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Q: Is it easy to get a Chinese girlfriend?

13 years 14 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Chinese girls like to see a nice bulge in a mans pants.This gets them so hot. Not from the front like most women. Chinese women like to see the bulge in your right rear pocket. Yes Chinese women go crazy looking at mens butts with a big bulge in the right rear pocket. The thought of a nice thick hard wallet full of crisp bills just drives most Chinese women crazy. Do pad that wallet with what ever you have. Good place to keep the tissues you need for washrooms. Whatever you got just pad the wallet. It's only fair, they pad the bras.


That shit sounds about right from what I've heard!  Be prepared to dish out an IPAD, computer, or a new Iphone 5.  Your gonna go broke on most of these ho's so its best to fook em an leave em!

12 years 1 day ago
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seems you really had bad luck,so many nice women in china,only you met gold diggers? you know we have an old saying in china --"Like attracts like birds of a feather flock together",what kind of women you met depends on your taste or your atitude,good luck,pal

12 years 9 hours ago
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never met gold diggers, take what I say with saracsm

12 years 7 hours ago
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I have never seen so many training bras until I came to China.

But they have the best legs ever.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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12 years 42 weeks ago
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That sounds a bit 'rapey'.... if by that you mean 'Is it easy to get a Chinese girl to sleep with you?', then the answer is yes, no matter where they're from. You just need to do one simple thing:

Look deeply into her eyes, smile, and say "我们有缘分" ('Wŏmen yŏu yuánfèn')

Something like 'Destiny has brought our hearts together'... They love that soppy shit.

It works EVERY time Wink


you sure they believed that?or they know what you are playing just dont want to embarrass you? too much ego,huh?

12 years 8 hours ago
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13 years 14 weeks ago
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Ludovico, u pissed 0198503203 off~
It might work for you everytime, but Nickwatson asked about girlfriend, and I think you don't see every chinese girl you slept with as girlfriend, do u?

It's easy to get a chinese girl if you just want to get laid, one night happends everyday, more on week end. And I do agree with 0198503203, western culture devides sex and love very clear, but most chinese don't think that way.

Nickwatson, if you are serious and show your true heart, it's alwasy not that hard to get a really nice chinese gf, and if you just want to sleep with chinese girl, it's much easier, go to the bar~

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13 years 14 weeks ago
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A lot of foreign girlfriends I meet wonder how Chinese girlfriends have such doting boyfriends. They wonder about the dynamics of these relationships that produce boyfriends who are attentive, adoring, and even willing to do all household chores. Often, these foreign girlfriends wonder whether they will be able to have such boyfriends too. Well, I can tell you that anyone can be a Chinese girlfriend, if you are able to enforce some basic rules. Here are some of the things my boyfriend is required to do:

The boyfriend's badge of honor.

carry my purse in public
not complain about carrying my purse in public
text me his coordinates every hour outside of school/work hours
spend the weekend with me (except in special circumstances)
befriend only married female classmates/colleagues
cook exquisite meals
buy me a thoughtful present every month
coax me into forgiving him when he makes a mistake

I’m using the term “Chinese girlfriend/s” loosely. What I mean by this term is, certain Chinese girls living in Shanghai. What I really mean by this term is, ME, so don’t get your panties all in a twist. I just like the idea that I represent an entire population because I have the best boyfriend in the world. Just take “Chinese girlfriend/s” as “girls who act like I do.” I also use the term “foreign girlfriend/s” loosely. It just refers to “girls who don’t act like I do, because they are from a different culture, so are less likely to know how to act like I do without these specific instructions.”

