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Q: I'm from india, Can i apply for job in china related to Cyber Security?

I'm looking for Cyber Security jobs in china I can also teach Cyber Security to students in china I used to teach many students in India,

1 year 25 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Yes you can - and you don't need anyone's permission to do so. if you are in 'cyber security' as you claim and are looking for a job, i suspect you know what a 'search engine'


search in the Jobs section.

(you are able to do this much at least are you?)




oh yes, thanks for your response I actually searched about cyber security or IT-based jobs in china and the results show nothing that's why I asked for it if you can help me I will appreciate your response regarding that...

1 year 25 weeks ago
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if a search online does not come up with any results, there are probably no jobs for non-Chinese in this area.


China has no need to hire externally, probably having thousands local like you already looking for similar jobs.(and already fluent in Chinese)


in case you have not heard, there is somewhat of an unemployment problem in China at the moment.

Ubless you are currenlty employed by a non-Chinese company who require such as you based in China, your chances of getting a job in China are close to zero.



1 year 25 weeks ago
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1 year 25 weeks ago
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Yes you can - and you don't need anyone's permission to do so. if you are in 'cyber security' as you claim and are looking for a job, i suspect you know what a 'search engine'


search in the Jobs section.

(you are able to do this much at least are you?)




oh yes, thanks for your response I actually searched about cyber security or IT-based jobs in china and the results show nothing that's why I asked for it if you can help me I will appreciate your response regarding that...

1 year 25 weeks ago
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if a search online does not come up with any results, there are probably no jobs for non-Chinese in this area.


China has no need to hire externally, probably having thousands local like you already looking for similar jobs.(and already fluent in Chinese)


in case you have not heard, there is somewhat of an unemployment problem in China at the moment.

Ubless you are currenlty employed by a non-Chinese company who require such as you based in China, your chances of getting a job in China are close to zero.



1 year 25 weeks ago
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1 year 25 weeks ago
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if you are in any way sensitive or take offence at the slightest comment, China is not the place for you.


FYI the level of racism against Africans and Indians (and to a lesser extent Caucasians) in China is not something that everyone can tolerate.


I say this as freindly advice and suggest you consider working in another country.


I worked in China for a foreign company but this did not prevent me or my other foreign colleagues being subject to racist behaviour.

I laughed it off, but not everyone can tolerate it.


I suggest you consider other countries than China, but keep in mind that your area is not in demand in many places.


well there's a long story behind it, I have a gf from china she wants me to work in china until she graduates I don't want to work in China I respect your suggestion I know the relationship between China and India isn't good so many Chinese hates Indians but I can tolerate if I found works in china I just want to do it for my gf and let her out of china after she graduates.

1 year 25 weeks ago
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i think you gf underestimates the opportunities for foreign workers at the moment.

I would also doubt you could even manage to get a job in the same city let alone province as your gf and save money.


do not be pressured into accepting a job on a Tourist Visa - this is illegal.


Salaries in China are very low.

I worked for a foreign company in China and they were able to smooth the problems of living and working in China.

so i was on a foreign salary - which was much higher had I travelled on my own.


to reiterate, few Chinese people realise or understand the reality of moving to China to live and work, and being emotionally blackmailed by a gf is not a good idea if your intention is to build a career.

1 year 25 weeks ago
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1 year 25 weeks ago
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I'd say, Cyber security job is no different than being a member of the Bank's Security detail, cop or lieutenant at the Army Corps ... laugh


I am sure, foreigners can apply for such jobs in India with ease ... broken heart.


... butT ...

.. only in case, they have a GF from any of the Indian territorial divisions. 

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1 year 25 weeks ago
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