer, I live in Canada and homosexuality is accepted here. I do have gay friends. But I would stare at you for 1: being pretty, I'm a man who enjoys girl watching, 2: really stare if you were making out, then again see reason #1.
Homosexuality is natural,but not neccessarily accepted or understood, even here. I'd be yourself but not overly affectionate in public. There are some people that won't care and some that think it strange, some that think it kinky.
So if you are worried about what others think or will react to , why would you give them any reason.?
I'm straight and very affectionate ( not the word I would normally use) but I won't make overt public displays. Do what I intend to do, put the sign on the door and use room service.
Finally why do all the women have such great looking pics? Are they all fakes? Cool Cool

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Omnon, bottom line is your safety. Act and dress conservatively.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Dear God you guys take things to the extreme...

no, I wouldn't dry hump my girlfriend or stick my tongue down her throat...I don't do that back home, and I certainly wouldn't do it over there.

But I do often like to hug my girlfriend in the street and kiss her.


I lul'd my socks off.

12 years 33 weeks ago
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13 years 7 weeks ago
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fuck, fucker, fucking Admin won't let me delete my posts now the Admin can delete them for me... Wink Laughing out loud

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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You'll be fine

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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Homosexuality is actually more accepted here than people give credit for. You can hug and kiss your girlfriend in public as long as the kissing is lined on a quick peck on the lips or cheeks.

I for one will stare anyone down to the ground if I see them making out in public, no matter what reference they have because I do not think it's appropriate.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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As Diaphane just said, it's quite common here for women to hold hands in public, not just lesbians, but also just female friends, so you'll be inconspicuous in the crowd!

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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I can't believe I am gonna respond to this but here goes...........You see lesbians everywhere? What skill do you possess my lord, where lesbians are obvious at your glance? You truly are a visionary, please tell us your secret. What land do you reside in.... Lesbia?


Usually when you see two ladies engaged in a lip-lock, it can be a clue as to their orientation.:-P

12 years 33 weeks ago
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actually not true because as many chinese believe and have told me, there is no homosexuality in china. haha and i should know this my best friend here is a lesbian.

12 years 33 weeks ago
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You are right Crimo, I keep forgetting....

12 years 32 weeks ago
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12 years 33 weeks ago
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Have you been to Shanghai?  That statement is almost true.  Lesbians everywhere.  How can I tell?  I'm sitting in the Hershey's coffee shop and they are kissing and groping on the sofa across from me.  Not uncommon behaviour in Shanghai.  I don't know about Beijing.  I don't live in Shanghai, I just go there every few months to refill my chocolate stash and I've seen enough of them.

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12 years 33 weeks ago
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Sure, it's always a pleasant sight to see lesbians kissing. But just like anywhere else, you don't have to be extravagant about being homosexual.

When it comes to homosexuality, Beijing has been really opening up those past few years, and people are starting to become tolerant, to the point that men eventually hold hands in the street, or lesbians kiss in public in less crowded areas (again, always pleasant). But, because it is part of their culture, going beyond hand holding and hugging in public is generally frowned upon.

If you go visit historical/tourist places such as Tian an men, the Forbidden City, etc etc, show respect towards their culture, and keep it at home. This also applies to straight couples, I find it disrespectful to french it out in a historical and cultural place.
On the other hand, if you go to night clubs and bars, or out any place where children and old people aren't present, knock yourself out! People in bars and clubs are usually more modern, the guys will watch with envy, and the ladies... will, too.

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12 years 32 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77