When foreign girlfriends think they have their boyfriends under control, they have no idea what control really means. For example, my foreign friend who thinks she is rather strict with her boyfriend (who lives in nearby Hangzhou) requires that he calls her for at least 15 minutes every night before bed so they can catch up and tell each other about everything going on in their lives. He must also come visit her in Shanghai at least once a month. My response: Are you kidding me?! When my boyfriend went to Nanjing on a six-month internship, I required the following:

a phone call in the mornings before work
a text during lunch breaks
a text when leaving work
a 1,000-character email in the evenings, emoticons not counted
a phone call before bed to tell me anything he may have left out
visits every weekend, except in exceptional circumstances (such as company events on Saturday, in which case I went to visit him)

Foreign girlfriends are extremely obsessed with giving their boyfriends enough “space.” In my own small-scale study, a comparison of my 8 foreign girlfriend colleagues and 10 Chinese girlfriend colleagues, 99% of the foreign girlfriends said giving their boyfriends lots of freedom and “breathing room” was important for a healthy relationship. By contrast, 0% of the Chinese girlfriends felt the same way. Instead, all these Chinese girlfriends argued that allowing some distance and so-called “freedom” for themselves and their boyfriends meant they were not committed to the relationship, and that their failure to put tight leashes on their partners meant it would be their fault if the men strayed.

What Chinese girlfriends understand is that for any relationship to succeed, you must throw yourself 100% into it. Sometimes, that 100% seems like clinginess, insecurity, and neediness to foreigners, but it is actually good for Chinese men’s psyches. An attentive and demanding girlfriend is a girlfriend who cares. Chinese girlfriends ask for 100% but also give 100% back. I am willing to do things that many foreign women find uncomfortable, such as pluck my boyfriend’s unibrow in public, do his homework, throw tantrums in public. But all this is for my man’s confidence, even the tantrums; it shows that he means the world to a beautiful Chinese girl. He is an all-important man capable of provoking female passions.

Unlike many foreign girlfriends who give up hope and break up with their boyfriends when the inevitable disagreements happen, Chinese girlfriends see arguments as positive occurrences that continuously develop the relationship. But our way of showing displeasure is unique. Foreign couples are vocal, which leads to more problems when neither partner is willing to concede defeat. An argument with a Chinese girlfriend, on the other hand, goes like this:

Chinese girlfriend (CG): How dare you!
Boyfriend (B): Huh?
CG: Not talking to you! Hurt my feelings!
B: Baby, what did I do wrong?
CG: [No reply, turns her back to him.]
B: Baby, I’m so sorry…
CG: [A delicate tear falls down her cheek, followed by a sob.]
B: Please forgive me, I’ll never hurt you again.
CG: [Turns her teary face to him with a forgiving smile.]
B: I love you! [Wraps his arms around her.]

Now, in the above situation, the Chinese girlfriend is able to make it known to her boyfriend that he has done something to upset her, but she does not make him lose face by explaining exactly what it is he has done wrong. That he understands he was wrong is enough. Then, she gives him the chance to hōng 哄 her, or coax her into forgiving him. This way, she gives him the fun of a challenge, confidence in his coaxing abilities, and the pleasure of a successful re-wooing.

Chinese girlfriends can get away with things that foreign girlfriends can’t. Foreign girlfriends call their boyfriends by sweet endearments — “Honey,” “sweetheart,” “darling,” that sort of thing. But for Chinese girlfriends, the real sign of affection is in insult. The top three things I call my boyfriend:

1. 猪头 Zhū tóu, meaning “pig head,” “moron.” Very popular among young Chinese.
2. 阿呆 Ādāi, meaning “dummy.” Comparable to foreign habit of affectionately and occasionally referring to your little brother as dummy. Except, you know, I use it for my boyfriend, constantly.
3. 窝囊废 Wōnángfèi, meaning “good-for-nothing,” “loser.”

When I told a foreign colleague that I liked calling my boyfriend these things, she looked really upset, like she wanted to cry or something. She actually had to leave the office, take the rest of the day off. What an Ādāi herself! But it was okay; the next day, she was back at work, and brought along this book about real Chinese words used by Chinese people, called Niubi! by one Eveline Chao. My colleague had highlighted this passage, which she said helped her understand my flippant meanness:

…Chinese people, perhaps as a result of their collective thick skin, tend to demonstrate affection by being mean. Or rather, they speak frankly to each other in a way that, for them, indicates a level of familiarity that only a close relationship can have. But, to outside observers, it resembles, at best, a sort of constant, low-level stream of verbal abuse. For a young Chinese woman, there is no better way to express love for her boyfriend than by whacking him with her purse while telling him he’s horrible.

Wow, I thought when I read this. I whacked my boyfriend while telling him he was horrible last week. It’s been too long; I must remember to do it again today.

Chinese girlfriends can order their boyfriends to pay attention to them. Foreign girlfriends can only hope that their charming qualities, patience and understanding will instill such devotion. They have to tip-toe around their own wants, needs and longings and try to persuade themselves that they are modern women who don’t need a “suffocating” male presence in their lives and that they don’t have the time to “smother” anyone either.

Foreign girlfriends care too much about respecting their boyfriends’ individuality. By contrast, Chinese girlfriends believe that the best way to nurture a relationship is by stripping their boyfriends of individuality, so that existence as a couple – complete with its many rules and expectations — is the only existence these men will know, and be able to survive in.



Now that's some scary shit! "shudder"

12 years 45 weeks ago
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Wow, you are a scary woman (china business)! I would never dream of doing that to my boyfriend. I am a western woman with a Chinese boyfriend (he was born and raised in the west of china) and with half of the crap you said, he would not consider dating someone like you. First I would like to point out that not all Chinese woman and men are like what you said. We have a lot of friends who are married (both Chinese) who respect each and support each other. They give each other space to pursue their own interest and never belittle each other and their relationship is great. I would never do that to my boyfriend because he is not a child, he is a man. I show him respect and support and he does the same thing for me and our relationship is great. A man will stay with the woman he loves, as long as she can show him respect and love and he would do the same. A woman should never have to make her man feel insignificant or worthless. A true woman knows how to keep her man by not having to act like a child! You are very immature to act that way and if you do keep on acting that way, you will never have a fulfilling relationship because what kind of man would want to be with a woman who calls him useless. It’s time for you to grow up and act like a woman, not a little girl!

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Actually the behavior of many chinese women is called 'pathalogical narcissim' and you can find plenty of accounts of it online and other places. It's the result of women never being good enough so they react by craving and denying acceptance at the same time.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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I like that this is sourced. Very academic.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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so basically your the second tiger mom mother of the chinese guy, reminds me of the song from mash, suicide is painless, really really painless.

11 years 21 weeks ago
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a thumb up from me ;)

11 years 20 weeks ago
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This post is brilliant. Totally tongue-in-cheek and dripping with sarcasm, yet predictably most didn't get it. 

I love how you put down the Chinese girls' infantile behavior and exalted Western women's approach to relationships. Thumbs up from me. 

11 years 19 weeks ago
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13 years 14 weeks ago
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Easy? Yes.
Will it last? Depends on the size of your wallet, her parents, and how old she is... but mostly your wallet.


I should to say SciFiBri you know little about Chinese girls. I think what kind of girls you met in China. Mostly should be the girls in bars. 

11 years 15 weeks ago
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13 years 14 weeks ago
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its easy to get a chinese girlfren(and a wife too) if you have money..
just take them for dinners and wine ,they are yours (not only body their soul too).
because chinese girls think money and comfort first ..haven't your heard girls from top universities like beijing univ,shanghai univ are ready to be mistress of wealthy old guys ..


why they reported that those girls are ready to be mistress? cos thats rare,dont judge all chinese girl by that! this is just unfair to us

12 years 9 hours ago
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13 years 13 weeks ago
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Yes it is

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13 years 13 weeks ago
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The more money you have the easier it is.

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13 years 12 weeks ago
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walk outside.... wait,

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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Chinese business, what are you talking about?

All I see from Chinese relationships is abusive men yelling at their girls in public or the girls stomping their feet like children.

Grow up, all of you and act like adult.s

In western relationships BOTH sides share an equal burden in relationships. And both sides don't aim to control the other person and both sides are honest and forthright. You Chinese play games like little Children in school. THAT'S the real reason foreign chicks won't date Chinese men, you act like children.

Foreign guys will deal with it cause we just wanna get laid.

As for the question, yes, very easy. JUst don't play their games. There's cool Chinese girls out there, learn how to sniff them out.

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13 years 5 weeks ago
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If you're handsome with no money you can get a girlfriend. If you're ugly with lots of money you can get a girlfriend. If you're ugly and have no money then go to the countryside and find a girl who's too naive to know.


Damn!!! That's too funny and sooooo true!!! You should quote that.

12 years 50 weeks ago
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So THAT is where I saw it!! I think this has to be the best quote on this site so far!

12 years 42 weeks ago
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13 years 3 weeks ago
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there is a girl here who will be all over you if you buy her an Ipad, forgot her name though so you need to search for her.

it's relatively easy to get a Chinese girl to go out with you and be your girlfriend. Just find one that catch your eye and tell her you have good background and money, she's yours.

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13 years 3 weeks ago
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Just bring out the cash, the couture clothes, the gold mastercard and you'll be fine!

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12 years 45 weeks ago

"What goes around, comes around"

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Finding a Chinese girlfriend is not that difficult as very often Chinese girls try to find their Mr. Right, and they try hard to get it and stay with it.
However, not every Chinese girlfriend you get may be the right one for you. It very depends on what you're looking for in a Chinese girlfriend : love, attention, friendliness (they do have it), but also think about the future with your Chinese girlfriend and what you would expect from her as a wife or as the mother of your child. There your expectations will be very different and the "easiness" you're looking for may be not the best "characteristic" you would expect.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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is it easy for me to get chinese girlfriend. i think the girls love me. they think i am cute and funny. whenever i say something to them they *giggle* and *laugh* at me. even when i dance they want dance wit me. i ask them a funny question and they give me a funny answer. for me it is easy to get a chinese girlfriend. 
if you can make chinese girl laugh. you have no problem. you see.

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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As I said in another thread:
Short term: Any barbershop open after 11 pm, with pink lights and leggy ladies sitting on a couch.
Long term: Ask your friends to introduce someone to you.
You can also make it a point to go to every and all English corners in your city.wink

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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Chinese girls like to see a nice bulge in a mans pants.This gets them so hot. Not from the front like most women. Chinese women like to see the bulge in your right rear pocket. Yes Chinese women go crazy looking at mens butts with a big bulge in the right rear pocket. The thought of a nice thick hard wallet full of crisp bills just drives most Chinese women crazy. Do pad that wallet with what ever you have. Good place to keep the tissues you need for washrooms. Whatever you got just pad the wallet. It's only fair, they pad the bras.


That shit sounds about right from what I've heard!  Be prepared to dish out an IPAD, computer, or a new Iphone 5.  Your gonna go broke on most of these ho's so its best to fook em an leave em!

12 years 1 day ago
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seems you really had bad luck,so many nice women in china,only you met gold diggers? you know we have an old saying in china --"Like attracts like birds of a feather flock together",what kind of women you met depends on your taste or your atitude,good luck,pal

12 years 9 hours ago
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never met gold diggers, take what I say with saracsm

12 years 7 hours ago
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I have never seen so many training bras until I came to China.

But they have the best legs ever.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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12 years 42 weeks ago
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i have learned how to flirt with white guys.just tell them how much i admire them tell them i want to get married will stalk them until die.i would see how vanity and arragant they act. then kick their fat ass,

so many white jeckass in china.god bless chinese.


wow checkmate

12 years 21 weeks ago
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Wouldn't that be, "Mao bless China?" Just asking...

12 years 1 day ago
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I would look you right in your fish face and say not interested

11 years 21 weeks ago
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12 years 21 weeks ago
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Yeah mam, it depends what you are looking for. If you want a nice homely longterm girlfriend that ultimately wants to be your wife and look after you , you can find them, no problem. Ususlay they are very simple country girls. you can find them in companies or factories. If you look in bars, clubs etc then you will probably find a much better looking girl that takes alot more time on her apperance, but be prepared to make it worth their while. Ultimately life for girls in china is hard, and they are looking for security for the future, they will get it in different ways.


There is a general rule though, if you want quick and easy access inside their pants, your most useful weapon is a new ipad/iphone!!wink


If you just want to get a girl sleep one night with you. yes, it is easy to get. your wallet may help you. It is accessible all over the world. not only in China. However, if you want to find a girl to be your wife. wallet is weak weapon. We Chinese girls work by ourselves, we have our work. we have our salary by our diligent work.  All depends on whom and where you meet!!!

11 years 15 weeks ago
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12 years 21 weeks ago
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You must be kidding me . i am a chinese girl but you have no idea to know what we are thinking. Most of us want true love . NOT money .  Whatever you think .. Just don't judge us like this .


Wow. Your English is pretty good, based on this comment! laugh

12 years 1 day ago
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LOL Chinese girls don't want money / IPAD / Iphone!!!  Haha, almost fooled me there!

12 years 1 day ago
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I am a chinese gal, I have been to many cities,now I am in Shanghai,most chinese girls are gross,poor men,no way to get them.

12 years 1 day ago
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yeah,i think chinese girls are smart and independent enough to make money by ourself,who needs their money? if the man is deserve true love ,i dont care he is homeless guy or born with gold spoon

12 years 9 hours ago
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well said Kristen u tell em ;)

11 years 20 weeks ago
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Hello KristenSwan I agree with you. I have a Chinese Girlfriend. She needed a great deal of time in us communicating together before she told she misses me.

I think each woman is a individual. She has informed her parents that she has selected me to have a relationship with. She is a Music teacher & intelligent. 43 years old & Very beautiful & also a Buddhist. Chinese men are after her all the time. Money is of no interest to her. All  she wants is a simple happy life with the man she loves. She is romantic & gets emotional easily. I think she is a bit innocent than a western woman. A divorced woman with one child. No other men sexually since her ex husband, She left him because all he was interested in was work & making money. Had no interest in keeping her happy. I think this has put her off of being with a Chinese man again. The important thing is that we have a great deal in common & I make her laugh.I am aware it is the woman that decides if you are the right man for her. I have given her time to decide.

7 years 41 weeks ago
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12 years 1 day ago
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If you post the topic limited to this forum, the obvious result will be yes. Some of Chinese girls just want foreign boy friends, or sugar daddy. But it's not truth if you make a deep research. On the other hand, you can  easily get a girlfriend if you are excellent enough, faithful enough.

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12 years 1 day ago
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if your are famous and have no cash,they are yours,but only for a short time, if u have cash and you are intelligent plus your English is great,then u are just the winner. I am popular in China, am all over TVs,newspapers and internet. the reason is simple, my surname is Obama and it's my Chinese name so all Chinese,rich,average and poor are all around me seeking for my attention towards them but i just don't see them because am looking for true love and its difficult to find in most Chinese girls, but in therms of friendship, they can actually give you the best of what you want. just baidu 南农奥巴马 and you will find what am talking about my popularity here. it takes long time to find a real true loving and caring one who does not care about your skin color and where you come from, so just be patient and carefully selective and u going to find the ideal one for  you, good luck


You sound like a real catch Obama :)

11 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 1 day ago
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very easy if you're only requirements are they're chinese.   if you want a real girlfriend who's not after you money or just with you cos your foreign then it might not be so easy

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12 years 1 day ago
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It's not easy,as xunliang said.It depends on what kind of chinese girl you are looking for.

Be careful and good luck:)


Learn to read, that's exactly what I said.

12 years 9 hours ago
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Sharks are eveywhere;)It takes a lot of guts to pick one up.Relationship is like a angel,so pure.

12 years 7 hours ago
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12 years 1 day ago
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Within in 2 min but for sex sometimes ages hehehehe

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12 years 2 hours ago
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